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Jul 19, 2015
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Jan 1, 1999 (Age: 25)


Fapstronaut, Male, 25

I've almost been in this forum for a year and I know that I'm worst now than I was a year ago. I just don't know what to do. May 31, 2016

HelpMe64 was last seen:
Aug 14, 2017
    1. HelpMe64
      I've almost been in this forum for a year and I know that I'm worst now than I was a year ago. I just don't know what to do.
    2. HelpMe64
      I am getting no where, but am doing nothing for change to happen. I need a plan. Let's make one.
    3. HelpMe64
      This takes a while. I have too much on that my will power is drained before I even think of porn. I've stopped doing anything fun as no time
    4. HelpMe64
      Relapsed full on. Argh, this is a very long journel.
      1. BushidoWarrior likes this.
      2. BushidoWarrior
        It's okay comrade. People Relapse all the time. If NoFap were easy, there would be no need for this website. Sometimes a little trick to use is to ask yourself: "In this moment, what advice would my Future Self two months from now be giving me?"

        Be happy and have an awesome day :)
        Dec 8, 2015
    5. HelpMe64
      Relapsed again, not soon after. Need to get my motivation back. Hmm
    6. HelpMe64
      Managed 7 days. Thats good. However, I have just relapsed. Another battle lost, but I won't give up.
    7. HelpMe64
      5 days and counting. Let's keep this up!
    8. HelpMe64
      I may have lost this batte, but I have not lost the war.
      1. SolidStance likes this.
      2. SolidStance
        This IS the spirit. This isn't over yet.
        Nov 12, 2015
    9. HelpMe64
      Again, relapsed. I'll start going on this site more, when I'm ok and when I have relasped, not just when I relapsed. Maybe that will help.
      1. SolidStance likes this.
      2. SolidStance
        It has to be done until strength is internalized. Then strength becomes a habit, unavoidable.
        Nov 12, 2015
    10. HopeFaith
      Do you feel like a permanent relapser? Maybe rather than trying to give up PMO try giving up ur relapsing? But honestly I wish you luck with all my heart.
    11. HelpMe64
      Relapsed again. Released why I keep doing this. Its because i have no joy in my life, so my body openly welcomes these urges
      1. HelpMe64
        If I want to overcome this addiction, I need to get over the addiction of studying I have so I can find other joys I life. Until I can come over this hurdle I believe I will be here for a while.
        Nov 9, 2015
      2. HopeFaith
        I know how that feels too well.
        Nov 9, 2015
    12. HelpMe64
      Relapsed again. Tried so hard not to, but gave in. Maybe quit pmo before mo instead both at same time.
      1. Nick5717
        Subtle triggers are attacking your consciousness and causing you to watch P so you can MO, avoid the triggers buddy. I know I'm so bad I get triggers from shapes, so avoid pondering any triggers if they appear.
        Oct 28, 2015
      2. Nick5717
        Dismissing the thought of sex will help, you have to fight the urge to ponder dirty images brother
        Oct 28, 2015
      3. HelpMe64
        I'm not sure. I just get one urge each day which gets more intense the longer I leave it. I relapsed again, an simply have no idea what to do.
        Nov 3, 2015
    13. HelpMe64
      I have no sense of control since a while. Too stressed. Relapsed a few time. Fucking hell. How do I get out of this.
      1. PotentLife
        Work on your now feelings. Let them pass. Breathe them away. Yawn, stretch, let stress pass. Let yourself be safe just now. Notice the control in your life, your body, in your fingers typing. Where else? There's more. Remember when you were going well - a few details. A few more. Relive the glory. Let it motivate you to start fresh. If you can do it now, you can do it later.
        Oct 22, 2015
    14. HelpMe64
      Relapsed once again.
    15. HelpMe64
      Relapsed once again. Will I ever over come it!!!
      1. vulture175
        there is no relapse. there is no failure. there is no hatred
        Oct 9, 2015
    16. HelpMe64
      I fucking hate myself.
      1. Phunkie
        We love you! You are stronger than you think and you can overcome!
        Sep 29, 2015
    17. HelpMe64
      And again, relapsed. I've lost all my motivation due to working too hard in other things. I've become very weak. God i hate myself.
    18. HelpMe64
      Relapsed again. 12th time. Stress is making me weaker.
      1. weejian likes this.
      2. weejian
        we are all here in this with u man,dont give up,if u fall,rise and hope to fly again,once u can fly,nothing will be able to stop u.
        Sep 14, 2015
    19. HelpMe64
      Released again. That's my 11 the time. God damn it!!!!!!
      1. Sergio Rodriguez
        Sergio Rodriguez
        did you relasped or ?
        Sep 11, 2015
    20. HelpMe64
      I've had 10 relaspes since I've joined this sight. Damn I'm so weak.
      1. Deleted Account
        Deleted Account
        You are one failure closer to success. I hate to use the reference, but Thomas Edison failed over 1000 times in creating a lightbulb, but he considered each time to be 1000 ways to NOT make a lightbulb. This is just 10 ways you haven't beaten it. You will find your way, don't worry my friend!
        Sep 7, 2015
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  • About

    Jan 1, 1999 (Age: 25)


    No MO Record = 17 days
    No P record = 19 days
    No PMO record = 19 days
