I like rape fantasies. Any insight guys?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by FindingAName, Jun 26, 2017.

  1. I think most of that is down to the mentality of wanting short term gain over long term progress, a common trait with compulsive or addictive behaviour and something i feel should be addressed as your particular fantasy shows a lack of empathy and that is one of the emotions that suffers tremendously for porn addicts since they are too concerned with getting their 'fix' rather than considering how their actions benefit the other party involved.
  2. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    that is very wrong.......
    watching hardcore is one thing but having these criminal fanatsies can be dangerous to you
    Dannylzl likes this.
  3. Kristen

    Kristen Guest

    Thats messed up..lol
    Bet the execution was a turn off. Least i hope so
  4. Kristen

    Kristen Guest

    Nooooooo dont
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. Kristen

    Kristen Guest

    I dont have rape fantasies.
    I think id feel to guilty. My friend was raped and she told me about it. I would be awful if i found it arrousing. Thats what i think bout alot. How would she feel if i got into that.

    Tho lately I have been really into dom men to the point where h would be abused and used and just treated badly. Tho idk i dont see it as rape as just a very abusive boyfriend complex or something lol

    Maybe its just self hate coming over me.
    That i just want somone to treat me like trash and hurt me cause thats what i feel about mysef. Just feel like i need to be punished. Even hell isn't enough. Lol
  6. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    Let's not get into the habit of judging people for their fantasies. If anything, this needs to be a place where people can come and share their struggles without fear of judgment.

    Rape fantasies are surprisingly common. I've had women say to me, "it isn't about being raped--being raped in reality would be horrific. But there's something really hot about a man who desires me so much that he just takes me by force, something hot about that male aggression and animalism." I admit, it's dangerous to think about, but I can understand it.

    Not surprisingly, these fantasies are often (not always, but often) held by women who have a generally lower sense of self-worth, or who get their sense of value from being sexually desired. For those kinds of women, a man who's willing to commit a violent crime and risk years in prison because he wants sex with her that badly ... it can give them a massive hit of validation.
    Deleted Account and Flyhigh like this.
  7. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    as i am well aware of it....
    but still on moral values its wrong....
    i can understand its a platform to share fantasies......
    but still .......dont u think world is going in a very wrong direction
  8. Idea of power and submission
  9. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    Some people will disagree with me, but I don't think fantasies are morally right or wrong. Fantasies just are.

    If a particular person grows up with all sorts of experiences that influence them toward certain sexual fantasies, it does them no good to be told "your fantasies are immoral and wrong." That just heaps shame on them--more than they're probably already feeling.

    If a woman has rape fantasies, and already feels shame about that, how do you think she's going to feel when you tell her how immoral her fantasies are? She's going to say, "you're right ... I'm an awful person" ... which is partially why she has rape fantasies. She feels like it's what she deserves.

    Is sexuality overwhelmingly broken in our society? Absolutely, no question. But we don't make it any better by shaming people for fantasies they have little control over. The reasons we like the things we like are typically due to childhood experiences, family of origin, trauma, etc. We can't control what our fantasies are. But we can control what we do with them.
    Dannylzl, Xience, Flyhigh and 2 others like this.
  10. I disagree. I think we can control the content of our fantasies. Maybe not completely and certainly not overnight, but it can be done. We could attempt to intercept and interrupt all sexual fantasies. That would certainly assist us in attaining other parts of the NoFap challenge. But we can certainly change the content from rape :oops: (to use the example in this thread).

    As we know, when a thought or action is repeated, these become well worn synaptic pathways in our brain. As soon as a sexual thought enters our head, we can choose to modify it, ensuring that it does not feature rape for example. We may perhaps, preselect a more romantic scenario than an overtly sexual one. Be careful that doesn't escalate to the same place. If that is not feasible, then it means replacing any beginnings of a romantic or sexual fantasy with something totally non-sexual. I think this is perfectly acceptable and achievable. We do not have to keep on visualising violent rape scenes! :eek:
  11. Xience

    Xience Guest

    We surely can control our own minds.

    Will it require long term dedication and changing the way we think? There is no other way.
    Hardboiled24 and Flyhigh like this.
  12. Xience

    Xience Guest

    As for shame, there is healthy shame that prevents us from making mistakes and there is unhealthy shame that keeps us chained to trauma and deepens our pain without aiding our progress.

    When I relapse I lose my sense of right and wrong. Addiction is an illogical monster that demands to be fed with a voracious hunger when it is in action and will do just about anything to raise the dopamine rush just a little higher, by any means necessary.

    I have unresolved shame from things I've fapped to. The shame I feel is healthy and will not be resolved until the time is right and the lesson is ready to be learned.
    Flyhigh likes this.
  13. There IS what it is wrong and right. Denying it has brought us horrors like porn. And one of the things that help me fighting my addiction and not doubting on it is to know that this is bad. So bad that made me search for rape (or in my case, a little softer things).

    But you can be sure: You are not bad for your fantasies. They can be bad since they harm you. You are not bad for being an addict. You are trying, fighting. This is where your hope is.

    I have a bad time looking at women as sexual objects. It's an action that I hate. Being in more human contact, working up your empathy is good. I am no master on it. But charity and listening are human needs, that might help at seeing the people around you. And then, discovering that you are not capable of looking at a so free suffering imposed to someone. Porn kills love. Rape comes from absence of love. This is a problem that is mine too, we always need more extreme...
    T-RD and Flyhigh like this.
  14. icewizard

    icewizard Fapstronaut

    I like rape too. I think saying liking rape porn is dangerous is as dumb as when old people said liking violent video games will make you a killer. I don't want to rape anyone, but I like rape hentai. Nothing wrong with it at all, just a fetish. Have other much more depraved fetishes too. I Have other much more depraved fetishes too.
    Deleted Account and Flyhigh like this.
  15. I disagree. We have, in portuguese, a proverb that says: You are what you eat ("Você é o que você come"). If you consume something, you'll feed that kind of thought and action in you. I don't think that you are a raper or something like that, but feeding these fantasies will make you recovering very harder. We are here to give a bad habit up. So why not giving up its triggers?
    Flyhigh and Deleted Account like this.
  16. Powerous

    Powerous Fapstronaut

    This just shows how far the porn addiction has reached, I myself included.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. Juan Tamod

    Juan Tamod New Fapstronaut

    I watched the said video and it was horrific. Trust me, I'm not sensitive to violence, as I regularly visit Best Gore. I'd rather die fighting than be subjected to that horrific humiliation and abuse.