(8/90) Cold showers and the flu?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by pablodt, Oct 27, 2015.

  1. pablodt

    pablodt Fapstronaut

    Day 8 Sick:
    This day was an easy way in the nofap topic, but it was hell because of me being sick. I got the flu, so I didn't feel like running today. I have a question, should I stop the cold showers with this sickness? The bright side of day was that I spent a lot of time playing on the xbox one and playing guitar. I'm learning to play Classical Gas, it's pretty good and challenging for me, so I like doing it. I'm staying busy in my free time to not think about PMO and it's working. The other day I went to a party and while I was kind of isolated because of something that happened with a girl, I enjoyed talking to girls and also it was a little bit easier. That's something I've been experiencing lately, I've been more talkative than previous to the 90 days challenge. It's almost certain that I'll take tomorrow off school because I'm coughing like crazy. Anyways, everyone, SSGL (stay strong, good luck)!
  2. zero01

    zero01 Guest

    OF COURSE!!!... Don't even think of cold showers with flu...
    pablodt and johnwick like this.
  3. M3th

    M3th Fapstronaut

    Watched this video a few months ago : skip to 5:15

    Also I believe I read that it can help with fighting the flu. Everyone in my home at the moment has the flu and cough but not me. I've taken a cold shower everyday for the last two months!
    pablodt likes this.
  4. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    Yes, when you are ill, conserve all your energy and resources to your body's immune system to fight off the virus. Subjecting yourself to cold only weakens and divides your immunity. The purpose of cold showers is to build resolve and character to do what is not easy - hence, applying such strength to recovery or to any life goal thereafter. You may be getting too attached to the idea of cold showers even. A more difficult task for you at the moment could be to hold back and get well, as boring as that may feel. Yet, that's like taking a cold shower (a cold shower might not always involve actual cold water) - you learn in this instance from any difficult task freely embraced how to survive boredom by enduring it's treachery. And learning how to survive boredom is definitely a great step (but not the only step) in resisting PMO, for many guys anyway.
  5. chucknorris

    chucknorris Fapstronaut

    Try fasting. It is the best way to get over pretty much any ailment (even cancer). Take 24 hours of only drinking water and you will begin to feel better.
  6. mv8652

    mv8652 Fapstronaut

    Don't dare get any colder than you can avoid while having the flu. Stay warm, get rest, and drink plenty of liquids. The purpose of a cold shower is to introduce some discomfort to distract your mind from your urges, etc. I should think that the flu would provide sufficient discomfort.