Worrying rise in 21st century pro-eugenics movements - A Christian perspective

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Bingles, May 5, 2024.

  1. Bingles

    Bingles Fapstronaut

    This is a fairly off-topic discussion on a sexual health forum but one I feel very important in modern times. I am a fairly conservative person. I was raised in a Church of Scotland Christian religious environment and have been casually following the Eastern Orthodox faith for some time now. I have learning difficulties, of a lower-class background and I am homosexual. I have been noticing lately a worrying rise in eugenicist rhetoric among both sides of the political spectrum that I thought ended back in the mid-1940's. Sadly, you go onto some YouTube comment pages and see everyone spouting smugly "Idiocracy isn't a movie, it's a documentary!" as if they are the pinnacle of human intelligence themselves. But it is right to state that the trends seen in the film are likely to occur in the next 20 years or so. This post will go into depth with a blend of scientific and religious views on eugenics and dysgenics.

    Regardless of what you think about IQ's importance, it's noticeably going down, and that has a lot of objective implications for our future. Newer generations may not be able to replace the ones which came before in specialized lines of work, skilled meritocracy is replaced with diversity hires and low skill; overcredentialism, crime will rise rapidly due to low social trust and empathy and our overall health will worsen. Dysgenics is not eugenics, rather means that each passing generation will deteriorate in health due to relaxed environmental pressures and easier, less harsh ecology. Those who would typically die at birth due to their ailments (particularly in slums) would die off from disease, malnourishment or disability. Despite us having access to all the information in the world with little to no class barrier, we are becoming increasingly more ignorant due to our reliance on spoonfeeding algorthims and overall laziness. Engrossed in cheap forms of brainrot entertainment.

    You've probably seen all the "Gen Alpha is doomed!" videos and sadly it's true. Many can't read or write, low impulse control, little knowledge or interest in learning, seemingly violent and disrespectful. I doubt many of them will make it past 30 given the state of the world we are in. Dysgenics is a harsh truth of reality that the establishment would like you to believe isn't true because they wish to instill us with hope and optimism for our bleak futures - that we are becoming more advanced and smarter and healthier, not reverting backwards. Take one look at NYC or London and you'll see the opposite. Streets roaming with spiteful mutants cowardly hiding in Antifa protests, attacking pedestrians, while the cities crumbles under Mohammedan "peacefulness".

    Take modern-day Albania for example: a hermit communist dictatorship where much of the population still haven't seen a car or know how to use the internet. Building bunkers to hide from an invisible threat (ironically a metaphor to eugenics). The crime and poverty rate is worse than any in Europe. It is a gangland society run by crooks. The average IQ? 82, far below average. 70% of all prisoners for example have a learning disability. Half of all people in poverty are either disabled themselves or live with someone who is disabled. This trend can also be seen in Britain, especially in Blackpool where the decay is visible and the locals look "rough".

    And behold, Blackpool has the highest rate of disability, unemployment, obesity, poverty, cancers and benefit reliance in the UK. Chavs as we used to call them, which a derogatory term for the lower-classes of Britain who many looked down upon as genetically inferior to them. The class system in Britain is deeply rooted, almost like a caste system. It isn't like the US with the American idyllic dream of moving up the social ladder. Professor Edward Dutton did a fantastic video documentary in Clacton demonstrating the effects of dysgenics.

    Modern medicine and welfare safety nets ensures the weak survive and live on to pass their genes to the next generation. The Victorian view of poverty was Laissez Faire, basically meaning 'let it be'. Those capable and strong enough to succeed out of their poverty circumstances with no help would earn their respect and those unfit are simply born defective and aren't worthy. It's a very materialistic and disgusting worldview, but the alternative I feel is worse. Patronizing with welfare systems that the working-class become dependent on while becoming more neglectful of their health. The rat utopia experiment showed that eventually, the population of effeminate, weak males will lose interest in sex altogether.

    The ones in relationships will be SINKs and the others incels. Mothers will have less babies and the decline of the nuclear family becomes imminent. And that seems to be happening right now, up to 37% of modern men in their mid-20s still haven't had sex. We would rather numb ourselves with P and watch the latest MARVEL film, a synthentic "reality", than live in real reality and confront our problems. The intention of a welfare state is ultimately good, yet won't solve these fundamentally human issues.

    The average IQ prior to the 20th century was 115, which was the peak of human intelligence. An average layman from the east-end of London may not have had the formalities of modern education but he could easily become a high school science teacher. Now it is 100. Here are a few paragraphs I will source from another post I made that explain the changes from the old way of living to modern living:

    A lot of the problems I have in my life are largely artificial to modern life and a broadly generational issue. P is a by-product of modernity and so is depression. We are easily bored, eat processed and unnutritious foods, stuck in a credentialist school system that doesn't value our mental health or personal living circumstances, forced to become adults in an ever-challenging world none of our ancestors would have ever had to face and never taught how to be an adult in contrast to prior generations. These problems are lessened in small towns. You tend to work as a hand in your family's chosen trade whether it's farming, bricklaying or carpentry. You're much healthier because you go outside daily and you're forced to form a tightly-knit community that can depend on each other and self-sustain. Life was much, much simpler back then.

    Nowadays, we go from having zero responsibilities to having the expectation put upon us of working 9-5 for low minimum wage, knowing how bills and taxes work, starting a family and replacing the previous generation of workers with the same efficiency. Gen Z and Gen Alpha will perish in twenty years. Most I doubt will make it past 30. Small towns and villages are our natural environment we are adapted to live in them. GDP doesn't mean anything, it's a stat only the rich care about. Doesn't equate to a better living. If that were the case, Guinea-Bissau would be the African Singapore.

    If you earn an average income and budget then you can by all means live comfortably in a semi-rural city. Avoid the dodgy areas, keep to yourself and get some self-sufficient hobbies you can consistently do over a long period of time. Art, languages, exercise to name a few. There is a reason why big cities have a higher rate of mental illness like schizophrenia. Look up the mouse utopia experiment. Humans are still animals in respect of our biology (not our intellect, seperate debate) and we must realize the laws of natural selection and environmental adaptation apply to us too. If we live in big cities, we become miserable and dependent on welfare systems to survive.

    My great grandfather was from a little village called Coupar Angus and there were only local businesses. The butcher, the baker, the blacksmith, etc you get my point. Champagne socialists will make the excuse that local people don't want to do these traditional labour jobs but that's simply not true. We want to, we just can't afford to due to the inflated costs ironically caused by the immigration used to subset this. Of which, very few migrants actually work and milk our welfare tit dry while our own people starve and struggle. They want migrants to basically be slaves and servants to serve them coffee at Pret. There is a definite demonization of the local working-class in this country and an infantalization of foreigners.

    We used to ration our foods up until around the 1970's. We would use our back gardens to grow our own foods during the war effort because that's what working-class people did back then. We were frugal, self-reliant on our own resources. I have an old photograph of my homes back garden in WWII being used to grow carrots and potatoes. Now all it has is a hot tub shed and an egg chair. Older generations prior to that would need to plan ahead of schedule and strategize for crop harvesting cycles, like with corn which was notoriously hard to harvest in colder climates.

    This is why colder northern countries have a higher IQ on average than warm southern countries. They have a live fast; die young mentality reflected within their partying, vibrant culture whereas places like the UK, France, Germany, Poland and the Nordics are much more introverted and are environmentally adapted to strategize and problem solve. We no longer grow our own foods or ration or plan. We buy cheap ready meals from the supermarkets and spend wastefully on the latest Manchester United kit then whinge about the "cost of living crisis".


    Theodore John Kaczynski, AKA Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber, recognised that we are not made for modern life. We are not designed to live in concrete and steel high-rise megacities with no contact with nature. Left or right, it all meant nothing. We become socially conditioned to obey. We are not made to consume endless entertainment and work 9-5 in an office. He rejected the world but found himself a martyr for a meaningless cause with his murders. His excuse for his vile, sinful acts of violence was that more people had died due to drugs, alcohol and suicide in a minute than he had throughout his decades long bombing campaign.

    Where is he now? He is now rotting in a box, dead as he lived. Reduced to an unfunny internet meme. Yukio Mishima once said that a Samurai is a man and not a cog in a machine. He recognized the pointless demonic nature of our sinful world. Sadly, he too succumbed to a death by sepuku - a form of "honourable" ritualistic suicide in Japan. But was it honourable? Where is he now? He is now rotting in a box, dead as he lived. Reduced to an unfunny internet meme.

    We cannot perfect with our own corrupt human vision God's creation and image. It is futile.

    “Christ is the only exit from this world; all other exits-sexual rapture, political utopia, economic independence-are but blind alleys in which rot the corpses of the many who have tried them”
    ― Fr. Seraphim Rose

    The message of this is clear and true, what Fr. Seraphim Rose is saying is that it is futile to fight against the world while indulging in its pleasures. We are only men and nothing can change the already doomed and condemned sinful nature of our world. We cannot perfect what is already broken beyond repair. We can make our lives comfortable through money, lust and entertainment; but that is temporary and meaningless. We can become stronger and smarter; but it means nothing without a metaphysical purpose. And just like the world, we cannot perfect ourselves. The passions will take us to the grave. Hence the phrase "Death to the World". Christ is perfection and a manifestation of Heaven on earth who died on the cross so that we can have a chance at reaching the Eternal Kingdom. The world hated him first, he rejected it and it's sinful ways.

    We must embrace our flaws. The more comforts we apply to our lives then the weaker we become. But we can't neglect our poor, so it is a neverending struggle for this paradise utopia that will never come to fruition on this earth. Heaven is the only paradise. The breakdown of these complex systems will result in untold suffering that we are powerless to stop. Growing babies in a lab to artificially alter their genetics won't cleanse you of your sins. It is sacrificial - sacrifice of your own flesh whom He made in His own image. The same way as abortion. You are your own autonomous person, not stats on a spreadsheet for some government psychopath to move around and tinker with like a game! You are a man of God! This world is doomed from the start so we should stop trying to save it.

    My grandparents were born in slums. Not modern terrace housing - actual third world level slums within the east-end dockyards of Glasgow. They were one of 16, only 4 of whom survived. My grandfather had eight, my father had five and my sister has two. It gets smaller and smaller each generation. This evil anti-natalist movement coupled with the unnatural pressures of modern living is ensuring that we as a species die out. Entering the conspiracy-side, we see this in the WEF who show no regard for human life and wish to halve the human population by 2050. Social engineering will quickly turn into baby growing labs with artificial wombs. The idea that you can play God, picking and choosing subjectively "desirable" traits is disgusting and the textbook definition of demonic - to alter reality to your own sinful will.

    We must recognize that it is inevitable that our health will deteriorate in a modern society; but we can't have a nation of lab-grown supersoldier geniuses because that's not our natural way of living. Not everyone can be in the top 1% otherwise the whole of society collapses. We all have a role to play whether we're an honest working-class tradesmen, a supergenius scientist, a military general or a nations president. We compose a unit as one with our unique traits gifted to us by God. Eugenics isn't what God intended. The song Virtual Insanity covers this quite well. Didn't God tell us to "go forth and multiply"? He didn't specify if we had to be genetically fit Aryan ubermenschen to do so. It's a natural physiological human need to reproduce.

    Yes, the laws of natural selection and selective breeding apply to humans because we are animals according to our fundamental biology. But why would we do this? It is selfish, evil and demonic. We are humans, made in the image of God - not cattle or sheep who we eat and devour. That's what they want for us to do: to devour ourselves with our own ego. The TV show American Horror Story (demonic btw, don't watch) starts out one of the seasons with a eugenics nuclear cleansing and it so blatantly evil and in your face that they're practically laughing at you. They mock us all the time in their Hollywood media. We will reach a point where humanity will undergo an ice age winter of dysgenics, and a new beacon of light consisting healthy, conservative Christians will become the remnants of the next generation, take the torch and guide humanity towards God. Religion and faith are tied to mental wellness and genetic fitness meaning we will be the ones to inherit the Earth, just as the Bible says. Us who are persecuted by these sinful degenerates. Eugenics is not the answer, it's cruel and soulless.

    Is my life worth any less because I am learning disabled? Is my life worth any less because I am a homosexual? What is a dignified life, and are we entitled to it? We are entitled to God's love regardless of who we are and must reject the world. In our souls, we are pure. The Nazis tried to kill off the Jews and now the Jews are trying to kill off the Palestinians. Two heads of the same evil hydra putting us against each other. No one is superior to anyone or needs "cleansed". Stop slagging off disabled people on benefits trying to survive and solve the problems afflicting our society! Stop trying to bloody kill each other and get along!

    We have one life on this earth, cherish it! Dysgenics is a sad truth and reflection of the reality of death and decay that comes with being human, that no matter how hard we try, we will become unhealthy and die. Doesn't mean we should stop trying but we must learn to stop clinging to life and appreciate God first and foremost. Eugenics is filth! Satanic, disgusting filth! Different side of the same coin of abortion. Picking and choosing isn't your decision, it is Gods!

    “When daylight is gone, the murderer rises up, kills the poor and needy, and in the night steals forth like a thief” (Job 24:14).

    One day as Jesus and His disciples were walking in Jerusalem, His disciples asked about a man born blind. They wanted to know “who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” (John 9:2). Jesus replied, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, . . . but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him” (verse 3). Who are we to decide who does or does not display the works of God?

    “Uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. . . . Rescue the weak and the needy” (Psalm 82:4);

    silex_jedi, LostSon41 and Meshuga like this.
  2. Bingles

    Bingles Fapstronaut

    this is one of my rambling posts so take with a grain of salt. i'll probably look back on this in the morning, cringe then delete.

    USER_ERROR Fapstronaut

    Singapore has a gdp of 500 billions, the 10th largest in asia and higher than 70% of countries in europe, Guinea about 1 and 1/2, n 51 out of 54 countries in africa, and the per capita difference is about 100k $ vs less than 1K $.
  4. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    I’m throwing a “like,” if only for effort. Must have taken a long time to type all that. I can see some of the ideas competing in your brain, some contradictory. You’re trying to make sense of the current age, which is already schizophrenically trying to merge the Christian ideas of inherent value and procreation with pagan assumptions of strength and meritocracy. I’m most interested in your pro-natalism and Christian advocacy in conjunction with your identity as homosexual. I’m not claiming those are incompatible, it’s just not intuitive and takes some creative thinking to justify those positions in relation to one another. There’s at least the beginnings of a few good ideas in here, some clever observations. I don’t know if they are repeated from elsewhere or are your own.

    You could use some organization. If I were to pick out a thesis from this post, I’d say it might be, “Dysgenics is a real problem, but eugenics is not the answer.” If this is accurate, you can structure your argument better by first laying out what dysgenics is, followed by explaining what eugenics is, then describe how eugenics will fail to adequately address the issue and presenting your own solution. You already intuitively follow this pattern to an extent. I think your communication will improve if you enact it with more intention.

    Don’t be discouraged. Writing is easy, but writing well is unexpectedly difficult, and takes significantly more time than most appreciate. It’s definitely a skill to be developed, even for those who seem to have the knack for it.
  5. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    That is not true. Jews are not trying to kill off Palestinians. It is the Israeli government that is responding to the October 7 attack by Hamas, not Jews. The actions of the Israeli government doesn't represent Jews all over the world. There are a great number of Jews who are against what the Israeli government is doing, even Jews in Israel. Furthermore, there are Palestinians in Israel and they are not being attack. There are Palestinians in the West Bank and they are not being attacked. There are Palestinians all around the world and they are not being attacked by Jews. The IDF mission is to destroy Hamas. Hamas are not the Palestinians. Hamas do not represent all Palestinians.

    Now, I don't think they will be able to destroy Hamas, just like the allies couldn't destroy Nazism. Seem to me the IDF have made some mistakes, but mistakes happen in war. There is hardly any difference to what Israel is doing to Gaza to what the allies did to Germany in WWII. The way I see it, Israel is in a tricky situation. They are up against Islamism and who knows how it can be stopped. Read the Hamas Covenant and decide for yourself what they actually want. Seems to me, they're the one wanting to kill off all Jews.
    Meshuga and HenryforwardV2 like this.
  6. silex_jedi

    silex_jedi Fapstronaut

    the premise of the Good News is that a "surprise" Child had to be protected by a father (sorry for the following) not consulted at the conception phase... even if that meant having to be born in farm conditions, and having to flee to Egypt, escaping child slaughter.

    the basis of christianity is human life above all. even if society sees you as trash. us who fail at recovery should recognise that :'(.
  7. Bingles

    Bingles Fapstronaut

    Honestly idk what I was typing there, I made this post very late at night. The point I was trying to make was that individual wealth doesn't mean your country is rich. GDP doesn't mean much if your country is broken. Nigeria has plenty of rich people, but the vast majority are poor. Material wealth isn't what makes a country happy.
  8. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    While Victorian society definitely didn't have the state-run 'welfare' programmes of post War Britain, this isn't entirely fair. It was very common to 'tithe' (give 10% of one's income to the church and/or charities) in Victorian times, there was a huge Christian revival. Of course they built a lot of Cathedrals and churches etc., but also started a lot of charities for the poor. We also have the origins of universal education, the rise of things like trade unions, and the origins of what we now call 'occupational health' (predating state healthcare by some time).
    There was a decidedly variable level of care provided, as you'd expect with things run by the church or at a very local/charitable level, or by your employer with all the various conflicts of interest that implies. But it was a start.
    Meshuga likes this.