all this shooting, killing, and hatred all around us... #BlackLivesMatter

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Lazarus Shuttlesworth, Jul 8, 2016.

  1. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    C'mon man are you really going to consider everyone who doesn't believe the same as you as an enemy? Your beliefs might change someday, is your future self, or your past self-assuming you once didn't have these beliefs really your enemy? You seem like a nice guy and polite, certainly more polite than me, and I don't want to be at odds with you.

    Is there nepotism in America, absolutely! However, it doesn't' all benefit me. White people want to use and abuse me too. People try to take advantage and use people of every color and steal from them. If you grew up black in America you probably live in a black neighborhood, and you don't even have much interaction with white folks. I'm white and grew up with white people and I know what shitbags they can be, don't trust em, lol.I've been fucked over, looked down upon, and never invited to the country club.

    I get the hardcore racists are nasty as hell, some people are closest racists, others have some innate prejudicious, but I would say the majority of white folks treat blacks better than they do other white folks, at least in social situations. As far as employment goes I can't say for certain, but I've certainly seen some favoritism thrown the way of black folks. not every white person has a silver spoon, man.
    TacoKing likes this.
  2. Phoenix333

    Phoenix333 Fapstronaut

    All lives matter : black,blue,white,red,yellow, brown
    Owari and TheSumOfAllBeers like this.
  3. Phoenix333

    Phoenix333 Fapstronaut

    Move on brother .
  4. TacoKing

    TacoKing Fapstronaut

    Can you name three ways white people have more rights than black people?

    Listen man. There are pros and cons to being black, and there are pros and cons to being white. Stop using your differences as an excuse to victimize yourself and claim the whole world is against you. Just because you feel prejudiced against doesn't mean no one else does.

    Honestly, in the USA, your life is what you make of it. If you want to wallow in the claim that you are "oppressed", go ahead. In all reality, you are a human being and there's nothing in this country stopping you from achieving anything.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2016
    Phoenix333 and GSarosi like this.
  5. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Lazarus Shuttlesworth likes this.
  6. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Lazarus Shuttlesworth likes this.
  7. Phoenix333

    Phoenix333 Fapstronaut

    You said it all brother.
  8. Jodo Kus

    Jodo Kus Fapstronaut

    Saying to #BlackLivesMatter "all lives matters" means to ignore the situation of police officers killing young black men. It's like saying "whatever".
    If you still don't understand it, let me translate it for you: #PoliceActsAsIfBlackLivesWouldn'tMatterButTheyDo
    Not that catchy though ;)

    Of course there are also black racists and supremacists!

    I just hope #BlackLivesMatter isn't about revenge or some Black Panther revival. I'm sure they need to make some kind of trouble. Talk alone doesn't solve the problem. Without political pressure there will be no change.

    Montel Williams said, the most young blacks are killed by other young blacks. That may has nothing to do with the outrageous cop killings. But I think he wanted to indicate that you need a wider perspective to solve these problems. And that one shouldn't look at it only from a race perspective.
    Phoenix333 likes this.
  9. Phoenix333

    Phoenix333 Fapstronaut

    You said it all brother. Take some personal responsibility.
    Jodo Kus likes this.
  10. Monster Carrot

    Monster Carrot Fapstronaut

    Baroque and Phoenix333 like this.
  11. Phoenix333

    Phoenix333 Fapstronaut

  12. Phoenix333

    Phoenix333 Fapstronaut

  13. Phoenix333

    Phoenix333 Fapstronaut

    You said it all my brother.
  14. Phoenix333

    Phoenix333 Fapstronaut

    Can you imagine if all the poor white folks stood up with protest signs saying White lives matter,followed by the victimized Asians in protest with their Yellow lives matter,followed by the protesting Latinos with their Brown lives matter, followed by the native Americans in protest with their Red Lives Matter,followed by the gay Asians with their signs Gay Yellow Lives Matter and on and on. Lol! It only divides us. That won't fix anything. It will cause a deeper separation and be a roadblock to healing and understanding.
  15. Phoenix333

    Phoenix333 Fapstronaut

    We need to have reform in getting rid of the racist cops out there. At the same we need to have accountability for ourselves and greater respect for law enforcement. If I'm out on the street and a police officer has his gun out and commands me to stand down but I charge him anyway? My ass deserves to be shot.
    TacoKing likes this.
  16. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Agreed. There are racist cops opening fire on black people for no good reason. :oops: Look at post #145 & #146 ^ (above). Agreed. There are people in the country that should have greater respect for police officers as a whole and not shoot them.
  17. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    Racist cops are one thing but this is one huge pet peeve I have about cops in general. Racist or not I say cops are REAL punks. How so? They run red lights just because they can. They turn on that damn siren where there are no emergencies but just so they can run the red light so they can just cruise through. Such an opening for accidents to happen. But they don't care because they are cops and can pull this shit off.
  18. IGY

    IGY Guest

  19. KiKopowa

    KiKopowa Fapstronaut

    The problem our world is fasing today is that we are divided
    IF we are the same religion we are not the same football team, if we are the same football team we are not the same colour, If we are the same colour we are not into the same political party, If we are into the same political party our financial status is difrent, if our financial status is not difrent some1 is a feministLOL. Stop follow what the media has to say, start being humans. They are making fun of us and living out of our own energy.
    Phoenix333 likes this.