Do you have to have orgasms in a relationship??

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by +TenPercent, Sep 24, 2022.

  1. I’m an orgasm addict. Realizing that helped me to break free from porn and sex addiction. My life has changed enormously. I have a girlfriend now, for several years. :)

    When I don’t have orgasms, I feel better. If I go 100+ days, I feel great!

    If I have an orgasm, I feel bad. Maybe a few minutes of euphoria, but then I feel weak, and irritable. I feel like I have truly lost some vitality. I feel empty. :(

    I’m tempted to edge, and seek out sexual stimuli, to build up more sexual stimuli. The rush of that orgasm makes me crave another, to blot out the way I feel. As an addict, my first impulse is to turn to porn and masturbation, and objectifying other women. :oops:

    Even if I could turn all that energy towards my girlfriend- it wouldn’t feel right. My addict needs an addictive shame filled hit, something really strong. And, I don’t want to be using my girlfriend to get my rocks off.

    But my girlfriend says it’s not okay. Even though I give her oral sex, even though we have PIV sometimes (where I do my best to practice karezza) she says she needs me to cum. Otherwise she feels rejected. She feels like I’m always holding back. She even said she feels like she’s raping me because she’s trying to have sex with me while I’m trying not to orgasm. :eek:

    She said she doesn’t want to spend the rest of her life in a relationship where there’s no sex. Everything else is wonderful, but this was has come up and I feel like I need to choose between what’s best for me … or having orgasms - just for her.

    Anyone struggling with something similar? Any insight to give? Male or female, I could really use some perspective on this.
    Hyperlord likes this.
  2. Queenie%Bee

    Queenie%Bee Fapstronaut

    Ok , I’ll first ask if you felt like you satisfied her if she didn’t O ? She most likely feels like there’s something wrong with HER if you don’t . Also , you could be so focused on not O that she feels like you aren’t focused on HER . Intimacy /sex is important, given all the bonding chemicals of course she would want that . No judgment maybe just dig deeper into your recovery work and see what else could be going on . You and I both know PA causes such distorted / warped thinking around sex and intimacy
    Daruvil, daddyG1981 and +TenPercent like this.
  3. janewhite

    janewhite Fapstronaut

    I wish I could say something more supportive and give you the answer you want to hear. Like she should be respectful and understanding but as a female I am here exactly partly for this reason. Due to ny spouse’s prior o to porn and no o during sex ( due to delayed ejaculation during the rest of the month and due to his choice of contraception method mid month) I started to feel like there’s something wrong with me like the comment above suggested . Also , exactly like the commenter above said I feel my spouse is so focused on not O that I feel like we are not actually intimately /emotionally connected which is the whole point of sex. He is not giving it all so to speak and is holding back and that has a negative emotional impact on me. Isn’t there a compromise somewhere like at least once or twice a month ? How much does she know about your addiction? If ypu are still at an early stage of recovery then less is better but does she know how it affects you and why are you avoiding it?
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2022
    BrokenHeart 2 and +TenPercent like this.
  4. daddyG1981

    daddyG1981 Fapstronaut

    Really interesting post and your making me think about my own situation. I had just posted a question on another page asking about how to approach healthy sex in a relationship during a reboot.
    Like you my partner enjoys sex and would be is upset if I don’t O. I’m trying a PM reboot and don’t want use her to get my rocks off. Because then if she isn’t interested at the point I’m struggling I’ll get angry at her, and that’s not fair.

    this is tricky….
    Hyperlord, Z34L0T and +TenPercent like this.
  5. @Queenie%Bee thank you for your reply, it’s really helpful.
    To answer your question- she did orgasm. I make sure that she has an orgasm every time when we are intimate. One problem is that we’re not intimate very often - maybe every three weeks or so. This is 90% on me - I tend to avoid sex in order to avoid orgasm.
    Two weeks ago we made love and I did have an orgasm. The other night, I’m not sure what overcame me but
    I woke up extremely aroused and wanted to give her oral (it was great to feel SO MUCH sexual desire for my partner!). I gave her oral until she had an orgasm … but declined when she asked me if I wanted to orgasm

    I thought I was doing pretty well, given these last two “events” and was really crushed when she told me the next morning how she felt rejected and even floated the idea of ending the relationship if we couldn’t have regular sex.

    I think you’re spot on with the suggestion of digging deeper. As an addict my thinking is, well, diseased. More frequent sexual intimacy would be good, and maybe there are other ways to maintain and improve my vitality beyond abstaining from orgasm for months at a time.
    Hyperlord and Awkward Lady like this.
  6. @janewhite thank you for your compassionate and understanding response. My partner has said similar things- even that she feels humiliated to lose herself in orgasm with me … while I am holding back and maintaining control.
    I have to hold back to avoid PE, but maybe there is a compromise where I can at least hold back less.
    We have practiced Karezza which we both enjoy … and I wish we would do it more often. But she’s made it clear that she wants regular sex as well.

    I hope we do talk more. I told her when we first met three years ago that I was a recovering sex and love addict and that I was avoiding orgasms … but she also told me that she wants and needs sex. We talked A LOT about it, but without going into too much detail of my addiction, and we probably haven’t talked enough about it since then. Addiction is ugly, so I’m keen to avoid going into more detail with her now.

    A friend of mine just suggested a book: “Mating in Captivity”. Hopefully that’ll help and maybe facilitate some discussion.
  7. Queenie%Bee

    Queenie%Bee Fapstronaut

    No I meant how would you FEEL if she didn’t O with you ? Your feelings?
    BrokenHeart 2 and +TenPercent like this.
  8. janewhite

    janewhite Fapstronaut

    You made me think of something, perhaps it is silly. But in a sense you can compare this to food. You can stuff yourself with a bag of chips to the point where you want to throw up -pmo. You can start a diet and have a lot of healthy snacks- hugs, kisses, talks, cuddles, karezza when you are still trying to get back to healthy but at some point hopefully you should be able to start a healthy lifestyle not the extremes-dieting or binging on a bag of chips. Anyhow , orgasm with a partner is like having a full meal of good healthy delicious food in a fancy restaurant with music with the right person and getting the right amount of full, enjoying every bite with all senses, smell, visual, taste, feelings.. when it is not mutual it feels more like bag of chips full not the amazing healthy full. My spouse, too , sometimes just wants to , what I feel , “ satisfy me”. He would feel good about it but it is not the healthy delicious meal I want, it is just like giving me a burger king burger so I don’t starve. It is ok but not great. Perhaps, you just need more time? Perhaps, if you give her some timeframes and some rules she would be more patient.
  9. I’d feel like a failure. :oops:
    At least, if I knew she wanted an orgasm. If she was trying to avoid orgasm … but that’s not what she’s doing. That’s my hang up.
    Honestly, I’ve always been more interested in giving orgasm (partly because I took care of myself with PMO) than in getting them. It’s a source of pride and satisfaction.

    By avoiding orgasms (to make myself feel better, and in an attempt to dodge my addiction), I am robbing her of the opportunity to have that feeling.
    KevinesKay and BrokenHeart 2 like this.
  10. That’s a good analogy.
    Do I need more time? Yes. It might take a lifetime, but I’ve been in recovery for many years now. What I’m seeing is that what I really need is more work.
  11. Queenie%Bee

    Queenie%Bee Fapstronaut

    You said it yourself , you’d feel like a failure . I understand what you are trying to do to a point , but it sounds like you’ll lose her and be single and most likely back to PMO anyway . So I implore you to find another way . And btw many many times females feel that same depletion from an O , but the O and connection are so worth it .
    BrokenHeart 2 and +TenPercent like this.
  12. I will.
    Not having orgasms seemed to work so well . . . for me. It feels very selfish now. It was not working well for her, and not for the relationship. :oops:

    I will have to have orgasms with her. I'm okay not having them every time, but I need to let them happen especially when she says she wants me to.

    Hopefully I can hold back from premature ejaculation. That's been an issue for me when I'm not in a constant state of avoiding orgasm. But, on the whole, I'm guessing that PE will be better than no O.

    My other challenge is to avoid masturbating at all costs. Just thinking that I will allow myself to O during sex makes me think that I can masturbate, too. My mind tries to convince me that I should do it now, to reset, and get the whole no O idea out of my head. And, I know that having O's from sex will bring back the urge to masturbate, with a vengeance.

    "Having a walk" might sound harmless, but, just like cigarettes, I know that just one will lead me back into the addiction. I might stay away from porn (doubtful), but I would certainly slip back into fantasy and being lost in my head instead of present with my girlfriend.

    This is so good to hear. I need that connection. We need it. I know that it will deplete me . . . so I need to find other ways to replenish myself (and again, not further deplete myself with masturbation).

    Thank you so much!! :)
  13. Queenie%Bee

    Queenie%Bee Fapstronaut


    My advice is to remove yourself from the environment , get up get walking around or have a plan for after . Get busy after getting busy lol
    +TenPercent likes this.
  14. I'm going to give you some harsh truth here. I don't think your relationship is going to go well. You have completely different ideas of how you want your futures to look, so unless you are both willing to compromise those ideas, it sounds like you're just not compatible.

    I personally don't believe you are necessarily going to be like this forever, and I think it's very likely that healing is still possible and you will eventually be able to have that kind of sexual experience in the future without feeling the way you do now. But either you are not at that point yet, or you never will be. In which case, I would ask if you've considered reminaing single?

    There is nothing wrong with being single. Our society seems to force people into feeling like without a romantic relationship, life is meaningless, but that's not true at all. If you are unable to be healthy in a sexual relationship, and you don't want to force a partner to be in a sexless relationship if they don't want that (which I agree is a bad idea and not a healthy relationship dynamic), then it seems an obvious solution would be to stop dating and just live a celibate life.

    There are lots of ways to have a fulfilling life without a romantic partner. It seems to me, after reading your post, that at least for now (or potentially indefinitely, if nothing changes), celibacy would be a great option.
  15. black_coyote

    black_coyote Fapstronaut

    @+TenPercent Hi! I read your posts. At the outset I'd say that Edging can be way way way draining than "Orgasm" with your partner.

    By the way, I would like to ask a crucial question- When you use the term "orgasm", does it include ejaculation as well?
  16. @TakingTheSteps Thank you for your reply. I have spent many years single . . . and, to be honest - I had been choosing porn and masturbation over having a relationship. I enjoyed the hopes and excitement that came with occasional dating and the ability to maintain my masturbation focused lifestyle. My private thoughts and my private life was all but consumed by fantasy and masturbation.
    Choosing to give up (or try!) masturbation and porn was a BIG decision, a life changing event, and I did it because I wanted to have companionship and a meaningful relationship. I recall traveling to a certain medieval European city and being blown away by the beauty of it . . . and deeply saddened that I had no one to share it with. :(

    Celibacy is a worthy choice. I have chosen it in the past and even ended an exciting relationship to focus on my recovery from porn, fantasy and masturbation. But I am over 3 years into this relationship and we live together. Breaking up is never an easy option, and painful for both parties. The sexual challenge that we face is a big one and yes, we would be incompatible if nothing changes. I saw avoiding orgasm as a way to avoid falling into my old habits of masturbation, fantasy and porn. It works! It probably works really well for single and celibate people. Semen retention, or self-induced orgasm denial, might work for me and my addiction but it does not work for my girlfriend and our relationship. Returning to "normal" intimacy and sexual activity is a struggle for all recovering sex addicts. I imagine there are many paths to get there. Avoiding orgasms is not working . . . so I need to find a new path.

    I have chosen to have orgasms with my partner. Chose that some weeks ago. Unfortunately, for various reasons, it hasn't happened yet. As a masturbation addict, I really struggle now with the temptation to masturbate . . . now that orgasms are okay. Can I really just have orgasms with my partner and never at any other time? Is it really that bad to masturbate on occasion, as long as I am also having regular sexual intimacy with my partner?
    Hyperlord likes this.
  17. I agree, at least, that edging can be really bad . . . and it tends to lead to more and more edging, and not towards intimacy with my partner.

    Yes. In short, by orgasm I mean ejaculating with my partner.
    As you probably know, orgasm is not always the same as emission and ejaculation, thought they often go together. I have had a few orgasms (I think) without emission or ejaculation, and I have had emissions without orgasm or ejaculation . . . and emissions/ejaculation/orgasm without an erection. Who knew?! When I did PMO, they all came together.

    For simplicity sake - when I say no orgasms, I really mean no emission. It's just easier to say no O than getting nuanced about emission, ejaculation, erection and orgasm.
    black_coyote likes this.
  18. black_coyote

    black_coyote Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your response. I'd like to share my few thoughts...

    Let your partner know how much depleting ejaculation is for you. Tell her that men are more drained rather than satisfied after ejaculation...tell her that for most men, ejaculation cannot be a metric to measure his satisfaction. Any man, who is horny and lost in objectification can ejaculate away his lust in a matter of minutes.

    Therefore, tell her there is no need to feel rejected because you don't cum as cumming is no indicator of is just an assured, sure fire thing for most men.

    Tell her that Non- ejaculatory lovemaking are more satisfying to you than ejaculatory ones. And that once you ejaculate you find it difficult to be present with her sexually and spiritually.

    Let she understand your truths.

    You never tell your woman to do anything which would harm her, however pleasing it might be for you, right? Expect the same from your partner.

    True, sometimes we should be willing to make some sacrifices because we want our partner to be happy. But there is a boundary beyond which your sacrifice ends up screwing you up which in turn will sabotage the relationship. Avoid such things which can sabotage you and your relationship.

    I'd also say that men can have numerous pulsating orgasms without ejaculating. Here, you completely let go and allow the orgasm to spread through your body. your partner can feel your orgasm, yet you don't ejaculate.

    If you are interested, I'd suggest you to read a book "Love satisfies" by Keepitupjohnson.

    It helped me tremendously. Wish you and your partner happiness, understanding, health and healing. Take care :)
    Hyperlord and +TenPercent like this.
  19. Well, I would say yes, but I would also say that it's wrong to have sex with someone you aren't married to.
  20. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    You do you, but for me it is about porn. Sex with my wife feels satisfying, but masturbation always feels inadequate without porn involved. Therefore masturbation tempts me back to porn in a way that sex does not. That's why I am continuing to abstain from masturbation. It might be different for you. I suspect we disagree about semen retention (it sounds like hocus pocus to me): I think masturbation, in general, is healthy; but for me it pulls me back towards porn use and so I have quit.
    +TenPercent likes this.