130 day challange? anyone want to join?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by IggyIshness, Aug 28, 2016.

  1. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    Before i knew what nofap was, i wanted to heal from Ming and watching P so I started rebooting on my own. My goal was 130 days. I remember when i started rebooting i though it was impossible to even get to 30 days no pmo. Well on my 3rd or 4th try i got to 113 days no P or O. I felt great but i didnt reach my goal im mind. Now im going towards 130 days. Anyone want to join on my journey? 90 days is a reboot but 130 is more complete. well 365 days is best but im doing 130. cmon we can do it.
  2. AntiqueRevolverGuy

    AntiqueRevolverGuy Fapstronaut

    We can. But, what would be the reward? Is there some kind of lottery?

    Before I came to NoFap, I honestly was starting to think it was impossible to quit M. I thought that the hindbrain would always take over. And then I decided after a relapse one day, might as well check this site out, one because I was curious to see if it was possible to quit M. Second, as a joke, to see what kind of laughs I could get from this site. I was almost shocked to see how much I could relate to the people on here, someone going 200 days without it. And then the common 90 days challenge. I was like, " Then it's totally realistic for me to go 44 days without it. "
    I kept relapsing and such. But I hope Wednesday is the last time I do. I've been praying a lot lately, to give me strength to finally complete my goal. I want to see the revolver I've been restricting myself from seeing again. I want to know I at least had enough strength to go 44 days without. I fast every Sunday, as a exercise of willpower. Sometimes mid week I've decided I'm starving myself till next Monday. But it was always so easy. WHY IS GOING WITHOUT M SO HARD???

    I would like to accept your 130 day challenge. But what's the reward? Will we gather together somewhere, us few who completed the challenge?
  3. Masquerade

    Masquerade Fapstronaut

    Am in for the challenge :D :)