Been relapsing for a week... Declared war upon my old self

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Mr.NoFapster, May 6, 2015.

  1. Mr.NoFapster

    Mr.NoFapster Fapstronaut

    So since my first relapse about a week ago I tried to get back on track and failed miserably. I didn't watch P at first, just MO'd, but then it got worse and I PMO'd. Ive been PMOing for about 3 days till yesterday.
    I felt like shit. I felt guilty when talking to girls, I didn't know what to do (should I study or watch a movie or smtng... I couldn't do shit)...
    And yesterday I PMO'd too. Then after I took a shower (cold one) I looked myself in the mirror and said to myself:"you're a dead man! I'll destroy you! Im better than you! I can be a better man for her (im trying to be the best for a girl I really love, so I could ask her out and all that...)! I declare war upon you!"
    And so I declared war upon my older (or previous which ever u prefer) self.
    I'm going to beat the living shit out of this addiction!

    Also what happened to me... I have the relapse prevention tool app and sometimes when u click "emergency " reddit shows up.
    I got an urge and I typed in there (search bar) "NSFW" "hentai" and so on... The app turned from a blessing into a curse! I used the NoFap app to fap! Sick irony! Please guys be careful even on nofap and the app! The temptation will try too find a way for you to fall wherever you are!
    Be careful!

    Stay strong, brethren!
    jontib300 likes this.
  2. jontib300

    jontib300 Fapstronaut

    Hello Mr. NoFapster . I'm kinda in the same situation as you. Today I relapsed. And this is my second time in a row. So when my dad comes home, I want to tell him to cut off the wireless connection because I I have easy access to his net-book. Thanks for your post. It really helped. *Bro-fist* :)
    Mr.NoFapster likes this.
  3. Mr.NoFapster

    Mr.NoFapster Fapstronaut

    Hey man, keep strong! I'm battling some urges now, but.I'm keeping it together...
    *brofist* :)
    I hope u succeed
  4. Z Dog

    Z Dog Fapstronaut

    I relapsed a few days ago after I got past my 90 day mark. I got some strong urges late at night that i wasn't expecting. Couldn't get the thoughts out of my head and I eventually caved.

    I haven't looked at P yet though.

    I'm a little worried that the addiction might be back in charge again though and it is just a matter of time.

    I feel like the relapse has changed my brain chemistry. I can feel the difference- its like I'm hung over from the dopamine surge and the cravings are back strong again. The only difference is porn stuff isn't as prominent: it is just the urge to have sex.

    But when I 'M', there is the inevitable amount of fantasy.

    F&ck this addiction is strong.

    Mr.NoFapster likes this.
  5. Mr.NoFapster

    Mr.NoFapster Fapstronaut

    Cmon man! Stay strong! I'm cheering for you :)
  6. Chris1052

    Chris1052 Fapstronaut

    I'm in the same boat just about. Relapsed a little over a week ago I think it was now and just cannot get back on track, every couple of days ill either MO or PMO. As soon as I do it I regret it miserably but before I just can't seem to come up with a reason not to do it.
  7. Mr.NoFapster

    Mr.NoFapster Fapstronaut

    Cmon man
    Hey man, stay strong! Try and get urself together... I think I did. When an urge comes, get a cold shower, do push-ups, hold Ur breath (it's not as effective), listen to music... Do anything to get Ur mind of of it!
    Stay strong :)
    Z Dog likes this.