beef liver deserves the hype

Discussion in 'Nutrition and Supplements' started by grasstains, Mar 22, 2022.

  1. grasstains

    grasstains Fapstronaut

    I have know about beef liver benefits for awhile now, I tried a few times to eat them but it can't quite stomach. So I took the alternative route. Been taking beef liver supplements for a few days now, the changes I see in my mood, sleep, energy and skin has been so positive. No fatigue, no brain fog. From what I have been experiencing so far, I think beef liver pills are the best stuff to take for not only your nofap journey but just in general. i can't just recommend this enough!!

    also I have decided to created a budget for more of these kinds of pills and powders of supposed superfoods, any suggestions ?
  2. amx

    amx Fapstronaut

    Which brand of beef liver supplements have you been using?
  3. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    Bro, I’m redeck and have eaten deer, cow, chicken liver many times. Shit is the bomb and nutrient dense. Wild predators always eat the organs, esp. the liver, before other parts of the kill.
    grasstains and InnerMan like this.
  4. grasstains

    grasstains Fapstronaut

    ancestral supplements, I am sure there are better ones also srry for late reply
    amx likes this.