Has porn increased the prevalence of homosexuality?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, May 9, 2016.

  1. Chrisfp11

    Chrisfp11 Fapstronaut

    It's silly regardless of when it was written
  2. Veritech

    Veritech Fapstronaut

    Adam and Eve did not watch other people having sex on their laptops either.

    Yet we criticize fellow human beings who have found love and who do not use porn.

    We get off to watching women having sex with women. Yet we criticize consenting gay males for having sex in private.

    Aren't we being somewhat hypocritical here?
    Jabba the Lover likes this.
  3. iwanttobemyoldselfagain

    iwanttobemyoldselfagain Fapstronaut

    This was very apt. As humans, some amount of hypocrisy is present in all of us. We are all here because we have made mistakes, not from the point of view of religion or God or morality but from point of view of decreasing the quality of our life. We could be so much more if we weren't addicted, and that's what we're trying to achieve now, sooner rather than later before our lives turn into a parody of what they could actually be.
    Being in the boat that we are, ragging on gay people, doubting their existence, wondering if their presence is an accident of circumstance or a perversion brought about by watching people having sex with each other is kinda insulting.
    I know that was not the intention of the person who started this thread, but I think it's best if straight people just STOP trying to figure out why gay people exist, how they came about etc. There are plenty of baffling things in the universe, we don't seem to question them. Already, the LGBTQ+ community has enough on their plate without having a forum like ours getting on their case too.
    Getter Better likes this.
  4. TheIdealMan

    TheIdealMan Fapstronaut

    I get sorta jealous of men in P, and sometimes when fantasising I see them and wish I was them, instead of seeing the girl... I guess you might be onto something, but there are too many other influences to be certain.
    Nouvel Homme likes this.
  5. Nouvel Homme

    Nouvel Homme Fapstronaut

    Wow. I too M to the idea of an 'Ideal Man', a kinda super stud, super hunk. At no point do I ever think about him penetrating me or me penetrating him. What the hell does that make me? I secretly suspect most guys are programmed to look up to masculine men as role models.
    Jabba the Lover and TheIdealMan like this.
  6. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Well you're a scream aren't you chrisfap? :p You have the temerity to lecture the original poster on his belief system and then regurgitate some nonsense you have read from some crappy anti-God website. Two million people? :eek: Really? Could you itemise that to illustrate your ignorance? I would love for you to provide the spurious chapter and verse where Jesus said how those who work on the Sabbath must be killed, hahaha! :D It was Jesus that worked on the Sabbath to demonstrate that the traditions of the Pharisees and others were so far removed from the Mosaic law and the spirit of it. :rolleyes:
    ivanhoe and Deleted Account like this.
  7. I'm sorry to bust your little bubble sir, but Deuteronomy and Numbers are both in the old testament. Therefore the old ways people did things. I'm also going to need to see physical evidence of where exactly it talks about those things in both Deuteronomy and Numbers. The Bible is a hard book to understand sometimes... When looking at the structure of how you write I clearly see you don't have the brain capacity to fully understand what the Bible really says. This is coming from a 16 year old who was saved by God when the doctors said he was going to die at the age of 3 from total kidney failure in the island of Puerto Rico. Please do some research before typing into your little keyboard. God Bless you sir and have a great day! God loves you, just give him another chance!
  8. Thecrux1111

    Thecrux1111 New Fapstronaut


    My opinion, based on myself, is that it does contribute.

    I have never once thought a guy was sexually attractive when in not fapping. Have had many, many propositions from guys. No interest. At all.

    BUT I definitely have been subject to the coolige effect. I have found myself sexting guys, watching gay porn and even doing cams. Afterwords I feel intense remorse and regret. When continued regularly I feel exceedingly low self esteem. When not PMOing and I think about it I literally feel nauseous.

    All this said, I have come very close to hooking up with guys over CL in some of my most lost moments.

    If I had, and then done so repeatedly, I suppose I'd be considered "Bi".
    I think it does.

    I myself have NEVER found men attractive. But, have watched some Bi porn, transgendered person porn, even gay porn. This lead via Coolidge effect, to sexting guys, and responding to CL posts of guys looking to hook up.

    This always makes me feel nauseous when I think about it. I feel intense feelings of shame when it's ongoing. When I go porn free, all that goes away.

    If I hadn't quit porn it's probable that I would have eventually met someone from CL. If I did that, and repeated it, I suppose I'd be "Bi".

    I don't think I am the only one to go down this path.

    I also suspect porn increases the incidence of prostitution, rape etc.

    I don't think it is the sole cause, but I think it does contribute.
    ontheway and Deleted Account like this.
  9. Thanks for your reply, you have really been the only one so far to speak out of personal experience!

    I wonder why you and other people experiencing the same thing feel so bad about it. Is it because you cannot understand why it is happening, because you are actually straight? Disgusted with yourself? Are you afraid of losing attraction to the opposite sex?
    The good part is that quitting porn takes it away. When you stop consuming a warped portrayal of sexuality, your own sexuality will go back to normal - the coolidge effect can wear off.
  10. I know what you mean but does being a "super stud" necessarily mean you are masculine? Is masculinity not more of a character based quality?
  11. Really?
    Do you think Christians endorse divorce? Jesus said don't divorce your spouse unless they are unfaithful. Divorce is terrible and I believe preventable most of the time.

    This is rubbish.

    Maybe this is true, but 'some' would be a misrepresentation.

    The thing that makes me sad is that Christians are generally known for what they are against instead of what they are for.
    We are for life, freedom, prosperity, peace, health, equality, justice, creativity, unity, love.
    Have you ever thought about the fact that wealthy, free countries such as USA and Australia were founded on strong biblical foundations?
    I believe that for the world to know what Christians are for instead of slamming them for what they are against, we must all pray about it.

    2.2 Billion people don't seem to think so :D
  12. This is the biggest one of the reasons why I don't label myself as a Christian but as a Buddhist/Taoist instead. It's not even that different what I believe, from what I see the Bible and Jesus is teaching. But so much judgement and hate tho. Directed towards Christians and also coming from Christians (a minority probably, but they make the most noise) themselves, scaring people like me from even wanting to use that label.
    New Life Mantra 333 likes this.
  13. I hear you brother, but just because Christians are persecuted it doesn't mean we should be afraid to identify ourselves as Christian.

    1 Peter 4:12-14 (NLT)
    12 Dear friends, don’t be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you. 13 Instead, be very glad—for these trials make you partners with Christ in his suffering, so that you will have the wonderful joy of seeing his glory when it is revealed to all the world.

    14 If you are insulted because you bear the name of Christ, you will be blessed, for the glorious Spirit of God[a] rests upon you.[b]

    Pray about it :)
    Child of God likes this.
  14. Well, on one side I'm "afraid" I guess... more like annoyed then afraid tho. But I also see no reason why would I. I mean, there is nothing that label could possibly give me. I don't need a label to have my beliefs and practice them. I just kinda pick them cos that's what we do as humans; we define things and label them for less confusion. But I don't feel the need for it in my heart really. So it's not THAT serious to me to suffer cos of it. There is plenty of suffering in world already to connect to Jesus. Why create some more on top of it? That's just masochism. Besides, it's not like Buddhism/Taoism does not fit my beliefs quite fine too. They do as well. Thanks but na.
  15. Child of God

    Child of God Fapstronaut

    @Shugi Shugi, from what little I know about Buhdism and Taoism, they do seem to describe you well. There are many many people who will agree with Christian principles, but that does not make them Christian. Being Christian is first and foremost about loving and accepting God and his Son who sacrificed his life for our sins. Secondly, we try to live our lives like Him (conforming to moral principles He outlined). Many people can agree with the morals Christianity presents, or part of them, but that is not what makes them Christian. Though, as for anybody, I still encourage you to read the Bible and consider Jesus.

    This is quite the thread @Rubidium. I read up on a lot of it. I agree with you on mostly everything, so I wanted to throw in my support of your faith.

    Apart from that, I want to make a small point. I believe homosexuality is not predetermined. This would commonly put me under the "choice" label. I agree with the choice perspective, but I am starting to think that "choice" itself is a misleading term. The opposition sees "choice" and think that we believe, one day, every gay person woke up and made a concious decision to be gay. This is why they counter it by asking us what day we decided to be straight. It reaches far dealer than that.

    *speculation begins*

    The "choice" primarily comes into play I think when deciding not to be gay. Obviously the choices are not similar anyway, for a billion reasons, so we shouldn't treat them as such. (By similar I mean as in right or left, win or lose similar. They are not two equal paths for which about half of the people go one way and half go the other. For an inequal choice like this, there is usually a benefit to one side to skew the data. i.e., straight couples can naturally reproduce) Since the "benefit" goes to heterosexuality, the only people who act otherwise are those who are compelled to by other strong emotions. I will elaborate.

    First, we can assume being straight has a large bengefit because far more people choose it. (Please just roll with my use of the word choice here, it is merely convenient.)

    Here is where we outline the occurance of a choice. We typically think of a choice as a moment where we are conflicted over options, and rationally pick one for ourselves. If an option is obvious, we don't really think of a choice. It is too automatic.

    We all really grew up straight, because that is the world we live in or because it has the benefit, what have you. This is why we don't think of this as a choice.

    Since heterosexuality has the benefit, anyone who struggles with homosexuality will likely not "come out". If they are unsure, they will just stay with the easiest option, which already likely dominates their life. (This is rapidly changing in the modern era) So the people who come out are really only the people who are strongly compelled to. I'm speculating, but I think they must have developed very strong reasons to outweigh their heterosexual life. This must also not feel like a conflicted decision (rationally), so they must feel like they must attribute it to something bigger than a choice. Social pressure likely plays a large role in this.

    *speculation ends, belief resumes*

    Gays obviously feel compelling reasons to be gay. The feelings must also come from deep within; this is definitely the simplest way to describe why they don't think it is a choice. I believe homosexuality is a sin, and I believe that these "compelling urges from inside" that gays experience do not justify it.

    NoFap is the perfect place to explain this, because everyone here has had a porn addiction that they decided is bad for them. Leaving morals out of it, they think it has taken over part of their life and they want to remove it or limit it or whatever. They may not feel like they ever chose to be addicted to porn, but they definitely feel like they chose to quit. But was this choice easy? No! It is extremely difficult, and just because we may relapse time and time again, does not mean that we were born porn addicts! We chose to end our addictions, and the choice was just the beginning. We now work tirelessly to alter our state of mind; we fight tooth and nail with our most primal instincts, and yet we are not betraying ourselves as we were born. We are making a choice about our lives that originates from above our natural tendencies, because (especially as far as Christianity is concerned), we know we will always be tempted with sin/wrongdoing/unhealthy and wreckless behaviors. We just choose not to become overtaken by them.

    To me this is how homosexuality works. It is wrong, and some people are born with compelling attractions to it. Like I am drawn to porn. It is a terrible attraction. So you may not consider homosexuality a choice, just like you don't consider porn addiction a choice. But I consider abstaining from homosexuality a choice by the same comparison, and it seems reasonable to assume that we can control it, no matter how difficult it is, in this way. By this reasoning, we do call it a choice.

    If you made it this far, thank you. I know my writing is confusing at times. This is a difficult topic for Christians because it is complex and it is very easy to be labeled based off it. Almost all of us have at some point.
  16. Wow @Child of God , thank you for this, it is quite the argument. You have clearly thought this through much more than I or most other people have.
    You are so brave to stick to your guns like this despite probable criticism, I admire you greatly for this :rolleyes:.
    You are also an excellent writer and reasoner. :D
    Thanks ;)
    Child of God likes this.
  17. The Bible does (quite famously, these verses are favourites of atheists) include those things. Though I believe these are Old Testament verses so it's not what "Jesus said" as the earlier poster said.


    If any man take a wife, and go in unto her, and hate her ... and say, I took this woman, and when I came to her, I found her not a maid: Then shall the father of the damsel, and her mother, take and bring forth the tokens of the damsel's virginity unto the elders of the city in the gate: And the damsel's father shall say ... these are the tokens of my daughter's virginity. And they shall spread the cloth before the elders of the city. ... But if this thing be true, and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel: Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die. Deuteronomy 22:13-21


    Leviticus 19:19
    'You are to keep My statutes. You shall not breed together two kinds of your cattle; you shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed, nor wear a garment upon you of two kinds of material mixed together.

    Deuteronomy 22:11
    King James Bible
    Thou shalt not wear a garment of divers sorts, as of woollen and linen together.


    Parallel Verses
    New International Version
    For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a day of sabbath rest to the LORD. Whoever does any work on it is to be put to death.

    People usually share these verses to make the point that almost no Christian today (I assume someone, somewhere is desperately checking their shirts for wool/linen mix ;)) believes in the death penalty for sex before marriage (though they may think it wrong), or thinks that mixing fibres is a problem, I think there's another one about not eating shellfish that also gets trotted out. The stuff in Leviticus is very close to where one of the strongest and clearest condemnations of homosexuality in the Bible is to be found, therefore the accusation of picking and choosing the rules from the Bible that modern Christians (those who believe homosexuality is a sin, at least) follow.

    I'm neither a Christian, nor particularly anti-Christian, I just wanted to correct a mistake. Have a good day - stay on the straight and narrow! :)
  18. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

    Yeah...Oddly the ones who are most against homosexuality tend to be those practising it behind closed doors, has the OP had any straight relationships yet :)

    Personally, I wouldn't read too much into following an ancient book of text. Reach out to homosexuals, spend a day talking to them and understanding their issues. This is the best way to find out what is going on. Do this and you'll have a better understanding at what 'IS' and what 'IS NOT.'

    Just like you can't get ripped by reading a book, you can't know of what homosexuality is and who it affects by just reading a book.
    Getter Better likes this.
  19. Rav70

    Rav70 Fapstronaut

    You have pre-teens watching porn before puberty IMO yes porn can definitely morph your sexual tastes.
    Even after puberty. Is being gay 100% contributed to this? Of course not.
  20. Child of God

    Child of God Fapstronaut

    For the
    Im not going to get involved in an argument about faith here, but I am going to clear up what I believe. I don't want the random viewer to learn it from someone who is "not particularly anti-Christian", but not Christian either.

    For the record, the quoted scriptures are in the Old Testament, in a section we categorize as "Ancient Hebrew law". We do not pick and chose, we just know how to read the Bible in context.

    These laws are written for any God-fearing person before Jesus came to earth. This is because they didn't have a Bible, or Jesus' actual words to look to. The post-Christ world that we live in now is totally different. Simply by being born, Jesus fulfilled the OT law, and showed us how we should live from now on. See a specific example of this when God defended a 'blanket' of unclean animals onto a roof where Simon-Peter was, and told him that "all of God's creation is clean if it is recieved with thanksgiving".

    Jesus also tells us that homosexuality is still wrong. See these New Testament scriptures dealing with it:

    Mathew 19:1-8
    Romans 1:18-32
    1 Corinthians 6:9-11
    Galatians 5:19
    1 Timothy 1:10
    Jude 1:4,7,9

    And many more. Just wanted to correct a mistake! :)
    Deleted Account likes this.