Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by its over 9000!!!, Apr 10, 2016.

  1. its over 9000!!!

    its over 9000!!! Fapstronaut

    Hi Everyone i'm new and just wanted some advice and to see if anyone can relate to what I'm going thru. I started fapping when I was 11 and right thru my teens but have been thru 2 seperate relationships of 4 years each where i still did it but not as much the problem now is im 29 and have just got outa the latter one about 7 months ago and am in this transitioning part of my life where im back at my moms and trying to get my shit together to move and am making progress but it is very SLOW and I'm starting to feel that my my porn addiction is holding me back and feel like I'm trapped in my teenage years again so to speak.Lately I've been doing it while watching porn and realised i have a problem when i checked the data size of my porn collection and clocked it at around 300 gigs whicj was clollected over a short time and feel like its a problem for me as i need to grow up and get a misses and do stuff with my life. i tried deleting all my stuff but only went a day before relapsing and downloaded a few it keeps me up at night coz of the backlit LCD screen and my sleep patterns have been all stuffed up which i believe is not helping me with my goals of fitness and moving forward. i feel like im too old to be trapped in this constant circle can someone PLEASE give me some advice Has anyone else been thru this? Am I the only person my age with this problem? and do u think it will help me with motivation to get my ass in gear if i quit?
  2. Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his power level?
    Hello friend and welcome to NoFap, I am 29 years old like you and currently on a 90 days hard mode challenge (at the 10 day right now). I feel better lately but do not think that by quitting PMO all your problems will magically go away. I've used PMO for a lot of years and I think that P really hurts your brain and your behaviour with people, if you feel better(and can focus better) you can surely find better solutions to your problems. Since there is no risk, but only gain in quitting PMO I would advice you to give it a try, and to see if you can live without it.
  3. Vincent Joy

    Vincent Joy Fapstronaut

    Hey 'its over 9000!!!"

    First of all I want to share with you my own story.

    Everyone in this community and a lot of men who are going thru right now in the same way as you do, with ofcourse their personal story and experiences with pornography and masturbations. Some are really addicted, some just want to improve their lives.

    But the common feeling everyone felt and is till feeling is that "they feel stuck"
    In my experience with browsing thru and reading stories on Nofap's forum and its SubReddit Is that age's of people who have been experiencing varies greatly and has people of all ages in it's community.

    You are not an exception.
    You can find a lot of information on the
    We are Always here and you can find a lot of support on this forums.

    If you want to share any tought or have any questions you can Always get in contact with my thru this site privates messager system or on my email [email protected]

  4. its over 9000!!!

    its over 9000!!! Fapstronaut

    Thanks man for youre reply i sweetened my story down abit as there was heaps more to go thru but i think i got the main msg thru some days i find myself clicking on one link that goes to another then another and b4 u know ive been looking at porn for hours between doing other stuff and thats when it really pisses me off and then i see a new star in one of her vids and then i have to look for all her vids and so on and it just seems to be a never ending cycle which is why i came here. thanks for your advice man i'll try it out
  5. its over 9000!!!

    its over 9000!!! Fapstronaut

    i suppose my question is if you feel you generally have more energy or motivation when you dont do it?
  6. its over 9000!!!

    its over 9000!!! Fapstronaut

    Thanks Vincent Joy for youre reply man i was trying to find out if you/others feel more energetic/motivated thru the day when you don't pmo?
  7. its over 9000!!!

    its over 9000!!! Fapstronaut

  8. MMh i Think it is a bit soon, more energy? a bit. I think like more aware of myself and the world around me.
    More motivation, yes, but I think this is not only related to the PMO effect. This is also because you feel that you have control on your life, that you can actually choose what is good for you and what is not. As I said, try and see how you feel, and do not get taunted in the brain traps, he will tell you that PMO is needed, that is not true.
  9. its over 9000!!!

    its over 9000!!! Fapstronaut

  10. Vincent Joy

    Vincent Joy Fapstronaut


    Well that’s an interesting question.
    As it is scientifically proven that energy and testosterone levels drop right after ejaculation. We mammals have one program and that is to survive and produce. When those goals are reached (after ejaculation) Men tend to feel less lust for live and purpose.

    When you proceed into the process of Nofap and you have been indeed addicted to PMO, (where there is only one way to find it out for yourself and that is to try it out) you will experience withdrawal effect.

    Various Withdrawal effects:
    (Post-Acute Withdrawal effects that set in 2 weeks after restraining)
    • Anxiety
    • Irritability
    • Tiredness
    • Variable energy
    • Low enthusiasm
    • Variable concentration
    • Disturbed sleep
    So as to not get disappointed, keep in mind that these might and probably will show up throughout your progress.

    As for myself, I feel healed from my former addiction and the energy I feel is much greater then when I was still indulged in my addiction.

    Again this would only be applicable if you are indeed addicted.


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