Can't commit right now but flirting anyway.

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by BranchingOut, Aug 24, 2023.

  1. BranchingOut

    BranchingOut Fapstronaut

    Need to not start something I can't finish. Need to stop flirting with the ladies I can't commit to right now. I've been talking to this girl with kids (and an unestablished marriage situation from what little I know) and I don't think I should continue sending a check I can't cash. I had to step back because I think she's getting interested but I'm not really ready for such a commitment and I'm trying to build my cash. Yeah, I don't want to lead her on and disappoint her... So I decided to not pursue it and treat her more like a co worker. What do you guys think?
  2. Newwaters22

    Newwaters22 Fapstronaut

    I think it's very mature to step back and also insightful to realize she may not be the best for you right now considering she's married and has kids. It's a lot of drama, stress and pain. Be kind to yourself and find someone who is as available as you are and willing to put the same amount of effort. Being the second dude is not a feeling you want to feel. Definetly keep her as a co-worker and move on to better horizon.
  3. BranchingOut

    BranchingOut Fapstronaut

    Yeah thats probably the truth. I don't want to get into that kind of stress and deliver that kind of pain with a sword. I need to take care of my own shit first, my bittersweet relationship with the world. I lost all of my friends and that's left me with a void with self resentment at times but I'm trying to be at peace with it but idk if I could show that kind of love to another human being atm. So I'll just sit back and try to focus on being happy by myself, with what I got.
  4. yea, if you are having doubts about her... then I'd say don't pursue her romantically anymore. maybe if she didn't have kids and you were on the fence about it... but if she has kids AND you are not sure, then I would stop trying with her altogether
  5. BranchingOut

    BranchingOut Fapstronaut

    Yeah it's no a big deal to me anymore. I don't need it anyway. I'll just find someone else when I'm ready to build something like that but not now. I got to let the past go too I get my moments when it comes up but I gotta let it go. But yeah. Ill get some tail later
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  6. Yea, there are millions of girls in the world, they are everywhere
  7. BranchingOut

    BranchingOut Fapstronaut

    Yeah I know lol. Most dudes say "Oh, she was the only one for me " meanwhile theres tons of women that are all sexy in their own way. Almost all of them have tna there are tons of them you just got to pick your flavor of the week
  8. For sure, yea true. Especially on NoFap - by not watching porn or masturbating - girls seem even more sexier than usual and there is a lot of them
  9. BranchingOut

    BranchingOut Fapstronaut

    Yea I wish more dudes on NoFap could know that. Alot of the times the same lines and concepts work on different women depending on the context of the situation and how you say it. Yeah porn is very bad if you fap compulsively, because it DOES take you out of the reality of the situation with women. But that also works in a porn addicts favor because if you do stop fapping and get your shit together, in the digital age, you don't have that much male competition because EVERYONE is anti social and nobody talks to each other like that anymore
    Thor God of Thunder and 500 like this.