NoFap and baldness

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Ilovemyhair, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. Rewired

    Rewired Fapstronaut

    Soil quality has degraded from chemicals and overuse of the agriculture industry, resulting in changed nutritional quality and composition in the food we eat. Marketing and workaholic lifestyles have also changed the way we eat, and daily stress levels - in earlier times, people probably did not snack on potato chips and red bull while making a deadline. Third world countries might be eating less than us, but I've heard their food is better quality due to the lack of human interference. In the western world, we are slowly starving our bodies of nutrients. Our over-sexualised society is not the only variable.
  2. BossTime

    BossTime Fapstronaut

    So you think stopping PMO will help the lost hair regrow? Do you have any source for that please? That could be a great news!
  3. Ilovemyhair

    Ilovemyhair Fapstronaut

    yes you are right about that, I don't deny any of it.
    but I believe EJAC is a much more significant factor in mpb.
  4. JohnnyChimpo

    JohnnyChimpo Fapstronaut


    Deleted because it's horrible, this post is what happens when I get frustrated, drink, masturbate and then feel horrible about myself. Sorry.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2014
  5. Ilovemyhair

    Ilovemyhair Fapstronaut

    yes, I do believe that, there are many people on the internet that reported regrowth due to abstinence.

    I seen pics of a Chinese guy, whose hair was so thin you could see scalp everywhere, then another pic supposedly after 2 years (yeah I know it seems frightening) where he head full head of luscious thick hair.

    a link to the pics was posted somewhere in this thread

    I am sorry but I don't have the time to search for them.
    KeenEye likes this.
  6. e5s

    e5s Fapstronaut

    Ilovemyhair, sorry to say, I think you're going to be disappointed.
    Abstinence has its benefits, but I don't think hair regrowth is one of them.

    What's puzzling to me is, how do you even know that people don't go bald as quickly in the 3rd world? I mean, I've never looked into it, but have you?
    And the statement that men in the old days used to only go bald only after they married, but now you see balding guys in their 20's? In the old days a typical age of first marriage was 21 or so for men. My grandfather started balding when he was 18. He joined the navy when he was 16. I don't remember at what age he married, and nobody I know ever asked if he fapped (navy ships are pretty close quarters though!), but I think you need some evidence before declaring that nowadays men go bald sooner.
  7. e5s

    e5s Fapstronaut

    Yes, and I have seen on the internet where a diet pill turned a morbidly obese potato white woman into a tanned, trim, sexy bleach-blonde with chiseled abs, breast implants and no stretch marks.
  8. Ilovemyhair

    Ilovemyhair Fapstronaut

    fine... then I guess I'd have to go through a year of abstinence, then I'd post the results here.
    I only on day 39 though, wish me luck.
  9. Ilovemyhair

    Ilovemyhair Fapstronaut

    as for now... what I know for certainty is that mpb is caused by dht, dht is generated in significant amounts after ejac.
    I know the average age of balding is on the decrease, I know that countries where masturbation is frowned upon have lower rates of baldness.
    I know that almost every ancient civilization, every esoteric society, linked baldness to masturbation.
    I know that scientists are stupids, and pawns in the agenda to weaken male society by promoting pedohomolesbianism and masturbation, while in the same time saying baldness has nothing to do with masturbation.
    I read various accounts of people who reported regrowth after abstinence.

    for me... it is all the motivation I need to keep going.
    just thought that a forum that recognizes the vast amount of benefits no ejac has, would happily accept the relation between fapping and balding.
  10. stygian

    stygian Fapstronaut

    Can you make a counter so we can follow your progress?
  11. Ilovemyhair

    Ilovemyhair Fapstronaut

    did it work?
  12. Ilovemyhair

    Ilovemyhair Fapstronaut

    though... if will have the chance to get laid, I don't see myself letting it pass.
  13. stygian

    stygian Fapstronaut

    What!? This is an important experiment and I think many males are anxiously awaiting the results.
  14. Ilovemyhair

    Ilovemyhair Fapstronaut

    hehe yeah I know... but don't be a cock blocker.
    come on, I don't think you really want to me to pass on the opportunity to get laid do you?
    unless it would be a regular thing, getting laid once during that time would have the same effect as nocturnal emission.
  15. coolmike87

    coolmike87 Fapstronaut

    thumbs up! i like this
  16. Niroso

    Niroso Fapstronaut

    At least there is someone that is sane and can actually think. And the fact that men in third world countries don't go bald is purely because of genetics. Most third world countries are non-white countries. Baldness doesn't occur as much in other races as it happens in caucausian people.
  17. babbarsher

    babbarsher Fapstronaut

    does getting intimate with my girlfriend will also considered as PMO? Basically does having orgasm while having oral sex, is there any problem with that?
  18. e5s

    e5s Fapstronaut

    For the purpose of meeting your own personal goals, or for the purpose of growing hair?
    If for your own self, then that depends entirely on you. Some guys say yes, some no. It depends on your values and your reasons for doing nofap.
    If for your hair, then ilovemyhair's theory is that ALL ejaculation comes at a cost to a man's scalp.
  19. Fapstronaut5296

    Fapstronaut5296 Fapstronaut

    If you have a motivation, i think you shoould stick to it no matter what! Really believe that NoFap stimulates hair regrowth. Also, just to be safe. Consult a doctor. There are various reasons for hair fall. Doctors will identify the correct reason and prescribe suitable medication.
    Along with NoFap, It is believed that Exercising and Running will reduce hairfall.