New here and looking for advice

An inclusive, safe space for LGBTQ folks on NoFap to gather to discuss recovery and life

  1. mscheemz

    mscheemz New Fapstronaut

    I recently have been relapsing a lot lately. Mostly, due to a mix of different stresses I am currently facing. Which is mostly related to me living with my parents and transitioning while being closeted in an unsafe environment. This causes me to latch on to pmo as an escape, especially for problems I can’t readily solve. So, in an act of desperation, I tend to fail. My biggest fault is getting triggered or “urges” out of nowhere. How have you been able refocus and/or stay on track once these strong feelings get a hold of you? I am also single which makes things even more difficult.

    Tl;dr: Need advice on getting better at responding to urges.
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  2. Marcus Traianus

    Marcus Traianus Fapstronaut

    A good strategy to relieve the urges is to provoke an even stronger sensation or feeling. Since provoking sensations is much easier than feelings, most therapies advise in this way. Naturally, I'm not talking about harmful sensations, but many of them are related to pain. It must be inoffensive and NEVER leave marks or prejudice some part of your body. It's just about the sensation: you can hold ice tightly for little time, or take a cold bath. This is an extreme technique and must be used only in extreme situations. If the urge is not so overwhelming, try to listen to music really very important to you, or to visit good old memories (with photos, or messages). And, if possible, be close to someone special to you. Being physically close to somebody will necessarily prevent you from relapsing since you're not alone, and if this someone is special to you (and knows about your addiction), this effect may last even after you leave the person's presence.
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