New Guy Goal: 90 days PMO Free

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Reader3, Jul 4, 2017.

  1. Reader3

    Reader3 Fapstronaut

    Hello All,

    I hope this finds you well.

    I'm a 21 year old male that has been struggling with PMO since the age of 17. For the past two years P has not been a struggle, but the MO part I have not been able to fully kick. Last summer my accountability partner and I achieved a 54 day streak (I think he made it a couple days past- closer to 60 days). Ever since this streak I have given into MO once a week.

    Two weeks ago I made it 11 days. This is the best streak I have achieved succeed my last summer streak. Despite kicking P, the MO has had profound negative impacts on me emotionally, spiritually, and physically. I find my self doubting my ability to accomplish anything because I lack self control in this area of my life. I am a Christian and I understand fully if you disagree with me :) This addiction to MO has effected my ability to connect with God and fellow belivers. Physically speaking, MO has made me tired. MO once a week has proven to be devastating to me.

    I am choosing to quit because I want to choose life. Being a lethargic man is not what the people in my life deserve. I remember a passion that burned inside me to push myself further than I have ever been before (long before I struggled with PMO). I want to live life free from my desires.

    Steps I need to take to reboot are as follows. Please provide feedback :) The morning is the most tempting time for me. Specifically when I'm in bed. So, I think I need to be diligent and get out of bed as soon as I get up. I think it will pay off big when urges are strong. I need more physical activity. I think working out 5 days a week is doable for me (I've done it before), I'm just lazy in this area of my life. I need to wake up at 4:45 instead on 5:30 on the week days so I have time to pray and exercise at home. I need to text my accountability partner at least twice a day on how I am doing (same accountability partner from last summer, he is good). Most importantly, I need to deal with my emotions. I have talked to my friends, GF, and pastor (he is a counselor) before. It has helped me deal with the root causes of my addiction (i.e. Childhood shame and rejection). I think having this community to document my journey will help me process and gain encouragement. I fell into my desires today so today is 0 for me. I look forward to being in this community of like minded people. Thanks for letting me join!
  2. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and sometimes challenge you but not judge you.

    This the most powerful of all of the strategies you have listed. Once you have discovered and begun to deal with this, your journey will be easier to travel. PMO is not the cause of our issues, it's the poor solution we have chosen to deal with other issues in our lives which in turn became an issue itself. By not dealing with the original issue(s) in our lives, we turned to Porn and/ or Masturbation to create and Orgasm (PMO) for escape and comfort not knowing we there creating a learned behavior of dopamine (pleasure/ release) to which we then form an addiction. Determining the root cause and creating healthy solutions for dealing with that cause will lessen the attraction to run to PMO for a quick fix.

    Check out In Case You Didn't Know for additional strategies and tips which may help you along your journey.
    Reader3 likes this.
  3. Protagoras

    Protagoras Fapstronaut

    It is awesome that you as a young man have chosen to confront this problem. It is sad that I have waited till my late 40s to do so, but I am working on. I am a Christian too and can tell you that this separate you from Christ and fellow Believers. There is nothing good that comes from it. I am cheering for you brother.
    Reader3 likes this.
  4. Reader3

    Reader3 Fapstronaut

    Thank you. I appreciate the encouragement!