Are you a better lover after no fapping

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by Huggan73, Feb 26, 2015.

  1. Huggan73

    Huggan73 Fapstronaut

    Just wondering ....
    i am almost at 30 days ... If i make it to 60 days that will also be my honeymoon..

    Anybody got good stories of sexual improvement after NoFap... In quantity , quality and
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  2. MadHatter

    MadHatter Fapstronaut


    I feel that I became a better lover, since I am now completely devoted to my wife! No more wasting my sexual energy on P or M.

    Although I do still believe that masturbation has its advantages, benefits, and permissible times - it is no longer part of my life. Not currently, anyway.

    Once I stopped wasting my life force, my sexual energy, quantity and quality of sex improved. I never suffered from erectile dysfunction, but I can still say without a doubt that my life - and my sex life in particular - is significantly better with nofap!

    Good luck!
    Deleted Account and rave756 like this.
  3. Caveat Emptor

    Caveat Emptor Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Hell yeah!

    I have had two recurring sexual relationships in my life, one while I was on porn, and one significantly after I quit. Different girls, so that may affect my perceived ability in myself, but I nevertheless believe I'm a way better lover since quitting porn and fapping.

    Before, I couldn't finish and would keep going, trying to finish but I would work myself and her to exhaustion without any meaningful payoff. Or I just said I was too exhausted because I really wasn't that interested and was thinking about porn stars. Probably a combination of the two. It was always so anti climactic and I would apologize. The first time with that particular girl I couldn't stay hard.

    Now, I can still last a good amount (30 - 45 min, maybe?) but it's powerful all the way through and I can finish and she seems to enjoy it more than the first girl ever did. Plus I'm able to try more things and find out what's effective. The first girl might've loved me kissing and breathing into her ears too, but I never got to find out cause I was always worried about finishing/staying hard.

    I feel like I could go on and on about this. Hell yeah I'm a better lover now. I kinda wish I could have a second chance with the first girl to find out for sure.
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  4. Limeaid

    Limeaid Guest

    My husband became infinitely better as a lover after quitting PMO. He was way more into me and more into sex. He isn't preoccupied with lack of erections etc and can just focus on pure pleasure. All of his sexual energy foes into me now so of course it's going to be better for both of us!
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  5. Freedom 428

    Freedom 428 Fapstronaut

    This is all very encouraging to hear!!! Will keep revisiting this thread for extra inspiration :)
  6. willybob

    willybob Fapstronaut

    Ive experienced great things just after a matter of a few weeks with nofap, normally I have DE and can never O, its frustrating for my girlfriend because she feels useless and not good at sex whereas its actually me being useless and not appreciating her enough. Anyway sounds like you're doing really well.. 27 days is great, I wish I had managed that!
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  7. ronin667

    ronin667 Fapstronaut


    I can only speak from my own experience: No. Nothing has changed.

  8. jbastoniv

    jbastoniv Fapstronaut

    Wow, over 30 days with no PMO and 17 days with no MO, well, today I performed like I was 19, rock hard erection, half hard while I gave her a massage. I was so excited this morning. I had butterflies and adrenalin was flowing through my blood with a lot of T. I had a fantastic work out last night and I got plenty of sleep. I woke up confident and strong. No anxiety about performance because I knew there was going to be no issue. I was getting hard after she got out of the shower.

    What's great about being 50 is the sex keeps getting better. You learn how to control when you O. What people who haven't been married for 28 years to the same person don't know is you get really good at pleasuring each other. We cum at the same time 90% of the time, and if not at the same time within a min. or two at the most. But PMO was starting to effect me, maybe 1 out 10 times. I quit PMO and I was erect like a 19 year old, making love and lasting for as long as I want, like a 50 year old. Edging did help me learn my PNR very well.

    Oh, and the prostrate, well, I can go twice as long without feeling like I have to pee. This is great, I am sold for life. And the desire that builds up for your wife, wow, I couldn't wait to make love to her. I didn't F her, I made love to her, her the person, the woman, all without zero fantasy, I was 100% in the moment, but why wouldn't I be, I had a rock hard erection, total control of when I am going to O, had her all warmed up from the massage, it was amazing.

    She was blown away by the amount of ejaculate, hell, I was too. Before we did it I told her I hadn't cum since the last time we did it, I think that really turned her on, so it was good all the way around. I am cautious of the chaser effect, but it wasn't that bad last time and I have been extremely successful at keeping all fantasies at bay and quite frankly I have no desire to look at P. It still turns my stomach.

    Keep strong, if you are wanting to improve your marriage and sex life, give up PMO and MO for life, you get so much desire you'll be getting some, trust me, they can sense it.
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  9. jeffnofapp

    jeffnofapp Fapstronaut

    Nothing quite like sex when you are actually horny.
  10. silvaticus

    silvaticus Fapstronaut

    My husband is SO much better in bed (and just generally in the relationship) since he stopped PMO! I emphatically second everything Limeaid said. It's like for the first time, he is totally present with me. Quitting PMO is one of the best gifts someone can give to current and future partners.