My Affirmations:

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by SunDrew, Jan 12, 2016.

  1. SunDrew

    SunDrew Fapstronaut

    These posts will be the current affirmations that I am writing in my affirmation journal. Many of these I will be reading every single day. Many for during my darkest times. These affirmations are almost a personal manifesto to me of how I will act in my daily life. Only they are a simple phrase. Simplicity can bring the greatest power.
    WarriorScarr and SolidStance like this.
  2. SunDrew

    SunDrew Fapstronaut

    Bedtime Affirmation:

    Tonight I will fall into slumber with ease. I will rest deeply and rise without struggle. If I do struggle, I will still rise because I am disciplined. I will spring out of bed with energy. When I wake up, I wake up. Not in ten minutes, not in thirty minutes, not in an hour.


    And tomorrow I will conquer.
  3. I did not masturbate today and I'm sure as hell not going to fap tomorrow. I do not masturbate anymore. I live life to the fullest as the fullest. I am pure energy, master of my mind, body and emotions.

    Edit: Autocorrect on the word fap? Something turning into the word masturbate automatically.
  4. fapequalsdeath

    fapequalsdeath Fapstronaut

    @SunDrew Your avatar means "Dao" the way right?
    SunDrew likes this.
  5. SunDrew

    SunDrew Fapstronaut

    It does.
  6. fapequalsdeath

    fapequalsdeath Fapstronaut

    Ha, I'm currently studying chinese philosophy (if we classify it as philosophy) and frankly it's mindblowing what pieces of wisdom and ideas you can find written 2000 years ago. Only if we would listen the music of the Dao will we find true "enlightenment". But there's the problem isn't it? Listening is so damn hard or at least we make it so.