900 Days of No PMO

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by AModernMiroku, Jul 15, 2023.

  1. AModernMiroku

    AModernMiroku Fapstronaut

    Friends, peace,

    This is the 10th consecutive 90 day streak, & for this, I am grateful.

    I am, however, late in the posting (seems usual enough). I have been busy (again, another common trend)--but I have profited much from my own writings. Even if my writings end up poor & bare, it has been useful to revisit the last 90 days' time.

    As usual, here are some links to add context to my journey:

    My Journal
    90 Days of No PMO Success Story
    180 Days of No PMO Success Story
    365 Days of No PMO Success Story
    450 Days of No PMO Success Story
    540 Days of No PMO Success Story
    630 Days of No PMO Success Story
    720 Days of No PMO Success Story
    810 Days of No PMO Success Story

    What did I notice revisiting my last 90 Days?...I will try to write my best. As it stands, I am not too energetic today, but I wish to write this down for my own benefit (& hopefully for someone else's benefit in the forum).

    After reviewing the last 90 days, I was actually somewhat surprised.

    As compared to some of my last success stories, I found that I had a lot more intense struggles with temptations (as regards SSA & fetish). It was actually something quite annoying to see--because I did not remember it being that way. And yet, by & by, the trials were consistent. I did not write down all of the times, so this is just guessing (I skimmed the last 90 Days)...but I would not be surprised if I had difficulties once every two weeks on average--quite possibly, on average, every week...

    That said, there were some added stressors. The main one seemed to be the increase of annoyances between me & my roommate. This clearly had its own effect on me--namely, a lack of some taken-for-granted peace & even a reduction in rest.

    There were also a few other striking notes that set this time apart:

    -I finished two books & began another.
    -At a few low points, I was able to focus & likewise have simultaneous high points. These were often during times of prayer & after deep reflection & focus on the current situation (in other words, not "going through the motions").
    -On the note of prayer: These were similar in duration to the last success story. I still wish to make more time for it, as of old. I feel too rushed still...
    -The weather increased in heat...with a marked simultaneous decrease in general apparel...Coincidence...I think not! Alas!...
    -I had time off! This was both restful & difficult (which tends to be the case).
    -I had more random "events" break up my schedule--including a longer volunteer assignment.
    -Possibly had a more solid workout pattern
    -There were likely some successes at work that I should be more thankful for.

    So, despite my negativity, I think that there was a lot of good in the last 90 days. Life has its ups & downs...& I am still on the road, as it were. Despite the increase in temptations this round through, the time seemed markedly similar to last. In some ways, a lot of things are becoming repetitious & stale. This can be a trial in itself--indeed, it is one that I am still grappling with.

    Success does not happen overnight...& I am still learning this, even now!

    As usual, please do not hesitate to ask questions &c.

    God bless,
    A Modern Miroku
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2023
    Kierann, John5150, Ank07 and 6 others like this.
  2. Frassvelli

    Frassvelli Fapstronaut

    Have you really explored this aspect of yourself? What is behind the temptations, what makes you vulnerable to a certain fetish? Self-discovery is key to better self-care and management... And it becomes less burdensome in the next episodes.

    Congratulations! Onwards to the millennium!
    Kierann likes this.