Need help

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Youssef_Ali, May 4, 2024.

  1. Youssef_Ali

    Youssef_Ali New Fapstronaut

    Hello there,
    This is Youssef - 26 yo.
    I have just created this account to ask this question:

    I have been on that for about 4 months and I don't know why
    I no longer watch porn and I no longer act upon it when I get hard and few days ago I got a wet dream (that reguarly doesn't visit me when being a wanker) and I was so happy for that.

    I feel like that will be forever, because I am not obsessed counting the days and I don't really think about it... I am just busy at work and when I get back home I study and take care of myself then I read a book before sleep.

    I treat now fapping like smoking, If you get just one puff then you will get back to the nicotine addiction, and I don't want to get back to watching porn. I just feel like I don't wanna masturbate anymore till I get married (as I am Egyptian traditonal muslim guy - and I won't have a sexual intercourse till I get married).

    Is it healthy just to depend on wet dreams and not to fap any more, as some says that If you don't use it you lose it, is that right?

    These questions make me want to visit an Andrologist for seeking help.
  2. TheLastBattle

    TheLastBattle Fapstronaut

    I wouldn't say masturbation itself is something unhealthy or bad but if it gets out of hand and you masturbate instead of doing your normal chores during the days, I would say that's a problem. If masturbation would have been something bad, we wouldn't have existed most likely. Masturbate is like having sex with yourself, kind of, some say it is and some others says it isn't. You need to have an orgasm to release semen (except for wet dreams) for reproduction, and I suppose the orgasm is your brains way of saying "good job, buddy", and we would feel satisfied afterwards, otherwise I don't know why we would have one,

    When you masturbate and especially when you orgasm your brain releases a high dose of dopamine which makes you feel both calm, good and satisfied, but if you let your brain gets to much of the dopamine your dopamine level might break and your brain will do anything to release dopamine, and in this case it's either watching porn or orgasm. If your dopamine levels breaks you might loose interest in both your hobbies and existens because you aren't able to feel as satisfied for anything except watching porn or orgasm. That is why some of us here might feel kinda miserable and depressed because you don't receive as much dopamine from other stuff anymore only because you have messed up your dopamine.

    To much of the good is not a good idea. Everything we do should have a limit, because otherwise one thing might take over the other things.
  3. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    Abstinence isn’t traditionally a thing Muslims practice. However, Christian and Buddhist monks have practiced full sexual abstinence for centuries without experiencing negative health impact. Wet dreams are natural, some men have them and it’s fine.

    The “if you don’t use it you lose it” claim is not true. I would love to see the empirical evidence these yahoos use to support it, but I can’t because they don’t have any. There are some men who enter a “flat line” period post addiction, some even for an extensive period, but I’ve never heard of it persisting in an otherwise healthy, loving relationship.

    You’re going to be fine.