Take my guns away? Ha! Over my dead body Hilary!

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Ack Ack Ack, Apr 25, 2016.

  1. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    Well I'm an athiest bug I meant it is insured in our Constitution. So it is our right to own weapons.
    That is wrong. America does not have more gun deaths than all the world put together? Where did you get that from? Gun violence in this country has gone down.

    Hitler took over Germany because he disarmed his population.
    So gun control started a world war...
    Hello people's and Ack Ack Ack like this.
  2. Ack Ack Ack

    Ack Ack Ack Fapstronaut

    That just doesn't work, people can get guns if they are determined enough. Places were there are more guns means less crime. It's a proven FACT in our country.
    Knives are not toys. they are just as leathal as firearms. If you get stabbed in the wrong place and your dead. You get shot in a nonleathal area your not dead.
    If you were up against a gang of guys armed with knives and it was just you then you would be at a serious disadvantage. Guns make people equal. With a gun you could have a better chance. But I'm not going to go into that.

    This is NOT a gun debate ppl. It's a debate about whether this country will have a second civil war if Hilary takes away are guns. I believe there will be so it's in the best interest that you people just vote for trump.

    Let's make America great again, like the founding fathers wanted it to be.
    shazam4103 likes this.
  3. Baroque

    Baroque Fapstronaut

    That's actually a myth. It was Weimar Germany that enacted gun control laws in 1928. Hitler relaxed the gun laws a decade later. He still restricted some people from owning guns, such as gypsies, vagabonds, persons under 18, and disabled people.
  4. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    Link? And the Cambodian dictator disarmed his population before killing millions.

    Answer this do I have a right to defend my life and liberty with a firearm?
    himmelstoss likes this.
  5. Baroque

    Baroque Fapstronaut

  6. Ack Ack Ack

    Ack Ack Ack Fapstronaut

    Which Hitlary, oh excuse me. Hilary Cuntlin, oh pardon me. Hilary Clinton wants to erase from the Constitution. With the amount of false flag events she might actually do it.
  7. Watching Chuck and saw a shirt that says "if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns." I think that's pretty well stated.
  8. Frodos

    Frodos Fapstronaut

    There's a big difference between gun control and taking your guns away. Other countries in the world have gun control. Guns are restricted to people who have sat a test on gun safety, have passed a police check, and have their guns locked up in a secure location where their toddlers can't accidentally get at them and kill people.
    TakingTheSteps likes this.
  9. MFCSteele

    MFCSteele Fapstronaut

    Waiting to see sources for all the "facts". FBI uniform crime report every year justifies the public owning firearms. And who will come take them if they're banned? The UN? Be a real shame to get their brains all over their pretty little helmets...

    Liberals hate guns. Conservatives have guns. I wonder who'd win.
    Ack Ack Ack likes this.
  10. himmelstoss

    himmelstoss Fapstronaut

    Don't worry, the blue hats are too busy raping children in undeveloped nations
    MFCSteele likes this.
  11. SomeHuman

    SomeHuman Fapstronaut

    The real question is how many of you people from the Fanatic Cult of the Almighty Gun Which Clearly Saves Lives with Bullets are actually part of a well regulated militia? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/flora-nicholas/what-does-that-right-to-b_b_1701070.html

    Also if there was a civil war it would be short considering the fact that your military is a whole lot bigger than any civilian revolt could be now. After all you went trillions of dollars into debt for it! Geez get a good finance minister...

    Wow rereading this makes me seem like I hate Americans. I don't. I am just rather annoyed with some of your fanaticism for your fricking guns. And your government's military obsession.

    One last thing I find it funny how Godwin's law has come into effect in this discussion so quickly...
  12. Somehow I don't find it strange that a bunch of porn addicts can't let their guns go. The USA claims to be a democratic nation tho, I trust that the citizens will be heard by their government and that whatever the public votes for actually happens.

    If Hillary wins, it means that your country disagrees with you. If Trump wins it means they agree with you. Whatever the result is, you as a citizen are obligated to follow the law just like everyone else.
  13. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    I'm not American but when I see Hillary Clinton I think she's the face of everything evil. She literally looks likes she takes pleasure in everyones suffering. She's the devil.
  14. Ack Ack Ack

    Ack Ack Ack Fapstronaut

    And terrorist have lasted decades with nothing more than rifles and RPGs. Yet you believe a 300 million armed populous wouldn't stand a chance?
  15. himmelstoss

    himmelstoss Fapstronaut

    I bet that's not what you said when Bush JR won a rigged election
  16. That's a bet you lost. I assume that the elections in my life time weren't rigged. If they are, the citizens of the USA has a much bigger problem. A problem that won't be solved by guns in the age of drones, chemical modifications and information.
  17. newname40

    newname40 Fapstronaut

    Man, some people in this thread give Americans a bad name. :rolleyes:

    Seriously. Grow up and lighten up, people! No one's taking anybody's guns away. However, not letting suspected terrorists buy them would be a good start. And closing the gun-show loophole. Let's start there. And chill, people. My god, if only Americans (I'm one, btw) got so pissed about poverty and lack of real health care.
  18. Fascinating debate.

    I find the argument that the population owning guns gives the people some power over their government an interesting one. It possibly has some truth. Although the penalty for a member of the public shooting a government employee is still severe so the population can't really use their weapons to challenge government. Also any attempt to do so would be labelled terrorism.

    I used to be strongly anti-guns but now I have kids my attitude has changed. I can definitely see that it would be reassuring to have a firearm to protect them. Like the other day when three drunk, insane looking, Russians got way to close to us in the park.

    Has anyone here actually used their firearm to protect themselves? Either flashed it to get someone to back off or actually fired it?
  19. MFCSteele

    MFCSteele Fapstronaut

    "Your military"
    Oh look, another foreigner telling us how to turm our country into their shithole.
    himmelstoss likes this.
  20. himmelstoss

    himmelstoss Fapstronaut

    That's pretty much all they do. Well, that and begging uncle sam to clean up after them.