Comments on Profile Post by jesusmysaviour

  1. MadHatter
    Doing well! and yourself?
    May 1, 2017
  2. jesusmysaviour
    I'm doing good . I'm currently on my day 10, without pmo hbu
    May 1, 2017
    Rising Sun !! and Jewish girl like this.
  3. jesusmysaviour
    You completed 90, days without pmo why did you relapsed just asking :)
    May 1, 2017
    Rising Sun !! and Jewish girl like this.
  4. MadHatter
    At my best I was close to 140 days, I think.

    What happened? my guess is this: at the time, we had just had our second kid, and life was becoming so hectic - again - that I used pornography as a means to escape.

    What actually happened then is irrelevant, I suppose. What matters is how I reacted to it. And I reacted poorly.
    May 1, 2017
  5. jesusmysaviour
    I can understand it . Cause like you I also use pmo to escape from my stress
    Anyway good luck.
    May 1, 2017