
Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by e5s, Jun 23, 2014.

  1. e5s

    e5s Fapstronaut

    What to do.

    I find that eight to ten hours of quiet, solitary, meditative sulking at the commencement of my workweek takes the edge off the acute despair I face right before going in. So damn selfish. I crave solitude daily. Sometimes I pretend to be sleeping when I'm really just enjoying being left alone. It's getting excessive. But without it my brain starts shutting down of its own accord. I'm at a loss for what to do. I know that I used to be busier, something of a workaholic, but now a mere 40 plus the usual family time is more than I can handle. Different work is not on the horizon.

    I love the people in my life. They're the only ones I can stand for more than a moment or two. I tail my husband like a spaniel at social events. I haven't made and kept any friends on my own in years. Can't be bothered, can't muster up enough consistent interest. What the hell is going on.

    It almost makes me wonder if some of this is related to suppression of sexual energy or not. I certainly avoid situations that present a high risk of temptation. But it might be a red herring. I don't know, and there isn't really an ethical way to find out.
  2. Nate007

    Nate007 Fapstronaut

    well if you are not spending a lot of quality time with other people, i would suggest that you learn to enjoy entertaining yourself and being in your own little world. this might seeem cooky but this past year i didn't go to school so i had a lot of time alone, and thats kind of what i did, i would daydream and just all around move at a slower pace, i also found living in the present moment and enjoying the simple things in life like doing dishes and eating and sleeping, if you can learn to enjoy living in the present and enjoying the mundane tasks in life i think that you will find peace at heart even if the world around you is very hectic. now it sounds like your busy but maybe start keeping a journal, or keeping a notebook on you and writing whenever you feel bored. maybe go on a retreat of some sort to give yourself a boost. i also found that getting up early and doing yoga at home (alone i used an instructional video) would give me more energy to face my day. even if it means less sleep, doing yoga is like drinking an energy drink except its good for you. i really can't give much advice, maybe tell your partner about your need for more solitude and try to work something out.

    if you really find yourself up against a brick wall maybe do something drastic like sail around the world or something, theirs no point coasting through life with a permanent migraine and a job that you hate, maybe I'm naive but thats how i see it anyway.

    I'm really not in a position to give advice (I'm 15 and don't have much experience in life yet. i do understand the "wanting more solitude thing" ( I'm extremely introverted and have just come off a year where i didn't do anything much (i didn't even go to high school) because i had kind of burnt out at the end of grade nine. but its something their isn't really a cure for, (if you find one please do tell)

    this probably doesn't make sense but ill post it anyway because you might find something in here worth thinking about.

    one last thing, life is beautiful and never forget that.
  3. e5s

    e5s Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the words of support Nate. :) That's real nice.

    Yeah, that post was a bit much I guess. Just got a baaaad case of the Mondays.

    LOL at sailing around the world though. My retirement plan is already to hope I don't live too long, and the next six years are devoted to launching young adults prepared to function in society. Which means, for them, working toward (and paying for) the right ride in our jackassed education system. Yay.

    I ought to take my own advice, "If you're a little bored, be grateful. You can't be bored and fighting for life at the same time." It could be a lot worse, and I know it. That's what keeps me in this position, for now.
  4. stygian

    stygian Fapstronaut

    Could it be withdrawal from addiction? Maybe it will improve. Or do you not enjoy your job?
  5. Squeaky Soul

    Squeaky Soul Fapstronaut

    Solitude and alone time is great for recharging yourself sometimes. I will occasionally feel like that, but I am usually hanging out with my brother or my mom.

    Like I was saying, solitude is good, just don't let it get in the way of your family. My father is the biggest hermit ever, and he is paying for the time he never spent with us while we were younger. We don't have much respect for him, my mom doesn't like him 'cause she has forgotten his love in their relationship, and talking to him is hard because he doesn't have a relationship with us.

    My father provides for us, and I am very grateful for that. We have food, a home, but he let the providing for his family part of fatherhood get in the way. He forgot all about the family he was providing for.

    Good luck my friend,

    ~Squeaky Soul
  6. e5s

    e5s Fapstronaut

    Squeaky, that sucks. Sorry. Maybe things will get better some years down the road. People change over time as circumstances change.

    I do try to reign myself in and do stuff with people. And it's not like I'm free from domestic duties, so there's some opportunity for chat built into the day.

    Stygian, "Hate" is a bit of a strong word for how I feel about my job, and yet... eh. More like, I'm only still here for the pay and benefits and stability, and I only need the last two because I support others. I'm often thinking of other things to do, but on balance the alternatives are all worse, materially. So. Killing time and hopefully some debts in the meantime.
  7. Squeaky Soul

    Squeaky Soul Fapstronaut

    Are you feeling better?

    ~Squeaky Soul
  8. e5s

    e5s Fapstronaut

    Hi. Thanks. Yeah, I'm feeling better. This is such a cyclical thing with the job and all. Summers are a good opportunity because everyone is home more and there's more sunlight to work with. :) Long weekend coming up. Yay!
  9. Squeaky Soul

    Squeaky Soul Fapstronaut

    I am glad for you :) Keep up the good fight!

    ~Squeaky Soul
  10. 3_days_Hard

    3_days_Hard Fapstronaut

    Immerse yourself in a new hobby, do something productive, or read a book. I'm introverted, and for a while I actually believed that there was something wrong with me because I couldn't stand seeing certain friends more than once a week.. Anyway, there's nothing wrong with wanting to be alone most of the week.

    Also, I can't say that I have experience with this, but I am very interested in isolation tanks. An isolation tank is basically a temperature controlled bathtub that allows you to float in silent darkness for as long as you want. The goal of 'floating' is to desensitize the body from all stimulation (which is why it is temperature controlled to match skin temperature). Perhaps if you were to meditate inside an isolation tank, you might feel more refreshed.