Pelvis and balls hurting

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by GeckoX, Sep 26, 2016.

  1. GeckoX

    GeckoX New Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone, I'm new here but I've been following this forum for a while. I was wondering if I could get some help with something.

    I have abstained from masturbation and ejaculation for just over 6 months now, the longest ever for me. It has been easier because my life has become so busy that I'm exhausted when I get home, and I go right to sleep. I don't look at porn and I've stayed single this whole time. It has been a really good time for me.

    Lately my pelvis and my balls have really been hurting. I can't wear tight pants because it hurts my abdomen. I have read online that this can be from abstaining from ejaculation. I am worried because once I start cumming I will start up again doing it often and it will send me back to a not so good place. The pain is kind of like blue balls, like when you get really horny but don't ejaculate. Except there is no arousal, the aching pain is just always there. I have a very active life, do sports, the gym, swimming. I have way more energy now than I used to because I don't jerk off and waste my time on porn.

    When I sleep I get really hard erections and sometimes I get sexual dreams but so far I have not even accidentally blown not even once. I'm just worried that maybe I'm hurting myself by not ejaculating for so long... so I am freaking out because I don't know what's good for me and what's not.

    Advice on how to deal with this pain and any research on whether or not the pain is a good/bad thing would be nice. Some people say just put ice on it but that's not exactly helping an underlying problem if there is one!!
  2. AllanTheCowboy

    AllanTheCowboy Fapstronaut

  3. rave756

    rave756 Fapstronaut

  4. I actually had this very early on in my journey. It was during my longest streak at the time, which was around 35 days. I was visiting my family, including some crazy relatives that also stayed with my parents. And I mean crazy, fucking crazy, like incredibly stressful to be around.

    In the end I realized it was not just the PMO abstinence. It was PMO abstinence + high stress. I also was not following my usual eating habits because I wasn't the one doing the cooking and during holiday season we all tend to stuff ourselves and a lot more focus is on sitting around and eating.

    So anyway, don't worry man. I had this happen and I'm telling you the solution is to reduce your immediate stress and like, eat a salad or something. Stretching might help too. I find that when I have blue balls in general if I stretch out my legs that tends to reduce the pain.
  5. l33andrewl33

    l33andrewl33 New Fapstronaut

    I've gotten something similar to this everytime i start a streak. Its hit at different times but last from 2 weeks to a month. A random sharp pain from my right lower abdomen through my testical to my right thigh. Went to a uro and had an xray. They found nothing. I kickbox and am not in the shape i used to be. I believe it may be partly from nfap and partly a groin strain. Its made worse by tight underwear.
  6. flame0

    flame0 Fapstronaut

    I'd consult a doctor.

    I wouldn't assume this is nofap related.

    It could be a lack of support. If you aren't already, consider wearing a jock strap during physical activity and/or switching to briefs or boxer briefs if you don't already.