30 day challenge

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by UpNorthAlaskaKid, Jul 12, 2016.

  1. UpNorthAlaskaKid

    UpNorthAlaskaKid Fapstronaut

    Alright so this is probably going to be very long so I apologize... I have to throw everything on the table to see if this movement is for me or not.
    I'm 19, almost 20 years old and I recently came accross this whole NoFap and it really caught my attention. I've been reading a lot of people's success stories and I'm also subscribed to a few guys on YouTube that claim they've had a lot of success as well; and to be honest I really, really want all of the benefits that I've heard so much about. It almost seems to good to be true.

    Alright so I was first exposed to pornography and masturbation when I was very young, probably 8 years old. I ended up finding my older brothers nudie-mag. I stole it and looked at quit a bit..later down the road (couple weeks) I figured out that if I touched myself that it felt really good. I didn't do it all the time, it was more of a weekly thing... Anyways my mom ended up cleaning my room while I was at school and when I got home I realized it wasn't there anymore. So I stopped masturbating. End of story.

    Fast forward a few years (12 years old) and I got my first Nintendo DS that I could access the Internet with. Within no time at all I figured out that if I typed in "boobs" in the search bar i got a ton of porn websites. From then on I've been masturbating to porn almost everyday at least once a day. Sometimes more sometimes less. Throughout that last 2 years of high school I noticed that I could have a problem.. It was almost like I wasn't even interested in talking to girls anymore, I just wanted to fap. Porn I think actually ruined one of my long term relationships.

    I really believe that my porn use over the years has really sabotaged my social life and my self esteem. At one point in my life I actually wanted to die because I had absolutely no confidence or drive to succeed. I became depressed (which is still the case)... I was spending all my time masturbating or thinking about sex or playing video games rather than going out with my friends and getting into trouble. Even now I find it so hard to really engage in conversation because I'm in my head all the time.. Even with my best friends I always feel like they could be judging me.. And I'm a good looking guy! I've had lots of success with women back in early highschool but not anymore..:(

    I think I'll stop here because I don't want to make this too lengthy. But feel free to ask me any questions. And any feedback is greatly appreciated.

    Ps: I'm already started nofap, Im currently 5 days in.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. I can relate to your story. I used to look at P on my Xbox 360. I've had no confidence. But it's came back a little since I stopped watching you know what. I think that you'd benefit from nofap. But that's just my opinion. If you decide to stop, good luck and keep us posted.
  3. UpNorthAlaskaKid

    UpNorthAlaskaKid Fapstronaut

    Thanks for getting back to me so quick. How long have you been doing this nofap thing? And in your honest opinion do you think it's really worth it?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. I been on this site for 9 days. But in 2 hours it will be 3 weeks since I fapped. I honestly think it's worth it. I have more time, I feel less dirty, more motivated and less depressed. I think you should try it.
  5. UpNorthAlaskaKid

    UpNorthAlaskaKid Fapstronaut

    Congrats on 3 weeks man. I'm really starting to think I should give it a try. Maybe 14 days for starters? I mean I have nothing to lose I guess. I'm just so tired of feeling the way I do. And if it really makes that much of a difference if your life like everyone says then I'm all for it. Thanks for your input man anything helps.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. It's comepletly up to you and I recommend it. I'd say the same thing to anyone. Porn is disgusting. It corrupts the population, especially the youth. It destroys the life of addicts like me and the people participating in it. It thrives on the misery of it's users. It destroyed my early teen years. I have a theory that it was created by the government to keep us foolish peasants complacent. I don't want to be a slave to a computer. I don't want to spend my life jacking off to something fake. Sorry for the rant.
    UpNorthAlaskaKid likes this.
  7. UpNorthAlaskaKid

    UpNorthAlaskaKid Fapstronaut

    No it's cool, I completely agree with you, porn is so disgusting yet so addictive and destructive. I wish I never fell into that trap. I really hope one day I can completely cut it out from my life and become who I want to become.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. Why would you want to watch people have sex when you could so it yourself?
    UpNorthAlaskaKid likes this.
  9. UpNorthAlaskaKid

    UpNorthAlaskaKid Fapstronaut

    Exactly, and that's my problem.. I've been watching that crap for so long that it's almost like I lost my need to l chase women. I just don't have the confidence anymore. Only hope now it to stay clean and see if this actually helps
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. UpNorthAlaskaKid

    UpNorthAlaskaKid Fapstronaut

    It's pathetic man and I sick of it. Time to man up
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. Never been in a relationship (maybe because of porn) but I hear you become a magnet for women (or men) I don't necessarily think that but when you aren't wasting your seed on a computer, you'll have more motivation to pursue the natural urges.
  12. M0nk

    M0nk Fapstronaut

    In your post you give a lengthy explanation about why you think Porn has destroyed your life but the title of the thread asks whether Nofap is for you at all? Shouldn't you be explaining why you think NOFap is not working?

    Anyway, here goes my two cents on the matter. You are only 5 days in, in the challenge and just barely started. You can't possibly expect everything to just miraculously fix for themselves in that short of time when you have started doing PMO so young (8yo, right?).
    I have been doing this NOFap for more than a year now, relapsed many, many times. But, the only times I regretted trying NoFap was those seconds when I was about to relapse. NEVER otherwise!

    I know you are feeling bad, depressed, lost and any other negative thing you might come across and it seems like it never going to get better. Well, it does get better! Just don't expect it to be in a matter of days. I've been where you are now and in some ways I still am.
    I've had days when I thought how come I can't get any women and I felt very bad for that. And later to actually have multiple ones.
    Just a couple of months ago I felt miserable and very alone and then out of nowhere I met the greatest girl of my dreams, my angel, and my life has again a meaning. And all other benefits are real.
    You just have to stick to the program, no wondering, no doubts...Move forward no matter the pain and the discomfort.
    You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
    Think about that!!!!
  13. UpNorthAlaskaKid

    UpNorthAlaskaKid Fapstronaut

    Yeah man. I think I'm gonna commit to 30days of no pmo. Wish me luck. I'll keep you posted if you want
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. Taodude

    Taodude Fapstronaut

    I just stopped by to say welcome. Unlike you I am 57 years old and have been addicted to porn for 45 years -- that is over twice as long as you've been on the planet, I regret to say. And here is what I want to tell you from my perspective: Get the hell out while you can! Porn destroyed my first marriage (alright, to be fair there were other factors at play as well), and has nearly destroyed by second marriage. It has contributed to low self-esteem, depression, erectile dysfunction, the tendency to isolate, lie to myself, keep my life split into compartments, and develop social anxiety. I have a son who will be 30 this year who is struggling with his own porn addiction, and no wonder, his dad was a full blown porn addict when he was growing up.

    I'm not trying to do the "scared straight" thing here with you. I just want you to know that porn has perpetually given me nothing but pain and suffering for over 4 decades. It is a ruthless addiction, offering you nothing but a few moments of dopamine rush and a life of sorrow and regret. Use the tools and resources available here to get out and get your life back. It may seem like no big deal at your age, but please, please believe me, it is a big deal!

    Best of luck to you!
  15. Hell yeah keep me posted I can't wait to hear what you say.
    UpNorthAlaskaKid likes this.
  16. UpNorthAlaskaKid

    UpNorthAlaskaKid Fapstronaut

    M0nk thanks a lot for your input, you brought up some very good points for me to reflect on. And btw in the title I was just trying to get other nofappers opinions on whether or not it would be a smart decision for me to continue on, which I've now made the decision that this is what I'm going to do. I know it's going to take a length of time but I'm willing to give it a try, and I think it's going to be that much easier with everyone in the forums support.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. UpNorthAlaskaKid

    UpNorthAlaskaKid Fapstronaut

    Wow man great post. Even though you said you weren't trying to give me the whole "scared straight" thing, I really think that's exactly what I needed to hear, especially from someone who's been victimized by PMO for 45 years. If you can do it then I can do it
    Taodude likes this.
  18. UpNorthAlaskaKid

    UpNorthAlaskaKid Fapstronaut

    Just a quick question for you guys. I plan on posting a recap of my first week without pmo tomorrow and was wondering if it was possible to relocate my thread to the logs forum. Or should I just make a new thread?
  19. I made a new thread myself.
    UpNorthAlaskaKid likes this.