Dont you feel nice wen you dont masturbate?

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by tendency14, Jan 14, 2017.

  1. tendency14

    tendency14 Fapstronaut

    Every time i masturbate i dont know why but i get the urge even bigger to masturbate like a drug, and i go around very anxious and dont have so much good attitude and my humor isnt the best, but wen i would stop masturbation for 3 days to try and see what it is like, i felt peace and lived without anxiety and all i would think of is continuing this beutifull life with complete liberty from that life distortion, and even wen i would talk to people i would get conversations in ways i tought i would never get to and get awsome friends, i would fall in that drug tough and my life would go back to the same shit, but then i would get strength and leave it again, then i would fall in it again and my life changes rapidly because in my mind i think as my self as a faliure, i continued this for almost a year and noticed that i would last longer every time i would leave masturbation, today its ben 8 months since i dont masturbate, and boy, have i had an Incredible life time, it feels like a dream, i get so well with people, it feels so peacefull and nice and i just want to continue this and i get scared in thinking of changing this so all i want is luck and want to say the same for those in a situation were you want to change and not go back, how do you guys feel wen you stop masturbation, how do you live those days, dont you feel in a way renewed? i feel like i want this forever
    kKevdanmax, D . J . and AndySky180 like this.
  2. warriorforchrist

    warriorforchrist Fapstronaut

    Yes I agree which is why I wish I quit ages ago
    D . J . and tendency14 like this.
  3. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and not judge you.
  4. Retentionman

    Retentionman Fapstronaut

    8 fucking months, man that's impressive, I'm proud of you. And yes I get the same effects, mainly peace because I don't feel guilt which I think can lead to many other sensations like low energy etc. By the way, what does it feel like? Besides the confidence and stuff what other effects have you experienced? My longest streak was nearly 2 months, years ago. After getting motivation somehow from the movie 40 days and 40 nights lol, but cannot really remember the effects, but I guess mainly because during that time I continue watching porn, so it was not really an improvement I think.
    D . J . likes this.
  5. tendency14

    tendency14 Fapstronaut

    wen i was in my third month i was starting to see masturbation like something i just couldnt do, at that point i was feeling a big change, i was completly diferent, personality, no anxies, yes the confidence is incredible, but i wanted to test my self to truly see what would happen if i opend a porn site after so much time without it, i was literally gona push my self to the limit i was gona watch raw porn after so much to see what would happen to me, so i opend up a page, and was amazed, i didnt have ANY urge, and there where all sorts of beutifull women in the porn page but after so much time without masturbation i had some how adapted to not masturbating so i stared at the porn page for a while and got bored because i knew that even if i would start to finally feel a little urge i wouldnt sell my self out that easy so i got bored of watching the page and closed it, instead i watched a good action movie, and after that, my adaptation to no masturbation grew so much that not even in the morning i would have urge, i would wake up with so much peace and happines it was just incredible, it feels just like wen i was a kid wen i didnt masturbate, i would wake up with so much interest in seeing the world because the interest in masturbation was completaly gone, its like you discover something compleatly new in life i just cant exlplain with words its amazing, today im in my 8 month and its incredible not only do i now have confidence but for the first time in my life i have ben talking with girls really beutifull and im talkig about super beutifull girls( while i talk with them im just amazed in my mind im literally saying to my self "how the hell could i be talking with this girl damn and she actually has a good time with me" something that was imposible for me i mean seriously imposible i had little chances) and actually establish a good friendly relationship without urge of having to masturbate wen i get home i had a girl the other day coming up to me and saying she likes the personality i have so much that she would love to be with me something that no one has ever said to me .I feel like im reborn, fresh mind, acertive, calm, i feel like im free Its just very cool, its like gaining a power were sexuality is no more threatening to you you should definitely try it
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2017
    Retentionman likes this.
  6. Retentionman

    Retentionman Fapstronaut

    Oh I'm definitely doing it man, very commited now. I'm truly happy for you and for your success and happiness. Thanks for sharing this
    D . J . likes this.
  7. tendency14

    tendency14 Fapstronaut

    once youve gone a long time without masturbation, just let your self go, like wen you were a kid, just let your self go by the beuty of life and you will see that masturbation will desapear completaly let your self go and you will love life by seeing its happy and peasfull side dont worry any more about the other thing just live life free, for me life is now a fun thing i actually have fun going around because i see it in an entire diferent way, my friends , the people, the world im having a very good time.
    D . J . and Retentionman like this.
  8. Retentionman

    Retentionman Fapstronaut

    Sounds awesome mate, in short this addiction is what stop us from being like kids again. Believe me when I tell you I will finish my 365 days goal.
    D . J . likes this.
  9. tendency14

    tendency14 Fapstronaut

    Awsome, im so happy your going to do it and remember your not alone count on me if you need anithing, its a real adventure, believe me, after you enter in the stage that i call adaptation, you will have the most beutifull times of your life you will see things very clear and masturbation will just seem like nonsence
    Retentionman likes this.
  10. Retentionman

    Retentionman Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your support brother, I'll let you know my progress every now and then and ask for advice.
  11. Bigballs

    Bigballs Fapstronaut

    Yes I can say without PMO I have less negativity in my mind and an overall good feeling
    Retentionman likes this.
  12. Retentionman

    Retentionman Fapstronaut

    Don't forget the big balls
    Bigballs likes this.