
Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by FindingAName, Jun 27, 2017.

  1. FindingAName

    FindingAName Banned User

    i have been offered something to do with NCS organisation. It specifies in activities and aims to get you outside your house and not on PCs all day. I declined. I can't fuckin do it. SA kicked in as soon as I had a phone conversation. I get too panicky. There's a date to meet up to some school Thursday 6:30Pm this week. Fuck it I'm not going. I can't handle the amount of stress and worry it puts on me
  2. NotSoAverageJoe

    NotSoAverageJoe Fapstronaut

    Go to a therapist asap dude

    Maybe you need medication
  3. icewizard

    icewizard Fapstronaut

    He don't need jew pills to make him a brain dead npc. I have the same problems as you op and the best thing I did was to just do it with all of my fear and anxiety going there. I may have went and was unable to speak but I was forced into the situation despite my body telling me to hide, and it gave me a little more confidence so I got used to dealing with these situations. Or maybe it wasn't confidence, but I became more numb to the situation as my anxiety and stressed peaked, everything became numb after words. I don't like Just Do It advice usually, but for me in this case it worked out. Go in with all your stress and anxiety and fears and see how it goes. If you start crying or do something embarrassing at least you made a step forward. Although now that I'm numb to everything I can't socialize well since I find no enjoyment from it and I don't feel much emotion at all, but its better than social anxiety and physically feeling pain when talking to people which was 100x worse.
  4. Really?
  5. icewizard

    icewizard Fapstronaut

    It's just a meme. I have nothing against jews.