Other porn blocker than K9?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by atak, Mar 14, 2016.

  1. atak

    atak Fapstronaut

    K9 is not working the way I want on my PC. This app is more than 6 years old. Is there something new out there for windows 10? K9 is not working for me.
  2. ShotDunyun

    ShotDunyun Fapstronaut

    Will power is the only tool you need. Convince yourself that looking at porn is hurting you. That's what I did. I'm currently using my phone/laptop everyday, 70-something days porn clean. It's possible and very rewarding.
  3. atak

    atak Fapstronaut

    I know but I need it as an extra security measure. I have problems with peeking.
    Joseph2015 and ShotDunyun like this.
  4. Joseph2015

    Joseph2015 Fapstronaut

    my answer: covenanteyes

    atak, you are totally right. Getting a porn filter is a really smart way of fighting porn. When it comes to porn addiction, being the "tough guy" and saying "I can fight it all on my own" is foolish and it makes the journey so much longer. It might work for ShotDunyun but not all of us are that strong.

    When I look at my own story, the most progress I ever made towards a porn-free life was installing a filter and an accountability partner through covenanteyes. The best way to make use of this software is to set it up with an accountability partner--someone you trust, who can help you in your struggle, who gets a record of your browsing history and is notified if you ever go to a porn site. But the filtering service without an accountability partner works well, too. Just make sure you have a friend keep the password for you.
  5. atak

    atak Fapstronaut

    All of my AP's have bailed out. I need normal porn blocker like k9. Preferably something that is add-free and up to date for Windows 10. I can't share my browser history with random people I meet on NoFap. I have my own business.
  6. kk76

    kk76 Fapstronaut

    I'm going down the route of accountability software. Hate the idea but needs must and it stops me cheating so that is a good thing. I know I will be grateful long term
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. MinnesotaMan

    MinnesotaMan Fapstronaut

    I've altered my HOSTS files (there are probably online tools that can help with this) and downloaded anti-porn pro, which is a firefox add-on that seems really solid. Once I have verified one of my outstanding porn subscriptions is indeed cancelled, I'm going to password-protect it with a random password as well.

    Just adding layers of defense can help, in the event you don't find the perfect single tool.
  8. Bulldog1978

    Bulldog1978 Fapstronaut

    Opendns, it's free, set your router DNS servers to point to opendns install a small client on your pc and your entire network is porn free. You have to select what you want to block. Have someone else set the password. Will track history for two weeks also but does not show what device went there. It's an amazing product and it's free. It is pretty easy to setup also.
    Lynx93 likes this.
  9. "Cold Turkey" is a great porn blocker though I think it costs $10 or something. It's much easier to disable than K9, however, so if you've got moderate PC skills it's just a temporary barrier.

    I agree with above posters about willpower being the best approach. A streak cultivated by a porn blocker is far less rewarding than beating your addiction through sheer mental strength.
  10. atak

    atak Fapstronaut

    I need an all-around blocker. I have Microsoft Internet Explorer and Micrsoft Edge browser and for those there aren't any porn blockers. I need an all around porn blocker like K9.
  11. atak

    atak Fapstronaut

    I don't care what happens on the other computers in my house. I only want to install a porn blocker on my own pc.
  12. kk76

    kk76 Fapstronaut

    Anyone use accountability software?
  13. melancholy king

    melancholy king Fapstronaut

    I use windows 10 and K9... seems to work fine for me. What are the issues you are dealing with?
  14. atak

    atak Fapstronaut

    I couldn't change the settings. I just want it to block porn but this k9 program was blocking other things too not related to porn. Now I have another problem though. I can't install it anymore. I need another porn blocker. This k9 program is too old and it doesn't work properly.
  15. melancholy king

    melancholy king Fapstronaut

    Ideally, you would want to get rid of internet entirely, that way you are almost 100% guaranteed to not be exposed to internet pornography. So if you have that option, go for it.

    Now as for K9, or porn blockers in general, the more it blocks the better. You can (assuming you use PC) set it so the few websites that you access are allowed, and then make all else blocked. I have probably blocked more porn sites than I care to admit, let's just say that porn is accessible in many ways, so if you want to prevent yourself from readily accessing it you must go through a lot.

    Willpower is the end all be all though. Although I think it is foolhardy to not go through preventative measures, willpower is what will matter long term. I have been on a relapse extravaganza lately (I call it that just to give you an idea of how much I've been screwing up) and I can tell you that K9 isn't at fault. It is my fault. I am not strong enough at the moment to control myself. Keep your eyes on the prize.
  16. atak

    atak Fapstronaut

    I know but it doesn't hurt to have that extra security measure and having that freaking porn filter installed. :) Everybody is different and I know I need it because I don't want porn to be a click away. I'm a compulsive person and I have tried everything to be not a compulsive person.
  17. cud

    cud Fapstronaut

    Same here...
  18. atak

    atak Fapstronaut

    I reinstalled it couple of times and surprisingly it suddenly worked. That is weird. I can't really understand how but it seems like it is working now.
  19. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    I'd recommend Mobicip on both your phone, which works excellent by the way, and as well as on your laptop. Both are free although you can go premium. On the other hand, the basic version works just as fine. I honestly think K9 absolutely sucks. I've asked my brother to block like a dozen sites that are mostly video based sites similar to Youtube, but have some porn on them. Mobicip on my phone, on the other hand, didn't had much of an issue. Try it.
  20. Jabba the Lover

    Jabba the Lover New Fapstronaut

    This is what I use to block porn:

    1. Dr Web antivirus with parental control turned on - it blocks 98% of the porn sites;

    2. Wizmage Image Blocker - a wonderful Chrome extension that hides images and videos replacing them with colored textures. Even Youtube can't trigger me now;

    3. iPad is my Achilles' heel, that is what I mostly used for my PMO sessions. To prevent relapses, I restricted access to adult content in the settings and installed Mercury Browser that allows a user to block images;

    4. Reddit Enhancement Suite for Reddit - no more access to NSFW submissions and subreddits.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2016