If you think online porn is bad now imagine this.....

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by GSarosi, Apr 4, 2016.

  1. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

  2. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut

    This is my fear. and I had a post on this earlier. Trust me, when the VR porn will come out, some people will DIE ALONE.

    Imagine VRPIED: Virtual reality porn-induced erectile dysfunction.
    RisingPhoenix77 likes this.
  3. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    What about PISD?

    Porn Induced Social Dysfunction. If you think many young people and people today in general lacks any social skills and etiquette because of their smartphones this is going to be an upcoming train wreck. I really hate to be a future parent with all this tech crap that is going to pollute our society.
  4. kk76

    kk76 Fapstronaut

    The next few generations are going to be screwed by how no one talks and the use of porn.

    What I'm seeing though is the first signs of tech rebellion whereby people are seeing that life is better when we talk to each other or go out and do things.

    And we all know that change happens when humans get sick of something
    Headspace and RisingPhoenix77 like this.
  5. Jungler

    Jungler Fapstronaut

    Modern technology is used to drive people to ruin and what's left for us is to move away from it. Strangely enough, i was reading about the oculus not to long ago and there are way more creepy things about it other than porn.

    Oculus can collect data from you while you’re using you device.
    Given that Oculus can collect information about how you move and how you’re shaped. The Facebook-owned company can use your location and log your activity, and it can even do so automatically.
    What’s most worrisome here is that the emergence of VR technology opens up an new type of data for companies to mine en masse which can be collected efficiently. The fact that Oculus, the clear leader in the new VR marketplace, is setting this precedent could be dangerous for the future of the technology.

    And then there are the terms of service as follows:

    • Location information, which can be derived from information such as your device’s IP address. If you’re using a mobile device, we may collect information about the device’s precise location, which is derived from sources such as the device’s GPS signal and information about nearby WiFi networks and cell towers; and
    • Information about your physical movements and dimensions when you use a virtual reality headset.

    So definitly i'm not going to keep this junk around my head, and it's not just for the content of porn.
  6. It's better to stop the habit of consuming porn as soon as possible because if a porn addict touches VR Porn, it's going to be even harder to stop the addiction. Imagine the future generation of teens who will grow up with VR Porn. It will seem so real that the desire of doing the real thing will not even interest them as much. It's bad sexual education, it teaches sex in a bad way, and not how it is supposed to be. It shows the woman as an object and shows dominance from the man. There are no feelings involved in those videos, it's just another industry where people make money with it. For the one who consumes it, it takes away self-esteem and ruins social skills in general for both genders because we know that NOT only men can be porn addicts.

    I am scared of VRP, because I know that I will be tempted.
    RisingPhoenix77 and Dizzy Lotus like this.
  7. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    I tell you one think...I can't wait for VR skydiving, I'll go to one of those skydiving training fan blowy places then wear VR.
    Safest real feel skydiving possible lol
  8. David95

    David95 Fapstronaut

    Haha! If anybody knows who my avatar is then they'll see why I think this is the coolest thing ever!
  9. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut


    Thank you Jesus for Google image search lol
  10. himmelstoss

    himmelstoss Fapstronaut

  11. Rikarwb

    Rikarwb Fapstronaut

    I'm a dude who spends all day in computer ( except for school )

    Generally with earphones on

    Now imagine this ... + VR headset ( weather its to play games, watch porn, etc )

    It is scary, how a person would spend all day completly off the real world ... and imagine if that person was a porn addict ( rip penis ) :( I fear for the future.
  12. Dizzy Lotus

    Dizzy Lotus Fapstronaut

    Oh, no. [​IMG] Every advance in technology will be used for bad first. [​IMG]
  13. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    Technology is a global plan to control people, I'm convinced of it. It started with the early TV's. Now it's mobiles and laptops. The future is VR.
    No I'm not s conspiracy theory nut, incase your wondering. But I'm convinced technology is a tool to keep people from being adventurous, getting into sticky situations, learning about real life.
    Eventually it'll be like the film demolition man. We won't even have real sex, it'll just be shared VR. Population control through technology.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2018
    Fat Boy likes this.
  14. Loyal

    Loyal Fapstronaut

    I don't know about you guys, but nah.. I am still going embrace real life and nature. Embracing in the good ass adventure. No matter how bad technology secludes human beings into being net zombies, more people will start waking up every day.

    I wonder if there comes a day where the EMP grid will shut down to the whole world. Technology completely gone, and will never come back ever again. There is a chance it might happen in several lifetimes after us.

    People will end up killing each other because of how extremely dependent they are onto technology. Cars don't work anymore, many are jobless, internet is gone so you can't use it for research or wisdom, many other stuff out there.

    Quite frankly, I rather have technology completely gone. Easy to say right now typing this on the computer knowing it is not going to happen for a while. I might go insane myself.

    But the benefits in the future outweighs the destruction in the beginning.
  15. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

  16. G.Baltar

    G.Baltar Fapstronaut

    Shit that motherf****** image just creeped the shit out of me. I really hate computers. Even the smile on that guy face scared the shit out of me. Yeah I know I'm a pathetic weak beta male. I'm disconnecting from the grid.
    Golgo 13 likes this.
  17. melancholy king

    melancholy king Fapstronaut

    meh. What people don't realize is that the way that technology has been for a while now has more to do with limitations than with choice. videochats have become increasingly popular, and assuming wi-fi continues to improve as it has been, it will far more accessible and you won't see people just text one another as has been the case. It is probably accurate to say that technology (specifically the internet) so far has been bad for people's social skills, however, trends don't always continue. Technology has the capacity to push those on the outskirts of society into conversations that they wouldn't have had otherwise... It isn't as simple as technology=bad as people might make it out to be.
    GSarosi and Dizzy Lotus like this.
  18. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    In comparison to the way the future is unfolding, Brave New World looks like a stroll in the park. At least in BNW people still had sex with each other. Then they had the drug of Soma to pacify them. In our future, virtual sex will be the drug of pacification. : (
  19. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    Get that laptop out of your lap people! It will suck the sap out of you. Replace it with a book! It will nourish your mind.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2018
    MrCAllen301986 and GSarosi like this.
  20. David95

    David95 Fapstronaut

    Its from an anime about virtual reality- really it helped me see whats real in life! Like porn is not real! It makes no real relationships with people! But thanks for letting me fan girl for a minute there
    Star Lord likes this.