Opinions on flesh lights?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by morp, Dec 7, 2023.

  1. morp

    morp Fapstronaut

    What are your thoughts bros. Obviously using it without porn
  2. GeorgeJetson

    GeorgeJetson Fapstronaut

    If quitting masturbation is not part of your specific recovery program, then what's the difference between the toy and your hand? My main concern would be whether or not you would be led back to your "drug" of choice.

    If I was in your shoes, I would not only ask for third-party perspective, but would also have a deep heart-to-heart with myself. I would ask myself what my true intentions are and whether or not my actions will be counterproductive to my program of recovery.

    Wishing you the best bro!
  3. GuyBuffalo

    GuyBuffalo Fapstronaut

    Great advice!
    GeorgeJetson likes this.
  4. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    My opinion is that I like to MO, but I don't want my best option for sex to be with an artificial pu@@y. Once you start substituting something fake for the real thing you are in danger of cutting off healthy human interactions and emotions. Instead of a flesh-light why not try experiencing the best that life has to offer, and direct your sexual desires towards a real human.
    Fighter_mode and Longtime27 like this.
  5. AbelHimself

    AbelHimself Fapstronaut

    It's like fapping but with extra steps, a huge no in my opinion.
    Wolves of Wisdom and LostSon267 like this.
  6. Completely useless during a power outage.
    +TenPercent likes this.
  7. For now it's better to focus all your energy on:

    1/ NoFap
    2/ Dopamine Fasting

    Your Dopamine Receptors are still fried from the overuse of PMO.
  8. Caffeine

    Caffeine Fapstronaut

    Imagine learning that some man uses such a thing. What would be your immediate reaction? That he's a creepy loser. Don't debase yourself, get a real girl.
  9. I agree with you.
  10. It will further you away from a real bush! Not a good idea IMO.
  11. I'd say no, also I'd develop some type of fear someone would catch me with that shit / find it.
  12. I’d only recommend it if you have death grip syndrome.

    Otherwise, it’s best to avoid it. You don’t want to unintentionally substitute one addiction for another.
  13. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    More fun than a hand I suppose; if you're not on the no PMO reboot, and only staying away from porn, and not MO, then might as well I guess. Masturbation is masturbation, so if one is gonna MO then it doesn't matter. For some it might even be helpful for staying away from porn, cause it can make MO stimulating enough that you don't crave porn so much. Of course for others MO can lead to urges to watch porn, so judge for yourself where you're at.
  14. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    I disagree with this mindset, I think it's pretty toxic way to think of it. Men masturbate, just like women; we all done it and we all know others do it too, what's the big deal? Why it's ok for a woman to use a vibrator to masturbate, and we say it's normal, but if a man is using a sex toy he's a creep? That's just weird double standard which is based on nothing rational but rather just residue of outdated gender norms from over 100 years ago.
  15. Very useful for when I'm ̶h̶u̶n̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶c̶o̶u̶p̶l̶e̶s̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶w̶o̶o̶d̶s̶ ̶a̶t̶ ̶n̶i̶g̶h̶t̶ going on a nice evening stroll.
  16. Caffeine

    Caffeine Fapstronaut

    Who is we? I certainly don't say that. I don't really say anything about women, because they scare me.

    In general, double standard is completely fine, necessary even, because men and women are different.

    Also, old doesn't mean outdated.
  17. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    I think one of the more dangerous things about a flesh light is that they actually make molds of women's private areas and market that. Yes I've seen the ads.. I think that creates a level of fantasy that someone addicted to P is going to really struggle with.
  18. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    By "we say it's normal" I am talking about the fact that this is how large portion of people in our society feel about it. Just as when I say "we landed on the moon" I am not literary talking about you and me lol, I am talking about we collectively as humans...
    You said that if you would find out that a man is using a sex toy your immediate reaction would be that he's a creepy loser. I assumed that you would not feel the same way if you would find out that a woman is using a sex toy, but fair enough, maybe it's not so in this case; maybe you would consider a woman who has a vibrator a creepy loser too because of it... ?

    So what are you saying then? Are you saying that people (nobody) should not use sex toys period? Cause, I mean, that's what you are implying now...

    But anyways, doesn't matter double standards or not, cause me pointing out the double standards between men and women in our society, when it comes to using sex toys, was just a way how to point at how silly this attitude is. But even if you don't have double standards about it, it still stays silly way how to look at it. I wonder what's you reasoning for thinking using sex toys make people creepy losers?
    That's like saying, "Because apples and oranges are different, apples can be cut with a kitchen knife but oranges can't". Why? Because they are different? That doesn't really mean anything. Different in what way? In what way they are different that justifies those different standards? Men and women are different in many ways, but what differences are you talking about, and what is it specifically about these differences that rationally justify those double standards?
    No, old doesn't mean outdated, but outdated things are usually old.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2023
    Warfman likes this.
  19. Caffeine

    Caffeine Fapstronaut

    I'm disappointed, @Ūruz. I thought you personally flew to the Moon.

    I probably wouldn't think woman using a dildo is a loser because there's no such thing as a female loser because their purpose in life is to be pretty, kind and make babies, not to achieve things.

    Back 2 the topic. The demiurge gave man a penis to 1. pee 2. do weird things to girls (I don't know the details yet). If you're using yours to do something else - play billiard, stir porridge, masturbate - you're doing it wrong.
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