PMO Is Still Very Rampant in Society, and It Needs to Be Stopped

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Matrix Intel, Mar 26, 2017.

  1. day 110 here.

    This is how I view the whole deal:

    Both porn, masterbation or ANY form of self sexual pleasure is extremely detrimental and evil to one's well being and life destiny, well beyond anyone's wildest imagination. Sex, on the other hand, at least from my experience and many others, is nothing like self sexual pleasure, whether that sex is hetero, bi or what have you. I mean come on, how many animals or living things do you know of, besides humans, that masterbate in nature? NONE. It's a completely unnatural, evil thing to do.

    Here's the thing: My 110 days of nofap, which may seem like an eon for some, is just scratching the tip of the ice berg. This is the case with many people, more specifically, those that have been doing PMO for years. I'm still to this day having crazy, negative withrawals and downs, along with great ups. What many don't realize is that this is essentially "spiritual warfare" on an unprecedented scale. Very, very elect few will make it to day 11,111 or til their grave, for infinity, which should be everyone's goal: the forever mentality. Treat it like an alcohol addiction: That first sip of alcohol, or fap in this case, will bring the person exactly back to how they were, given they continue to binge and indulge, which is the case almost everytime. Never let your guard down and face life head on. Self sexual pleasure of any kind is only a distraction from one's goals. Like I said, this is all about learning how to live completely without PMO, whether one has a SO, sex partner or not. Abstaining and recovery is just the first part of the process.

    Another great mentality to keep you from binging in case you do relapse is the "ratio badge counter." Basically, this counter compares days of fapping to days of nofap, so if one faps at say, day 100, they aren't back to square one until they continue to fap. However, do be aware that this mentality may lead to relapsing, since the person may figure: "Oh just this one time won't hurt much." Stop right there at this very moment, remember the alcoholic addiction approach, don't fool yourself.

    Sorry this isn't the best article, my mind is going mach 2 right now, but do understand that long term nofap, will change a person like you'd never believe, some ways good, some ways bad, but you are no longer a fool. The true significance of this process is FAR, far underestimated by most nofappers, including myself. There's just something about abstaining from self sexual pleasure that makes a person's view, approach and actions in life in a whole different manner.

    Although my goal is to get a girl friend, good income, maybe even a family, my REAL, true and only purpose and goal of my life is to improve the lives of other people. This world really needs a lot of cleaning up, and it's up to people, including me, to improve it. I, you and everyone in existence is living their own subjective reality, but all together, they create what is called the collective consciousness, or objective reality if you will. If the minds of most people today is crap, then guess what? Most of reality will be crap, so let's all improve this collective reality together. Until I take my last breathe, I will continue to improve the minds of others. It's really the only thing now that brings me TRUE happiness.
    sean kost, Keston, b1308t and 9 others like this.
  2. Rayon

    Rayon Guest

    I like the fact that you have a clear purpose in life that of helping others. It is absolute crucial in life to know why we are alive.
  3. Great post.
    Matrix Intel and Whackless like this.
  4. TheBeachvillain

    TheBeachvillain Banned

    Good for u man
  5. Whackless

    Whackless Fapstronaut

    Fellow AOL soldier SALUTE!
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 23, 2022
  6. Whackless

    Whackless Fapstronaut

    Experts tend to agree 90 days is like a detox period. Once you get a handle on the first 90, that's when the real work begins.
  7. 100% true. People will hate on me for saying this but people should prolly be arrested for it. No joke, since they are sexually assaulting themselves and contributing to the sexual assaults of others.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 23, 2022
    b1308t, Matrix Intel and Whackless like this.
  8. Whackless

    Whackless Fapstronaut

    Distribution of hardcore pornography is illegal under Federal obscenity laws in the US, both online and in brick and mortar stores. So technically you're not sounding that extreme here man.
    Matrix Intel and Deleted Account like this.
  9. Whackless

    Whackless Fapstronaut

    Look up the Latin roots of masturbation. Lol, whoever created the word fully understood the abusive nature of it.
    Matrix Intel and Deleted Account like this.
  10. FAPDAB

    FAPDAB Fapstronaut

    i think that porn is really unstoppable now...its the easiest thing you can find and its free...this makes the younger generation more dangered as they easily have internet access...i remember the day i first masturbated i was still 14 and i was fascinated buy porn and the feeling..but after i fapped i felt great guilt..i thought i committed some kind of adultery...after that i was 300+ days with out fapping just because i was scared that i waked up at the middle of the night like 3 times everyday thinking i had a wet dream while i didn't... then porn came again by accident and im trying to get my self a whole damn week without fapping
    Aiyoshi and Deleted Account like this.
  11. Aiyoshi

    Aiyoshi Fapstronaut

    Unfortunately, it's a industry that tends to grow more and more over the years. It will get worse as time pass, it's an easy access addiction to "solve" all life problems.

    It's easier than learning to deal with being single, marriage laws, relationship and financial problems etc... Only when people see what they have done for themselves is when they'll stop and it's very sad having to wait for people to destroy themselves to stop this evil.

    It's sad to watch, but it's the only way to grow our army.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. Porn industry earns too much profit and makes men weak alongside with tobacco and alcohol industry to have the government banning them. It's in governments interest to leave people weak and divided cos then they are not threat to the ruling class no matter left or right.
    I see oppportunity for us about this situation - thinks about males that are your friends and can be possibly victims of PMO and speak with them honestly about dangers of PMO. Someone will not wanna to listen, someone will want. Every big change starts in ones mind and then becomes action. Personally I see two males for the start to speak about dangerous side of PMO. And so the NoPMO wave will increase.
    If not us then who will be protecting male side of humanity ? Government ? Other people ? I don't fucking think so.
    So go ahead, find someone to save and do it. I promise I will ! It's our duty !
    Runtilmylegsdropoff likes this.
  13. Jaime123

    Jaime123 Fapstronaut

    I was using porn to numb the pain. It's no good trying to reboot unless you work on underlying psychological issues as well. The porn is/was a symptom, not the root problem. At least that's how it started.

    And no, porn is very definitely not worse than rape. That's ridiculous and insulting to victims of rape.
  14. It's up to people to let others know about the harmful effects of PM. You all are far, far more powerful than you think. Even if people don't listen, it'll get into their sub conscious minds. They may not believe it, but you can't unhear something. This is an information wars against many different evils. I always strongly believe a saying that my leadership teacher, Mr. Chase, will never forget him, told me: "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem." At the time when I was younger, I didn't really understand that saying. But now, it's more true than ever.
    Deleted Account and Aiyoshi like this.
  15. J247

    J247 Fapstronaut

    But if a girl you like breaks up with her boyfriend who has PIED, then ends up you after you've rebooted, isn't a good thing not everyone know about it? ;)