Brain fog and ADD symptoms from prolonged porn use prevents me from sticking with tasks.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Anonymous86, Mar 31, 2024.

  1. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    How do people with these symptoms as a result of porn abuse deal with this? I feel like I need to take breaks often because the work becomes too stressful. Can anyone here relate at all to what I am talking about?
  2. SecondChance85

    SecondChance85 Fapstronaut

    Yup going through the exact same problem here. I’ve had to commit myself to re-training my brain after years of neglect and letting myself be too dependent on porn.

    one of the things that has helped me is approaching myself with a lot of kindness. I don’t get frustrated if I relapse anymore.. I sit down with me emotions and give myself a hug and encourage myself to keep trying

    when I do get tempted, I try and give myself 5 minutes to reflect on why I want to watch porn. A lot of the time, it’s an emotional self soothing strategy.. so I convince myself of other ways to self soothe

    hope this advice helps!
    Ruuyo and Anonymous86 like this.
  3. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Yeah I feel like absolute trash when I attempt to study. I can't last longer than a good 5 to 10 minutes without feeling slow and stressed in my brain. It's awful.
  4. SecondChance85

    SecondChance85 Fapstronaut

    The fact you’re managing 10 minutes is great!
    And every day you can work your mental stamina up..

    Set yourself achievable goals.. and remember to reward yourself a lot!

    give yourself a treat for doing 10 minutes of work.. and next time, aim for 15 minutes and treat yourself after that too, etc etc
  5. FocusIsLove

    FocusIsLove Fapstronaut

    I also experience this. It's been an ongoing development, but it's getting better. What I've found best is, of course, keep doing your best to stay clean. This problem always is much worse after a relapse. But then after you are in the day to day, just do your best to make an environment free of distractions. I use blockers(Cold Turkey) to block everything except for a whitelist for school. Generally have a good spot to work, I go to public spaces like coffee shops, libraries, and universities, that helps a lot. Then once there, just work for what you can. At the start it really can be just 5-10 minutes at a time, then give yourself a time for your mind to collect itself. This can take 5 minute or sometimes more itself, then have another go. During this, I just let myself feel my mind lose grasp, let it wander until I feel I have that grasp again. Occasionally I'll get up and go for a walk. I remind myself that focus is like a muscle, that I injured that muscle with porn, and that if I just do my therapy and exercises it will get better, and even strong one day.
    Anonymous86 likes this.
  6. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for this advice. It's not easy to deal with because the procrastination is insane. It's gotta be the loss of dopamine from porn use.

    I can't even play a video game long enough without feeling unfocused and I can feel like it's a chore at times because the desire to not do anything is just *that* strong, and I don't even fap to the video games. I have the desire to play these safe video games, but the emotional response of enjoying to play them is just not there.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2024
  7. FocusIsLove

    FocusIsLove Fapstronaut

    I have been there. Life is just dulled over. It definitely sounds related to the damage to our brains whole dopamine system that porn does. When I find I have that going on, I do a dopamine detox, where for a day, sometimes two I don't use any screens, no sugar either. Just friends, family, books and other healthy activities(exercise, hobbies, walks, etc, just no artificial super stimulus). It helps to speed up the healing, but no matter what it's just time. All you can do is accept that things are going to suck for a little while, and that the only way out of it is to go through it.
    Lassquwuquwuw and Anonymous86 like this.
  8. SoberGuy

    SoberGuy Fapstronaut

    I know exactly what is a brain fog, unfortunately i felt it so much during P consume sessions. After i engage with short streaks of 7, 10 days i started to develop a better mental clarity, self-control and the wish to push more days, make longer streaks.

    The activities that helped me to erase brain fog (i guess the worst symptom for me) were learn a new language, do physical exercises and talk with people (you can start with the ones you know). Wish you the best.
    Anonymous86 likes this.
  9. TetraVaal

    TetraVaal Fapstronaut

    The brain fog is real. I certainly feel more awkward, clumsy and unfocused after I relapse. Others can feel it too it seems, making it worse.

    Make sure you recover by having good sleep, good diet and staying away from dopamine inducing activities.
    Anonymous86 likes this.