Even watching it a couple of times can cause mild ED

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Adria, Nov 3, 2016.

  1. Adria

    Adria Fapstronaut

    So it turns out I was feeling very horny and stressed out on Friday and I relapsed (I was about a month free from porn). Then I watched porn again on Sunday in the evening and one last time on Monday in the morning...
    The same day (Monday) I had a date with a girl I'm seeing and at the beginning I already wasn't as hard as I have been other times with her, I eventually lost my erection and we couldn't have sex. The next morning we managed to have sex but I was still not as hard as I should have been. The whole situation made me feel like shit, even she thought she had done something wrong, but I knew it was all my fault.
    The ED wasn't because I had already orgasmed that day, when I have sex I can go many more times. It was the porn that messed my mind... i couldn't feel the connection with the girl I feel when I'm off porn... i found myself trying too hard to get aroused.
    Pretty scary considering I just watched porn 3 times after not watching for a long time, but all the novelty in porn floods you with dopamine and leaves you imbalanced for some days.
    JohnCollins0 likes this.
  2. Paleblood

    Paleblood Fapstronaut

    Good insight, best thing is to not PMO:). Good luck in recovery brother!
  3. Adria

    Adria Fapstronaut

    Thanks! Good luck to you too man.
    I hardly ever do it nowadays anyway. I was just surprised at how just 2-3 small pmo sessions can have such a noticeable effect...
    Paleblood likes this.
  4. Zestria

    Zestria Fapstronaut

    Now imagine that you are in my situation, where you have been doing PMO at least twice a week for years. Now I'm trying to right the wrongs and remember what the real thing with my wife is all about. Thanks for your story. It gave me courage to keep going!
    vxlccm and Adria like this.
  5. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut

    I found that the mind has to be empty and the focus is to let our body do the work (to become aroused). The senses shall be arousing us (smell, taste, touch, sight and sound) during the encounter.
    If any residual fantasy/goal/mental images are present, there is a possibility that PIED raises its ugly head.
    vxlccm and Zestria like this.
  6. Zestria

    Zestria Fapstronaut

    Ikindaknew - That's it! That's exactly it. A preconceived notion of what you "expect" to happen will cloud the mind. Then when that situation doesn't happen the way you imagined it would, the whole thing will crash. That's why it used to be so much easier as a teenager (before the P). You had no limits and no goals. You had no idea what was going to happen. Letting your senses to the work is the best plan of attack. Well said!