30 days no P/MO, 2 weeks hardmode

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Deleted Account, Jun 21, 2016.

  1. Just completed 30 days no P/MO, 2 weeks hardmode, after a longish period of almost constant relapse. This is just to encourage the reader on here that may be struggling that it is possible to regain a significant streak after a terrible period. Keep striving friends, and the arrival points on the counter doesn't matter as much as the commitment to more self control and being better at whatever you choose to be better at: "It’s not the destination, it’s the journey." Best wishes, Basi.
    peacefulwarrior and gariva like this.
  2. philstronaut

    philstronaut Fapstronaut

    Great job @Basi ,be proud of yourself!
    gariva likes this.
  3. gariva

    gariva Fapstronaut

    Simply wow....