Life before the internet.

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Kangaroo, Feb 25, 2016.

  1. Kangaroo

    Kangaroo Guest

    I grew up before there were PC's and the internet. We had only two TV's (one was black and white with a 10" screen). There were only 5 to 6 channels to choose from. My dad bought us a VCR player and we rented movies once in awhile, for a special occasion or on the weekend.

    This is what I did with all my spare time while growing up before the internet:
    • Played football with friends (or some other rowdy game) in the park after school
    • Drew and painted pictures.
    • Listened to an entire vinyl record album(s) (this was even before CD players)
    • Recorded songs from records onto cassette tapes to create my own mixed play list.
    • Recorded movies and music onto VHS tapes (this was just when MTV came out and they actually showed music videos).
    • Shared the mixed cassettes and VHS movies with friends (by meeting face-to-face) to turn each other on to new music.
    • Learned to play guitar and bass.
    • Joined bands and played crappy music until we were damn good (a big thank you to Punk Rock and the DIY attitude).
    • Glued together magazine/newspaper pictures and added magic marker lettering to create our gig flyers.
    • Traded gig flyers with "pen-pals" from across the US.
    • Called girls and talked on the phone with them for hours (I would get in trouble because we only had one phone line).
    • Took the city bus everywhere to meet-up with friends.
    • Go see other friends bands play.
    • Much more...
    Well, now. Remembering all that stuff and writing it down in a list was pretty motivational. I'm going to go do something other than "internet" now...
  2. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    Yea, its hard because internet is implement led in all aspects of life now
  3. Cat Lady

    Cat Lady Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Non-internet related hobbies are so important to have. Your post makes me want to pick up my clarinet!
    fight for life likes this.
  4. I swear kids only like you for your apps nowadays smh. Back then you knew who was the fastest kid in your block.
    fight for life likes this.
  5. Sometimes I wish I was in my 20s during the 90s, it was a dope era.
    fight for life likes this.
  6. I remember the era before internet. Well, there was internet but it was kinda rare and not yet so wide spread. People like me who's now in mid 20s was the last generation to experience some of that. Especially the poor ones like my family used to be cos all those new toys was pretty expensive back then when it was relatively new technology.

    Going out to play football in park after school, building things from snow in winter as well as playing hockey at park when it was frozen. Going to beach or to near by river to hang there at hot summer. Listening to radio and drawing. We even played with Legos till relatively old age. Now by that time kids play video games instead. The first video game I played was CS 1.6 in early 2000s. Suddenly that was the favorite thing to do instead of playing sports at park.

    I miss those days. I spend too much time online. When I think of this I also feel that I have to get my head out of wires...
    fight for life likes this.
  7. Lucky1

    Lucky1 Fapstronaut

    Awesome post!

    Coming from an artistic background i can sympathize despite the age difference.

    I always want to get out of the house, work on something creative, or just kick the football in the park.

    Gen Y is so much different and boring.
  8. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    I grew up in the 80s/90s and back then it was about comic books, video games, the mall, making cassette tapes and hand ball. Well back then we did have our forms of addictions which was TV and video games. Yet not as severe. The only porn available back then was your Dad's porn mags and they were all mostly the softcore variety.
    fight for life likes this.
  9. Yes great post Kangaroo, all the memories you just brought back to me, i really wish i could go back, i know every generation probably says the same but my life before the internet era was so much more fun and so much more wholesome,

    like you guys said making the humble cassette mix tapes, such a simple yet powerfull example of how those times were different, sure a double tape deck and 90min cassettes were classed as technology of sorts back then but the "effort" you had to put into making the tape was great fun and it forced you to take your time, actually "listen" to the songs as they were being recorded,"visit" your friends house to get back the tape he borrowed the week before, hand write the song list on the cover, sometimes draw or copy the album art onto the cover and then "visit" your friends to give them the tape "in person".

    of course then there were the romantic mix tapes you made for your girlfriend , again putting in a lot of thought and effort and giving it to her with a "hand written" love letter etc,

    simple times, but so much more sentiment!

    all the other stuff you mentioned too totally bring me back and make me pine for the pre-internet era!

    and like Gsarosi said there was no internet porn back then to ruin our lives!
  10. brownbear66

    brownbear66 Fapstronaut

    Wow how technology has changed our lives. I can do all sorts of things online. It has helped us out so much. We are overwieght because we never learned to exercise. We can't communicate as well because as kids we used hru and lol rather than talking and listening over the phone and face to face. We also have learned to look at women as sexual objects rather than friends and lovers.
    fight for life likes this.