What is this? - Fallout trailer

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by EmperorLaStrang, Dec 3, 2023.

  1. EmperorLaStrang

    EmperorLaStrang Fapstronaut

    My impoverished broke ass is eating canned fish while scrolling through youtube when I come across this abomination:

    What the fuck am I looking at here?

    I am so disgusted by this I refuse to watch it in full and no one can convince to give it a chance, because the pattern recognition that the new world has tried aggressively and publicly to suppress for the past 3 years is going mad.

    I refuse to watch it. In fact I haven't even played it and I won't.

    This is debtors in a holy temple tier garbage. Bethesda is the debtors.

    Fallout is the only gaming franchise I derive any amount of joy from and these clowns have yet again bastardized something so pure.

    >Takes place after the events of F4 in LA.

    >LA is still a wasteland (this show is going to be considered canon - according to Todd Howard)

    At this point in the history of fallout the NCR is a legitimate country and cali is nolonger a wasteland. People have rebuilt at this point.

    What an insane insane world we live where this is allowed.

    I have been screaming a lot lately, but I fear I have no mouth.
  2. Looks like absolute dogshit designed to appeal to people who clap like seals when they see things they know. Braindead consumers with no taste and no ability to recognise whether something is good or not, their brains are so rotted from absolutely devouring the slop. I love how they advertise it as being written by all these people, as though knowing Todd Howard worked on it is supposed to make me want to watch it, rather than avoid it.
  3. EmperorLaStrang

    EmperorLaStrang Fapstronaut

    Todd Howard can't write a fucking story to save his life. In fact if he were put in that situation he'd take a story that was already written and flip it on its head and say its new (Fallout 4).

    I'm glad fallout isn't as normie as people think it is, because I would truly be terrified of going to work having to hear my coworkers talk about it and praise it like they did with TLOU.

    The show is so blatantly designed for normies who have never had an original or nuanced thought since they were 10 years old.

    >dog meat
    >supah mootants
    >da brothas in steelz
    >ghouls (that just look like motherfuckers with a bad sunburn. Ghouls are meant to be hideous, terrifying to look at, disgusting, revolting, gross, ewww, icky, unattractive, horrific, appalling, terrible, frightening, frightful, ugly, repulsive, repellent, weird, deformed abominations).

    So easy to digest. FUCK
  4. I'm kind of interested the series; however, I never played any of the games.

    I watched a Twitch streamer play Fallout: New Vegas and it just doesn't seem like my kind of game. I tried to play Starfield and I lost interest in it after a couple of plays.
  5. EmperorLaStrang

    EmperorLaStrang Fapstronaut

    If you do watch the show I wouldn't take that as the fallout universe, because they have already admitted to retconning major parts of the lore. Actually all the lore.

    This show is nothing more than a fan fiction.
  6. EmperorLaStrang

    EmperorLaStrang Fapstronaut

    Yeah until the 6'5 235lb Caesar's Legionnaire with a room temperature IQ comes strolling her way.
  7. EmperorLaStrang

    EmperorLaStrang Fapstronaut

    Ahh I see what you're doing.

    That's pretty funny actually.

    USER_ERROR Fapstronaut

    That is actually the point of the game, you start as a nobody with no life experience apart from shooting cockroaches with a BB gun in the shelter but after a little while days outside you will be killing 10 foot giants barehanded in no time.
  9. The trailer plays out like a parody of a modern TV show/movie trailer.

    . Main character is a woman despite the vast majority of the Fallout fanbase being men.

    . Awful special effects.

    . Memberberries out the ass.

    . Hideously dysgenic supporting cast.

    . Bad jokes.

    . Lame "quirky" overacting designed to appeal to Redditors.
  10. Every time I see people act like TLOU show was some masterpiece I want to smash my head against the wall. It's just a slop version of better stories mushed together for the benefit of people who don't read books or watch non-capeshit movies and shows. How can a show that derailed itself to show an hour of Ron Swanson getting fucked in the ass be considered good? People have absolutely no standards.

    USER_ERROR Fapstronaut

    I haven't watched the whole show precisely because it is so similar to the game which i remember very well, no surprise there as the show writer and director is the one who created the franchise in the first place.
    And i'd say it(the game) is just as much about power fantasy as any capeshit movies and shows as our protagonist here eat lead for breakfast and over the course of the game kill hundreds of opponent with just a handgun or other light weaponry, very similar to his other famous work, uncharted.
  12. Neil Druckman didn't create TLOU alone, Bruce Straley was the other director who contributed much of the design to the original project. Druckman didn't create Uncharted at all, Amy Hennig did.
  13. AbelHimself

    AbelHimself Fapstronaut

    I think the trailer looks good, but to be honest, my expectations were really low. The only thing that bothers me is the cyclops, that was definitely uncalled for.
  14. EmperorLaStrang

    EmperorLaStrang Fapstronaut

    In a vault too! You'd think the gene pool would be pure.

    I cannot wait to see... Actually hold that. I'm not going to see what olympic tier mental gymnastic retconning theyre going to do to justify that.
  15. Well, as if it wasn't obvious enough, 0:22 tells you who's behind it. Another masterpiece, I'm sure.
  16. Listen here bucko, you better play Starfield, and that's my final warning.
  17. goldie

    goldie Fapstronaut

    I genuinely can't imagine how someone saw "Fallout" and "TV series" in the same sentence and expected anything less. Reminds me of a quote from a famous professor I enjoy: "TV is for idiots, and if you aren't an idiot it will make you one."

    USER_ERROR Fapstronaut

    turned out to be decent
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