***The Gratitude Attitude Challenge***

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by BushidoWarrior, Sep 21, 2015.

  1. Beamer

    Beamer Distinguished Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    My Journal
    I am grateful for coffee, i need it today
    I am grateful for having dinner with my daughter later on
    I am grateful to see my children live their lives in a good way, they make me proud and give me strength to do this journey here on NoFap
  2. Harry Maclad

    Harry Maclad Fapstronaut

    I am grateful that I have hope
    I am grateful that I choose to keep on fighting
    I am grateful that I feel that this is going to work out
    I am grateful that I can be all that I am meant to be
    I am grateful that I have a computer!
  3. Caveat Emptor

    Caveat Emptor Distinguished Fapstronaut

    You’re welcome! My favorite part is the stats and milestones! ^_^
    Beamer and SaapKaBaap like this.
  4. Caveat Emptor

    Caveat Emptor Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Day 26

    1. I’m grateful for ketchup.
    2. I’m grateful for twitch.tv.
    3. I’m grateful for washing machines.
  5. perseverence24

    perseverence24 Fapstronaut

    I am grateful for my shift in attitude and mindset.
    I am grateful for my girlfriend
    I am grateful for being happy the past couple of days
    Beamer, SaapKaBaap, db001 and 2 others like this.
  6. Pati_ryu

    Pati_ryu Fapstronaut

    Day 3. I am grateful for
    1.i am continuing the path of change.
    2.i am fighting the urges.
    3.i am avoiding fatal distraction s.
  7. #7

    1. I'm grateful for spending time with my family and laughing together.
    2. I'm grateful for my will to keep fighting.
    3. I'm grateful for my dogs because they remind me everyday that the little things in life matter and we should enjoy them.
  8. waterworld

    waterworld Fapstronaut

    I am Grateful for being relatively calm this morning
    I am Grateful for my life - even it seems unacceptable that my circumstances and import of my history are what they are and were what they were.
    I am Grateful that I had that experience in therapy that could be a pointer to a new and different (and wonderful) way of experiencing being in the world
  9. Porn Free Wanderer

    Porn Free Wanderer Fapstronaut

    I'm grateful for another beautiful day today.

    I'm grateful for the lovely park near my office where I can go and read quietly on my lunch break.

    I'm grateful that the world is such an amazing place, with so much to experience.
  10. microsmurfen

    microsmurfen Fapstronaut

    @db001 Thank you :)
    I am grateful to push myself.
    I am grateful for peace.
    I am grateful for books.
  11. D-Mystifier

    D-Mystifier Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful for composer Howard Shore's epic score for The Lord of the Rings film trilogy, check it out on Youtube!
    2. I am grateful for the fact that I get to attend an NHL hockey game at the Bell Center tonight with my colleagues. Go Jackets ;)
    3. I am grateful for all of the encouragement I receive every time I log into this site. Ya'll are amazing!
  12. SaapKaBaap

    SaapKaBaap Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful for conquering day 2.
    2. I am grateful that I started to do some productive work.
    3. I am grateful for my best friends.
    4. I am grateful for attending spiritual service.
  13. vxlccm

    vxlccm Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Grateful for time; for today's time to do some more living in life.
    Grateful for extended family and their help making sense of the world.
    Grateful for heaters in the winter.
  14. 1. I am grateful for this forum. Lots of freaking great people here making me feel wecolme.
    2. I am grateful for my mom. I could always talk to her if I had a bad time.
    3. I am grateful for myself and how far I've come these two and a half months.
  15. 1.I am grateful for my mother.
    2.I am grateful that I live in the country.
    3.I am grateful for my good health.
  16. youliveyoulearn

    youliveyoulearn Fapstronaut

    1. I'm grateful I'm alive and I have time
    1. I'm grateful that I work on my life
    2. I'm grateful for my mom and I will make her happy
  17. Easy_Rider

    Easy_Rider Fapstronaut

    (E) Today I am grateful because:

    1) Everyone in my family is healthy and doing well.

    2) Eggs, they are a fantastic breakfast food.

    3) Eagles, our national bird.
  18. PapaTango

    PapaTango Fapstronaut

    11 of 30
    1. I am grateful for corn tortillas and fish tacos.
    2. I am grateful for my extended family that checks in on me time to time, and does not judge me.
    3. I am grateful for the safe neighborhood that I can walk alone at night.
  19. DIYAS1

    DIYAS1 Fapstronaut

    1. A am grateful to have a home to shelter me from the elements and keep me comfortable.
    2. I am grateful to have a secure job.
    3. I am grateful for having s loving, aware partner.


    Every day for a month, post three things you are grateful/thankful for in this thread.


    It doesn't have to be a big deal; it can be 1's or 2's on the happiness scale. That is fine.

    The goal is to actively think about things that are good in your life, instead of dwelling on all the things that are negative or you don't like.
    (And yes, there is
    tremendous research backing this up.)
  20. Harry Maclad

    Harry Maclad Fapstronaut

    I am grateful that I have a new plan
    I am grateful that I am alive
    I am grateful that I had fast food for dinner tonight
    I am grateful that I did some of my work
    I am grateful that this website gives me hope!