I want to quit porn for good, and I want to do it now!

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by DaveTheGreat, May 26, 2020.

  1. DaveTheGreat

    DaveTheGreat Fapstronaut

    So I recently broke up with my girlfriend after over 2 years, and since the breakup my porn urges has been a lot stronger and I have relapsed a lot! And one of the things I escalated into was transwoman porn and that's not something I'm proud of! I binged a lot of porn and then that transwoman stuff came back, jesus! I fucking hate how it creeps up on me!

    Before me and my girlfriend met each other I was heavily into transwoman porn, and I evnen acted out with some too, I know! It's crazy and I feel ashamed because of it!! Looking back at it I would not have done it, but what's done is done and I cannot change that I can only change my future.

    It's so hard now that I have no girlfriend, I just feel like watching porn all the time. But I do really wanna quit it since I wish that my transwoman fetish will go away while I reboot. Any advice on how to quit porn for good? And has anyone experienced something similar with that transwoman porn?

    Thanks, Dave.
  2. Life Project

    Life Project Fapstronaut

    No experience on that type bro, but P is P period. You need to understand what that is doing to your brain. Every time you look at sexual content online (it doesn't matter what it is), your brain releases crazy crazy amounts of dopamine, norepinephrine, and oxytocin, among others. These levels are not normal in the slightest. Your brain literally changes to accommodate the release of these chemicals. Not good. That's why we suffer severe mental problems like anxiety, lack of focus and mental clarity, and brain fog. Anyways, that's just some of the brain science.

    Here are some tips:

    -Meditate 1-2 x a day, I do mine once in morning and once before bed, doesn't need to be long- 2-5 min that's all
    -Cold showers instead of warm showers, this will increase willpower and control over your mind
    -Separating yourself from your mind, figuratively speaking. You need to be the boss over your mind. The mind will give a ton of sexual thoughts in attempt to get the dopamine its used to. Don't get angry at the sexual thought, just don't give it any of your attention. It will go away if you do this.
    -Avoid triggers: social media, mindless online activity, looking at girls in public in a lustful way

    Hope this helps you.
  3. DaveTheGreat

    DaveTheGreat Fapstronaut

    Thanks a lot for your response, it's truly scary how porn affects the brain! I was starting to doubt my own sexuality because of it, but I hope quitting porn will help me erase the unwanted thoughts and fetishes.

    i will try to use your advice and see what happens.
    Life Project likes this.
  4. Now LifeProject has said most of what I would say, but I'd like to add something you'll see alot and hear alot from addicts, and you'll probably be sick of hearing it at this point (because I was), but just take it one day at a time. You don't need to be 1 year, 2 year or a lifetime sober today, it takes getting through each and everyday to get to that point, so don't focus on where you want to be, just focus upon the now. You'll have some days when you think you can't overcome it, but let me tell you that you can, just stay focussed on that day, on getting to the end of it and how much better you'll feel and you'll get there I assure you.
    DaveTheGreat and Life Project like this.
  5. DaveTheGreat

    DaveTheGreat Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the advice, I'm really struggling at the moment! Having a lot of flashbacks about previous sexual I had with transwomen which I really regret now since I was deep into my addiction, and I was just looking for the next dopamine high. I know that I must take one day at a time, but one thing that really messes with my head is the fact that a lot of times when I see a attractive woman on the street I often get a intrusive picture in my mind of them with a penis instead of a vagina? This is so uncomfortable and I feel like I have posined my minf because of my heavy porn/sex addiction.
  6. It takes only time for your mind to heal, you may always have these thoughts, but you are the master over your thoughts. Next time you see someone and this happens, take a breath, look up at the sky or a particularly beautiful building or sight and appreciate the world around you rather than the people. Do not resent the position you're in, it sucks so much and I totally understand were your mind is at right now, but only in accepting that you must fight this problem head on will you over come it, and overcoming it will be a life changing event for you, a new way to grow as a person.
  7. DaveTheGreat

    DaveTheGreat Fapstronaut

    This is great advice, I will try to implement that next time it happens! It sounds like you have been trough somethng similar like me and it's great to have some support! So thank you.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. No problem, just stick to what yoy know is right for you, when you feel yourself slipping away just take a breath and realise what those actions will feel like after the excitment of the anticipation!
  9. DaveTheGreat

    DaveTheGreat Fapstronaut

    Yes! That is very true and I won't forget that! I will never go back, it's time for a brighter future.