2 days to 100 days

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by B L A N K F A C A E, Sep 25, 2023.

  1. B L A N K F A C A E

    B L A N K F A C A E Fapstronaut

    Whats up guys its been a while since ive been here,im glad to say that i have finally completed over 90 days of no pmo since beginning this journey 5 years ago,i can say that im proud of my achivement as i thought its was impossible evey relapse casted more doubt that i can accomplish this but here iam,i would have not been able to achieve if i dindnt decide to finally join the nofap community last year and it opened my eyes to the fact that i was suffering in silence and thought i was alone but seeing the succes stories really convinced me that i can do it too,now that i have overcome that i realise i still got some healing to do,i was sexually molested as a child i can see that me using porn was connected to what happaned to me as a 8 year old,i was always in denial but now i sense the profound effect on me,i guess i didnt deal with it i was just hooked on porn and it was buried deep now that im porn free those emotions are starting to get to the surface,dealing with regrett,wishing that fateful day never happaned because without it i would have been a normal human being like the majority of people but i cant change the past now i have to face and deal with the cards that life has given me
    Semtex, KaiokenX20 and blaze234 like this.