at this point i think my anxiety is more problematic...

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by saddist_adult, Dec 29, 2023.

  1. saddist_adult

    saddist_adult Fapstronaut

    Last night, i was abit tired then went to bed, i don't quite remember whether i got triggered by accident watched something... i just woke up then doubt myself, i tried recalled the memories, but i don't remember any triggered at all... Now my anxiety starting to fucking me up " you probably bumped into something sexual but you just forgot, now you are relapsed " this is getting crazy... at this point my PMO addiction is no longer a problem but the anxiety itself is gotten out of hands... Now im doubt myself whether i did something count relapse but forgot etc...
    have anyone ever experience this? i feel im going crazy...
    Andy1517 likes this.
  2. Andy1517

    Andy1517 Fapstronaut

    Yea man that be me too my anxiety be outta hand sometimes can’t even go outside to the store or anywhere after I was triggered by something sexual then causes all types of weird anxiety symptoms
    saddist_adult likes this.
  3. saddist_adult

    saddist_adult Fapstronaut

    yea, like literally now, im still trying to recall the memories... i just couldn't seem to remember, and my anxiety keep saying im relapse... the messed up part, it's not just anxiety, it also effects my thinking and not feeling myself is the worst of it, like i couldn't think clearly and feel like stuck up like you mentioned unable to go out... literally me right now
    Andy1517 likes this.
  4. Don80

    Don80 Fapstronaut

    Have you tried taking cold showers? They cause a little controlled stress. This is like an anxiety training for the body and brain.
    saddist_adult likes this.
  5. Andy1517

    Andy1517 Fapstronaut

    Yup that’s anxiety for u and yea I keep hearing cold showers are good ima try that
    Don80 and saddist_adult like this.
  6. saddist_adult

    saddist_adult Fapstronaut

    yea im just glad, i'm not the only one... seriously this is worst than triggered, i still feel like i did something that was counted but forgot... im not sure how am i suppose to do deal with this, cold shower won't even brought back the time
  7. Andy1517

    Andy1517 Fapstronaut

    Yes man that’s how it be same thing happens to me
  8. Don80

    Don80 Fapstronaut

    What else works for me? - There's a book "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway" (the title says for itself); Anxiety is like an urge - you need to distract your mind by doing things. If you start doing chores, then go shopping, watch a movie, do some work etc it helps. However, maybe there's a cause of the anxiety - handling or accepting a problem is needed.

    Showers are just a training for the brain and mind. Also don't give too much charge to the fear. If you focus on it and look for the cause, you may make it bigger. Sometimes the brain get triggered by something and it really doesn't make much sense because it's a memory from the distant past.

    Prayer and meditation may also help. Anxiety is one of the withdrawal symptoms of PMO addiction.
    Andy1517 likes this.
  9. I don't know if this will help you since you seem to be suffering from OCD, but there is a difference between a lapse and a relapse. Since I cannot post links, yet, I will copy and past an article which explains the difference between the two in the context of recovery.

    Lapse and relapse

    Recovering from addiction takes time and lapses and relapses can sometimes happen.

    Experiencing a lapse or a relapse is not a sign of ‘weakness’, ‘failure’ or inability to recover. Rather they are signs that old ways of coping need to be replaced with new ones.

    The most important thing to remember is that both lapses and relapses can be overcome.

    The path to recovery is not a straight line. Change takes time and when moving towards recovery people may face obstacles that set them back temporarily (a lapse) or for longer periods of time (a relapse). If you do experience a lapse or a relapse it is important to remember that you can overcome these, and you can achieve your goals.

    What is a lapse?
    A lapse refers to a short return to alcohol or other drug use, or gambling. It is a one-time (or temporary) step back on a recovery journey.

    For example: June has been abstinent from alcohol for three weeks. On the weekend she attended a family event where she had a stressful argument with a relative. She went home and consumed five drinks of wine but woke up the next morning and decided not to drink anymore. She has not had any alcohol in the days since.

    What is a relapse?
    A relapse refers to a return of alcohol or other drug use, or gambling, which someone has previously managed to control or quit completely. In a relapse the use of alcohol or other drugs or gambling goes back to previous levels of use, or close to this.

    For example: June has been abstinent from alcohol for three weeks. On the weekend she attended a family event where she had a stressful argument with a relative. She went home and consumed five drinks of wine, and has continued to drink a bottle of wine every night for the past two weeks. This is the same amount of alcohol she was drinking daily before. She hasn’t been able to manage her use and is looking for help.

    June has experienced a relapse as she is experiencing difficulties controlling her alcohol use and has returned to drinking excessive amounts. The important thing to do in this situation is to ask for help and support, as June has.

    June has experienced a momentary lapse but the important thing is that she remains focused on her recovery and is continuing to move forward.

    What happens if you experience a lapse or a relapse?
    While it is common for people to experience a lapse or a relapse, not everyone will. It is also possible to lapse, without this turning into a relapse.

    If you do experience a lapse or a relapse this is an opportunity to explore what happened and what could be done in future to prevent it from happening again. After a lapse or a relapse you may realize that there are triggers and warning behavior that could be better managed with other coping skills or support, to help you stay on track and maintain positive changes.

    Developing a healthy lifestyle, understanding and managing cravings, learning coping strategies like relaxation techniques, and asking for help when things are difficult can make a difference and help you to stay focused on your goals. There are lots of support options on Counselling Online to help you with this.

    Have you sought any therapy/counseling for OCD?
    saddist_adult and Don80 like this.
  10. saddist_adult

    saddist_adult Fapstronaut

    Hey glad you helping me, but diagnosed someone on internet not a good place, but also i did went to therapy about OCD, turned out i had GAD (general anxiety disorder) both really share similar symptoms can be misunderstood. However it's just still one cycle ruminating of worrying, same with OCD that's y you probably checked my history, and yes this is just my GAD maybe, plus I don't want to worry about OCD,.mt anxiety will just make things worse lol
    Don80 and ΖΔDΘΚ like this.
  11. Glad you've taken steps to get professional help. I would say the behavior that you're worried is a relapse falls more under the lapse category. While the ideal is for lapses not to happen, I think what could be helpful would be to just acknowledge it and say "I'll try to do better". At any rate, I hope things get better for you in the future!

    Good job on staying away from PMO!
    saddist_adult likes this.
  12. saddist_adult

    saddist_adult Fapstronaut

    wait hold on, i noticed you talking about lapse, how is it something that i maybe did not remember considered as such lapse? perhaps it just my anxiety or else, relapse and lapse heard it just the same
  13. I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're asking about here. Regardless, I think it's best if I bow out of the conversation. Sorry for any confusion.
  14. saddist_adult

    saddist_adult Fapstronaut

    yea, it just confusing, cause i don't understand why you bring lapse and relapse topic here for, to be honest lol, i didn't ask about lapse and relapse definition. have a nice day man
  15. saddist_adult

    saddist_adult Fapstronaut

    i honestly thought you mean my situation considered lapse or something, that's why im asking
  16. I was bringing up the difference between lapse and relapse, because if you had relapsed you would have remembered as a relapse means you have gone back to old unhealthy pmo habits and that this has been happening for a long period of time. A lapse, on the other hand, no pun intended, is an event that is a one and done kind of thing, so it's easier to forget if you've lapsed or not. The point is you keep getting worried about if you've relapsed when you're not even close to what constitutes as a relapse.
    Don80 and saddist_adult like this.
  17. saddist_adult

    saddist_adult Fapstronaut

    yep now this is understandable!!! i'm not sure if my situation would count as lapse, since i didn't even remember about any incidents, not sure if it just anxiety thinking... Do you think a lapse same effects as relapse?
  18. I don't believe your situation counted as a lapse, I think it's your anxiety making you be scrupulous. No, I don't think a lapse effects someone the same as a relapse, which is why I wanted to share the difference between the two with you. From what I have seen so far on this site a lot of people confuse lapse as a relapse. Others I've seen use a different term here for lapse by calling it a reset.

    Anyway, not to confuse you further. I think your situation is your anxiety messing with you.
    saddist_adult likes this.