Semen retention for 100 days ..... JUST DO IT

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by TemporaryUsername3892, Sep 20, 2015.

  1. TemporaryUsername3892

    TemporaryUsername3892 Fapstronaut

    What is Semen Retention ?

    Semen retention is the practice of abstaining from ejaculation.

    Ancient philosophies and medical practices from Asia and India have long claimed that semen retention leads to better health and longer life.

    Semen, which is in essence the very life-force of a man, must be retained in the body to maintain a man’s health.

    Ejaculation reduces the life-force available to a man, which is evident from the immediate drop in energy, and generally depressed nature, which can be observed after ejaculating.

    Semen is a complex mixture of calcium, phosphorus, lecithin, cholesterol, albumin, and nucleoproteins. When it is retained, it is re-absorbed into the body, where it is used to directly support the brain and central nervous system. This improves their function, making you more focused and confident.

    Sexual energy created during arousal must also be transmuted, to take full advantage of semen retention. Transmutation allows sexual energy to be used for the benefit of a man, and not released in such a way as to harm him.

    What are the Benefits of Semen Retention ?

    increased energy and drive
    boosted immune system
    cures erectile dysfunction
    prevents premature ejaculation

    more confidence
    improved memory
    more decisive

    calmer and less prone to anger
    more connected to spiritual nature
    control over material urges

    Why I'm doing this ?

    No depression or sadness after orgasm. I Felt like shit after MO

    Better concentration & mental clarity. I have poor concentration now

    More power

    For Greater masculinity

    For Greater confidence

    Better self discipline.

    Control my emotions

    Just starts now . I will come up with my experience ..


  2. mv8652

    mv8652 Fapstronaut

    You've very accurately stated the ancient beliefs regarding semen retention and its benefits. For a thorough scientific discussion see posts #10 and #20 by fapstronaut JoeinMD, posted today in the thread "What happens in the body when you stop ejaculating?" It's good to understand the perspectives of both the ancients and science.

    As I write this, it's been 187 days (over six months) since my last ejaculation of semen on March 17, 2015. From my experience, I go with the modern medical explanation. The posts at the link above address the purely physical processes within the male reproductive tract, but the "depression or sadness after orgasm" that you describe have been long recognized. The second-century Greek physician Galen wrote, "After sex, every animal is sad, except for the woman and the rooster." Modern science tells us, and I agree, that this is caused by the release into the blood of a flood of the hormone prolactin at the time of ejaculation. Prolactin is a strong antidote to male arousal. It pulls the plug on erection; it extinguishes desire; it makes us feel dull, tired, and sleepy; and it leaves us in the refractory period. It can also produce depression, from mild to severe, in proportion to each individual's sensitivity to it. Retained semen is not so much a cure for these effects as avoidance of ejaculatory orgasm is a preventative. Of course, these are two sides of the same coin. This is why semen retention seems to produce such emotional benefits.
  3. TemporaryUsername3892

    TemporaryUsername3892 Fapstronaut

    First I salute you sir

    I have been porn free for almost 6 months now. My best of semen retention is 2 months . Each time I relapse (MO), i just felt like trapped in the MO cycle because it happens again & again. I can't justify the depression & sadness after the orgasm & I also like to mentio that each time i relapse (MO) It reflects on face , my eyes goes sunken & eyes under became dark .. I just look like poop . It's just destroes all my charming appearance. Do you have any similar experience ..

    How old are you sir ?
    Single ?

    Modern medical explanation .. I would like to know more ?
    Vedas_fr, rostronaut, frogg05 and 2 others like this.
  4. TemporaryUsername3892

    TemporaryUsername3892 Fapstronaut


    I just reed his article. It's Gud and bit long
    If you just wanna know how your dick & balls works check out this video . It's not about semen retention or stuff like that.. Just medical demonstration video about semen analysis.. Perfect for understanding easily

    rostronaut likes this.
  5. TemporaryUsername3892

    TemporaryUsername3892 Fapstronaut

    This guy Give me DRIVE .. Check it out .. Infinite water diving deep :)

  6. TemporaryUsername3892

    TemporaryUsername3892 Fapstronaut

  7. abiwrites

    abiwrites Fapstronaut

    I did that for over 6 months to be exact and I did several things that is worth mentioning:

    a) I went outside of my own country. This was my first time.
    b) I went for a long trek on a the Himalayas
    c) I approach more girls and have more dates. Before, no girls in my life. In fact, as of writing this post, I have a long term relationship with a very cute and loving French girl.
    d) I am more outgoing and social and talk with ANYONE. Before, I used to feel I could not, but now, I can talk with anyone.
    e) Depression, social anxiety, approach anxiety, and fear have almost gone down to "zero" level. I do meditation to step back from my thoughts that constantly bog me down and that helps me put things into perspectives and not take anything personally... :)

    Thanks for sharing this tips.
  8. Can I get a helllllooooooo there?
  9. Yep, GREAT post. Thanks for sharing.
    TemporaryUsername3892 likes this.
  10. Lol.
  11. NoBrainer

    NoBrainer Distinguished Fapstronaut

    He lost me when he started referring to semen as compressed sunlight. :rolleyes:

  12. IGY

    IGY Guest

    I didn't get past the introduction! What a nutter - he looked like he was in a trance. And "Infinite waters diving deep". Wtf does that mean anyway? :rolleyes: I swear that guy is tripping! :p AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHH!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. NoBrainer

    NoBrainer Distinguished Fapstronaut

    He is a bit nutty, but in a good way. He does actually have some useful things to say, if you can get over his oddities...
  14. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Sorry buddy, but all that "p e a c e . . ." hippy shit and pseudo genuflexion all over the place is way too much for me. :rolleyes:
    Deleted Account and Vedas_fr like this.
  15. TemporaryUsername3892

    TemporaryUsername3892 Fapstronaut


    I'm glad to hear from you brother :)
  16. TemporaryUsername3892

    TemporaryUsername3892 Fapstronaut


    You are welcome :)
    AlltheRageBackHome likes this.
  17. Krisztian

    Krisztian Fapstronaut

    For years I've contemplated whether to engage longer in SR other than for the 7 to 21 days at a time. The depletion of my vitality after ejaculation was quite obvious, especially after I've turned 30. I am a psychologist by profession, so I was surprised to notice also an emotional drain after spilling. Something akin to depression.

    I've learned all I know from repeated experience. Currently, I have over 200 days of SR, and have no plans otherwise. Feel absolutely amazing!

    I have learned along the way of SR that I wouldn't be able to go beyond 50 days, unless I added qi-gong practice specifically related to bringing up the sexual energy to my head. If I do not practice specifically this technique, then in 2 to 3 days, I have so much extra energy that I either experience a "wet dream" or feel uncomfortably jittery, like I have ADHD. It's quite interesting.
  18. Krisztian

    Krisztian Fapstronaut

    This isn't an intellectual or theoretical exercise for me, I am merely sharing my experiences.

    I also wanted to point out respectfully, that SR is quite natural and easy once one embraced their animalistic drives. And the drive/need to spill is irrelevant when it comes to lovemaking. When mastered, one can easily last for 1.5 to 2 hours long during sex/lovemaking.

    In terms of your theory of "poop or pee", in what way does that relate to this topic? I do not see any connection.

    Lastly, why get so heated-up about what someone (you don't even know) writes about if you do not believe in SR in the first place?
  19. snafy90

    snafy90 New Fapstronaut

    The connection is this is a natural biological function that people are stopping, claiming it has physical health benefits with no understanding behind it other than "ancient philosophies". Your body produces sperm and prostate fluid to be released, not to be stored in the body for a year to be broken down and reabsorbed. An analogy is applying antiperspirant that blocks your sweat glands in the armpits and prevents them from releasing sweat. Read some of the problems people have using 24hr antiperspirant every day and getting gross cysts filled with pus and blackheads under their armpits.

    I agree that watching too much P is unhealthy. I would also agree that too much MO is also unhealthy. But if you don't ever MO or have sex and O, just for "semen retention" this is NOT healthy. I think some people are confusing sexual addiction with normal sexual activity. Your sex organs are there to be used. As a young or middle aged man, getting rid of or losing all your sexual desire is not healthy. And if you are having wet dreams what is your body telling you about the need to release that build up crud inside?

    As for why I get so heated, after reading some threads here I just face palm so hard. Guys your goal shouldn't be to suffer through 90 days without cumming and wondering if something is wrong with you. Your hormones are driving your body to reproduce. If you're addicted to P your goal should be to tone it down to something reasonable like once a week. Not this cold turkey, let's see what record I can hit bullshit. If you MO once every two months and you feel like shit after, feel phsyically ill, depressed, sad, whatever, you need to see a therapist. Because clearly MO is not the problem.
  20. Krisztian

    Krisztian Fapstronaut

    Thank you for clarifying.

    You have greatly misunderstood/projected onto what I wrote. SR isn't difficult at all. There's no urge to spill. No desire to spill. It wasn't "cold turkey". It isn't for everyone clearly, but for me, it was a natural evolution. I have sex 2 to 3 times per week with my wife. I'm happily married.

    As for pornography, I do not have any interest in it at all. Never did. I've joined this Forum strictly for this particular thread on SR. Only did I realize thereafter what this NoFap Forum was hosting. In my defence, there aren't any Forums on the discussion on SR.