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Mar 11, 2018
Feb 20, 2015
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Relapsed.... May 12, 2015

nofapcochin was last seen:
Mar 11, 2018
    1. nofapcochin
    2. Augustines_Bro
      Thanks for stopping by. Read my journal anytime; feel free to post. We're here to help each other.

      Don't give up your marriage easily. There's a fine balance between having healthy boundaries and the self-sacrifice that's at the heart of committed love. Marriage requires both; that transcends religious and secular marriages. From what I know of Indian society, there's great pressure to grow together in your marriage, to stick it out despite adversity. And that pressure is there whether Hindu or any other faith.

      You're working to make yourself a better man. I applaud, encourage, & support you. Make yourself a better man for YOU. Then you can offer the better man to your wife as part of that committed love. I hope she likewise strives to make herself a better person (for HER), and can similarly offer herself to you.

      That's a lot of work. But I sense that you're most definitely up to the challenge ahead. Make progress every day. And stay at peace.
    3. nofapcochin
      Hi eleven.
      Thank you very much for ur help.i know I need help now n will look into this and get back with question.
      Stay strong
    4. The Eleven
      The Eleven
      Mindfulness meditation is a practice centered on focused breathing designed to help you be fully present each moment. It really is an amazing tool for dealing with the kinds of things we are dealing with here, but also anxiety, depression, name it. I can't recommend it highly enough.

      There is plenty of material available online to get you pointed in the right direction, but I'd recommend you stick with true mindfulness meditation and not get caught up in any of the Buddhist or more new-agey stuff. This isn't about a mystical journey or transformation, it's about learning to live completely within yourself and within every moment. If you're looking for a great book for beginners, I'd really recommend "Wherever You Go, There You Are" by Jon Kabat-Zinn. Good luck, and please feel free to check back in with me as you get started on this -- I'd love to hear how it's going!
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