masturbation free for more than 6.5 months

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by CaptainFaptastic, Jan 15, 2016.

  1. CaptainFaptastic

    CaptainFaptastic Fapstronaut

    My last PMO session was in end of june. I tried to end PMO for 1.5 years now and today I hit 6.5 months without masturbating. Yey!

    Let me share you some of my experiences and thaughts.

    I am way more focused, energized and social active when I'm controlling my sexual energys and as I truly understood this, NoFap became really easy for me. I haven't checked Nofapforums out for more than 5 months or sth but last days I had to learn that even if you control that lusting monster inside your head that forces you to go in the "Auto-pilot mode" and scrolling and scrolling over tons of pics of naked bodys (you know what I'm talking about), you will never Kill it.
    You will never hit finish line, a point where you can say "i did it and it's over". So 90 days abstaining will get you no where! Trust me.

    But you will reach plateaus. through that journey, you will learn to accept your instincts, feelings and urges and respond to them in a way that makes you feel calm. The very opposite of what PMO is. It's uncontrolled, a rush where you give in and loose yourself and disconnecting with the world around you.
    That's the best thing that NoFap gave me: Calm. Peace. and this makes you feel present and strong in that very moment and situation you're in. And from this state of mind, you can experience sweet things as you have a feeling that you can decide what to do and experience next without shame, fear, guilt, being jealy. You won't overthink but just simply have more power to take courage and do a thing you're afraid of. (I personally start to believe that overthinking is nothing more but fear that made it into you're head but fear doesn't belong there)

    I got to admit that I found myself especially last days that is i was browsing the internet I somehow came in this Auto-Pilot mode and the monster inside of me forced me to continue searching and clicking for more and more nudy bodies. But Ive always managed to notice: " Wait.. WTF are you doing". in moments like these it's best to just accept that you're not perfect and allow yourself to do mistakes because that's the only way you will learn!! Start focusing on how less connected you feel, how shame, guilt and overthinking kicks in when you give into a rush!

    Let me clarify one thing: The problems you feel and the reason why you're feeling crappy and started browsing Nofap is PORN, not masturbation or sexual acivity with a partner. Porn is a stimulus that exploits your system. Edging therefore is bathing in that rush that kicks in when you start looking porn and is the most damaging thing you can do, in fact, it's worse than PMOing because you never get the release. In fact, it's not porn itself but your sexual excitement you feel while watching porn. There's no difference between watching porn, images, reading kinky texts or looking at wedding dresses or whatever, it's your excitement towards it and you train yourself to exploit this excitement (but ofc HD porn causes more excitement than kinky texts).

    And one more thing: You will feel bad and weak at some points. Questioning this whole thing. But you have to go through it. It's worth it!! Trust me.

    I hope this will help atleast one person. Thanks for reading.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2016
    adam300, Hieroglyphics, Hj7 and 11 others like this.
  2. Dizzy Lotus

    Dizzy Lotus Fapstronaut

  3. ALPHABat

    ALPHABat Fapstronaut

    Congratulations, brother!
  4. Engedi1

    Engedi1 Fapstronaut

    excellent. Thanks!
  5. InsipredToReboot

    InsipredToReboot New Fapstronaut

    I wish I could feel like the successful warrior you are. I admire men who overcome PMO.
    Congratulations! You're the man.
    skylar_legit likes this.
  6. skylar_legit

    skylar_legit Fapstronaut

    well done Captain..!!
    that was very inspiring sir, and we have a long journey ahead of us..
    congratulations and ALL THE BEST :)
  7. G
    Great post brother
  8. CaptainFaptastic

    CaptainFaptastic Fapstronaut

    wow! thanks alot for your replies. It makes me happy to inspire you and sharing my experiences at the same time. I really hope that if you struggle that this will help you. You won't get superpowers but you will benefit alot of it in many situations. It's so awful that we are a generation that has to deal with such a huge thing like porn that misleads and distracts us from ourselves and gives us an image that we desire but can't find in real life. It's an incredible feeling to look into a hot womens eyes but not lusting after her. Thats what girls notice and they start flirting alot. They see you're not lusting and they be like: "Why isn't he checking me out? or is he? He loves me! or he hates me??omg i can't handle this I'ma need to know!!" and you become interessting to them. This is what happens when people on this forum talk about all the looks they get. The moment you look at her on the same level as you are things change. Sex is escalating emotion. That's why porn and hookers became for me a turn off and since I got this perspective, nofap got so easy.Seriously. But these are only my personal experiences, do your very own! Nofap is about getting your own knowledge about your drive. And that's why you need to stick to it no matter how tough in this present moment. It took me 1.5 years years and some temporary defeat but keep going:)

    One more tip: Do sports. But do something you love to do. I've been going to the gym but I had to force me to go there alot and I didn't like it. Since I started MMA I love to go 5 times a week pushing me beyond my own limits. It's so good to have something where you are 100% present in what you are doing and your body loves to sweat and exercise.
    InsipredToReboot likes this.
  9. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    Great post, but I'm wondering if you have any release at all? No PMO, No MO, do you have sex with a partner? I'm asking because I would find it very difficult to last 6 weeks, let alone 6 months without some form of sex.
    Congratulations to your success.
  10. CaptainFaptastic

    CaptainFaptastic Fapstronaut

    to be honest this is something that's bugging me and I haven't figured out how to coup with so I have inner calm. I fantasize alot about women before nighttime.It's kind of escape and leaves me frustrated cause I don't have something going on right now. A burning desire that waits for action. Hard to handle. My future goal is to be aware of that fact when I stand in front of a girl I like so I have the guts to stand my man and get laid.

    Thank you. I've had something going on in summertime but it has been a while. Sex was good but we didn't fall for another.
    Well I haven't stressed myself lately with "omg I need to have sex right now". This is something I have learned threw my nofap jounay. I'm too busy doing things I like to do and keep worring less about having the act of sex itself. i have figured out for myself that when it comes to my sexual desires that there is no option to respond to them but finding a partner. Finding a partner ain't that easy. Need to figure that one out too.

    It takes time too change from masturbating on your own on a daily basis , to having a nice sexual life without doing it to yourself.
    This is what I mean by "there is no end in this challenge". I may do it to myself in remote future. But not in my stage where I'm figuring out alot of howto's because it makes me escape from these important questions.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2016
  11. grman

    grman Guest

  12. Jonny123

    Jonny123 Fapstronaut

    I agree - that should be addressed at a later stage. For me I feel that I cant entertain solo sex again without going off the rails. So if I am to have any sort of sex again it will always be with my partner.
  13. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the clarification. I'm lucky because I'm married so a partner is always here. Although the occasional MO is still in my playbook. I think I may work on eliminating that for a couple of reasons: 1) It keeps my fantasies spinning in my head and that may be slowing a reboot. 2) I realize a reboot will take 90-days or more and as mentioned I think the MO is slowing down the recovery process.
    Take care, good luck, and stay strong.
    Burty likes this.
  14. Burty

    Burty Guest

    @CaptainFaptastic very insightful and very helpful, not that age make to much difference but I am in my 40's my sexual desire is in the process of being brought under control through this great site , and posts such as yours..
    Keep posting, I am very interested how this effects the body the mind and all that good stuff..

  15. Thank you.

    I am a bit confused sometimes though. My problem is that my PMO leads to lack of interest of sex with my wife. I think it is the MO that is the problem not the P. If I P every day and not MO I probably would like to have sex with her 5 times a day. The reason for me to stop P is that it leads to MO.

    On the other hand, where I come from we are encouraged to MO. Especially women since they do it more seldom. It is teaching them their own body and what they like and not like. They should do MO to learn how to O and get a better sex life generally.

    It is probably the O that is my problem and especially the frequency. So then the question Is, what do I do after My reboot?I Should I set up a limit for O but encourage PM? Allow M but not PO?

    As I said... Confused
  16. Dizzy Lotus

    Dizzy Lotus Fapstronaut

    No, I don't think so. I don't think watching porn would make you want sex with your wife. One of the problems is that in porn everything is made to seem so perfect and you see so much of it, that you get so much dopamine that your brain gets less sensitive to it. Because of that, sex with your wife won't get you enough dopamine to get into the state you want to be, and if you watch too much porn, seeing your wife naked and having foreplay won't even get you an erection, and that's when you've got a more serious problem.
    So please, cut the porn.
    (I know some people watch porn right before sex and then still have a hard time keeping erect, and that's really sad[​IMG])
  17. Good point. I think you are right... Thanks for giving me a slap so I wake up.