Anyone else suffer from Excessive Daydreaming ?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Lion's Heart, Sep 10, 2017.

  1. Lion's Heart

    Lion's Heart Fapstronaut

    Recently I found out the reason of my bad concentration and weak memory. I observed my thought pattern and how my body reacts on it. After Googling a lot and observing my thoughts I have confirmed that I am daydreaming a lot. Technical term for this desorder is Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder. However, it is not a medically recognised term. In my opinion MD is not a mental desorder but a habit.

    Here are some of the signs of MDD :-

    1). You spends a lot of time imagining yourself in an imaginary story. The stories are usually about - You have become a superstar and people are interviewing you, you have become a successful person, you are hanging around with your favourite girl etc

    2). You never gets bored when you are alone. In fact you find it good to be alone, so that you can fanasize.

    3). Sometimes you get emotionally attatched to your imaginary characters

    4). You can daydream continuesly for hours

    5). You gets sad when someone interrupts your daydream epidose.

    7). Imagining things is a piece of cake for you.

    8). You are never mentally prasent in any social occation or while talking in a group of friends.

    9). Meditation is real pain for you.

    There are many symptoms. Just Google the term ''Maladaptive Daydreaming."

    Biggest side effects of this habit are :-

    1). Decreases your concentration because you are never mentally prasent in real world.

    2). It becomes pain to focus on conversations.

    3). You find real life boring.

    4). You make funny faces and laughts when your imaginary characters do something funny or talks with you.

    If you are also suffering please give me tips and links to some useful forums on internet. All replies will be appreciated.

    note: this is an old thread i reposted it to get more informations and help..thanks to eveyone
    the original thread :
  2. JakeWoods

    JakeWoods Fapstronaut

    I wouldn't say I was suffering from this. But I've definitely had episodes where I daydream quite extensively. I don't daydream when I'm busy or doing things, the time I usually daydream is when I've just woken up or am going to sleep. Like you mentioned above I will often daydream and create a story in my head of hanging around with a certain girl that I like. Or something along those lines. I think certain people daydream about things that's they're missing from their lives. I think that maybe I daydream about a certain woman because I feel lonely. For example someone might daydream about being a superstar because they feel like they don't get enough attention or they're feel like nobody notices them, often times there is some underlying issue.

    I think everyone daydreams to some extent. I just think majority of people know when to switch it off and get back to reality. If you're having trouble doing that I advise that you see a doctor. Especially if it's affecting your life.

    I think it would be good if you could keep yourself busy and focus on other things, that way it might keep your mind from wondering.
    Lion's Heart likes this.
  3. I have this problem too. I found the book "THE POWER OF NOW" to be an eye opener when it comes to daydreaming. After reading it, I spent the next week or two practicing Being present in the moment. I found that life seemed to open up for me and I said and did things more spontaneously, without hesitation. Unfortunately I fell back into old habits. Staying present is extremely difficult for some of us and requires constant practice. I'm thinking it's time I give that book another read.
    Lion's Heart likes this.

    LEPAGE Fapstronaut

    I've been a lifelong excessive daydreamer.
    Lion's Heart likes this.
  5. durgaprasadzone

    durgaprasadzone New Fapstronaut

  6. durgaprasadzone

    durgaprasadzone New Fapstronaut

  7. Lion's Heart

    Lion's Heart Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much JakeWoods for your reply

    That is true..
    I will try my best, college will start after few days..i think that will help .. Thank you again.
    I will search for it..Thank you Righthandman76 for the information
    Hope this thread will help you too to get over that, and don't forget to check the original thread for more advices :
    Thank you all :emoji_punch:

    JakeWoods and LEPAGE like this.
  8. I just googled maladaptive daydreaming and just got slapped in the face with reality. I always knew that I had a problem with this but never really researched it. Some of the stories I read were so closely related to mine. I now realize how important it is kick this habit along with the PMO. Wow...I've been avoiding the real world in so many ways. It's amazing how much that I've learned just from joining nofap.
    Thanks for the info!
    Lion's Heart likes this.
  9. Well, Guilty. Daydreaming is either a way to escape reality or some kind of coping mechanism.
  10. Ypow

    Ypow Fapstronaut

    Bro there are videos on youtube about this topic:

    I hope this will help you.
  11. One_More_Chance

    One_More_Chance Fapstronaut

    Wow, this was a really painful read! I feel that some of theese topics really describe myself to an insane degree. Thank you so much for sharing, its a bit relieving to know that there are others who suffer from this too!
  12. ItalianMan

    ItalianMan Fapstronaut

    Buddhists say that the mind is like a monkey, chattering and jumping around all the time. The good news is that there are a lot of practices to tame the monkey mind.
    One_More_Chance likes this.
  13. Check






    Sometimes, but definitely not always

    I don't meditate, but I wouldn't say that's a pain.

    Strange what people call "suffering" these days. I have all of these, and I wouldn't consider any of them to be a disorder or "suffering." It's just who I am, and I'm enjoying life. Sure, maybe I'm a but scatterbrained sometimes or make faces or talk to myself (double check on that one), but so what? Who says NOT making faces or talking to yourself or forgetting where you put your keys all the time is the "right" way to live? I love who I am, and I think my big imagination is one of my favorite things that God has given me.
  14. Ypow

    Ypow Fapstronaut

    Guys first try to leave without daydreaming (maladaptive). I mean work on your dreams, YEAH it s possible if you really believe in them and if you give 100% of your possibilities.
    Adapting is hardest part, because it will be very strange for you to spend 80% of time in present moment. Other 20% are your thoughts during a work(any work) .
    Save your time, and also for nofap.. Many of us got 'super powers' :D It s better to 'spent' that energy on useful things in your life.
    It s just my opinion, if maladaptive daydreaming is not effecting your day, goals, communication with people in 'negative' way than go ahead and enjoy.
  15. TreeGuy

    TreeGuy Fapstronaut

    i know i day dream alot, ive kind of assumed its something about my anxiety. very common for me to daydream/fantasise about semi realistic situations. example is i use to run a business, i often use to 'fantasise' what work would be like if i made X work decision or bought Y piece of equipment, now i 'fantasise' about getting back to work or re opening business etc. is it normal?
  16. Totally normal. Idk why anyone is making this into a big deal. It's not weird or wrong or something that needs to be worried about or fixed.
  17. Ypow

    Ypow Fapstronaut

    Of course its ok but if you work on doing that business. But in general it s wasting time(usually lazy people spent 90% of time in their fantasy world).
    One positive thing i saw from maldaptive daydreaming; i can imagine situations,stories in my mental screen much better while styding :)