4 Years 100% Porn Free

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by PornFreeMattD, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. PornFreeMattD

    PornFreeMattD New Fapstronaut

    Hey Guys,

    I am new to this forum and reddit in general but I wanted to share that I just got to 4 years, PMO free in Janaury. I am married so there is still sexual activity in our marriage but for many years in my marriage I could not go more than a week w/o looking at porn and mast. I had symptoms of Porn ED and I lot of shame that stuck to me in my daily life.

    My story like most of yours started early on when I was 7 and first saw a pornography magazine. In my teenage years, the pattern of PMO became daily ritual. I would steal magazines when I was young and started buying them when I was old enough. Then I moved to renting videos. In 1994- I got access to the internet and you can guess the rest.

    In 2001, my wife caught me downloading pictures late one night and that led to be honest with her for the first time. I started telling some other people in my life which was embarrassing but freeing. For the first time I was the same in the inside as the outside. I didn't have a hidden life.

    I had moderate success in a group I went to and then started a support group of my own. Part of my motivation to staying PMO free is to not let the other guys down.

    I am so happy to find this group. I would of loved it in the 90's when I felt really alone. If there is anything I can help with AMA. I never thought it was possible to go more than two weeks with out porn but now I am measuring years not weeks. It's totally possible. There's hope.

    Dream Syllabus, sajiDsaifi and vxlccm like this.
  2. Cojax

    Cojax Fapstronaut

    Wonderful to hear! 4 years! wow! I look forward to one porn free year, and my hopes are this is the year:)
  3. DarkATi

    DarkATi Fapstronaut

    4 years just seems impossible right now... 18 days is hard enough...

    Congratulations on your success. I hope I can do the same and start counting stuff in years.
    Seeker19 likes this.
  4. Raynethemagi

    Raynethemagi Fapstronaut

    Awesome! I knew it! We as humans are always made for so much more!
    Axesteel likes this.
  5. Esterni

    Esterni New Fapstronaut

    Hey :) Really cool to hear your success. I have a couple questions if you don't mind. I don't want to be a burden. :D For myself, I'm curious as to how your relationship with your wife changed the longer you went PMO free. I PMO nearly everyday even after satisfaction with my girlfriend. She doesnt care that I PMO but she would like it if i wasn't so horny with her all the time. Would going PMO free help that? I thought maybe by doing PMO that it would lessen the desire to do things with her so often. But it doesn't seem to help.
  6. AshD16

    AshD16 Fapstronaut

    4 years is pretty awesome! I'm hoping that I can get that far. I once made it 4 and a half months without PMO but then relapsed. Now since Feb I've decided to try again and so far so good. I'm on day 40 of my recovery. Keep it up!
  7. gettingreal

    gettingreal Fapstronaut

    Matt: (1) Wow, and (2) Thanks!!!

    Chase, hang in there, brother ... you got this.
  8. uchicha15

    uchicha15 Fapstronaut

    Props to you man! How old were you when you started?
  9. woodswarth

    woodswarth New Fapstronaut

    Well put. For the first time in my life too I've been honest with a therapist and my wife. To others reading this it takes a ton of courage to do this but the rewards far outweigh the perceived risks. For me it's a struggle with the type of porn, the fantasies,and the frequency of course. Admitting it has been the first step and obviously we have because we are here. Telling trusted people and letting people into my circle of trust has been the more difficult, but also the most rewarding part of this journey. I cannot underestimate the relief in having people to talk to. The act of sharing my shame, grief, anxiety, fear and terrors has been extremely therapeutic.
  10. jlrevived

    jlrevived Fapstronaut

    Looking forward to reaching and passing your milestone, thanks for the words of encouragement.
  11. Staal

    Staal Fapstronaut

    You sir, is a manly man. 4 YEARS! in a porn infested society like this. How the..
    What kind of group is that you attend?
  12. reedman

    reedman Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Your story is truly inspiring. Thank you for sharing it!
  13. greatconquerer

    greatconquerer Fapstronaut

    Congrats for your 4-year addiction free life. All the best for your future journey..
  14. Fedupwife

    Fedupwife New Fapstronaut

    Congratulations to you for your success. Can I ask how your wife has learned to trust you? Or how you gained her trust back? I'm sure there were a barrel of lies that came with your recovery process.. I'm struggling with this. As a defence mechanism it's just easier not to believe anything my husband has to say.
  15. bizzlelop

    bizzlelop Fapstronaut

    wow you've gone a whole world cup awesome absolutely brilliant
  16. sigma_mahameru

    sigma_mahameru New Fapstronaut

    Wow amzing. 4 years without porn . Hope i can reach my goals too.
  17. Mariposa

    Mariposa Fapstronaut

    So inspiring! Thanks for sharing!
  18. pure lion

    pure lion Fapstronaut

    Matt you are courageous, 4 year is something !! good luck hope i'll do the same in my 22 years
  19. who

    who Fapstronaut

    Congratulations to you. I hope to never PM again, but I feel I have to bear the burden longer because I can't bring myself to tell another. I don't know for sure how it would change things with my wife. I accept this, and if it leads to a better life, no one needs to know. I am glad to hear that you had the support you needed.
  20. SuperGxz

    SuperGxz Fapstronaut

    4 years that's a very well done job.