300 days free

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by conqueror, Mar 11, 2016.

  1. conqueror

    conqueror Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone!

    So it's been 300 days now, since I've become free of this disgusting, low, depressing, belittling, degrading, destructive piece of **** also known as PMO. Yes that is what I've described it as because that is what it is, and that is what it did to me during the time I was being controlled by it.

    However thanks and praise be to God, who guided me and helped me throughout this journey, and saved me from drowning into that dark sea.

    Even though life has not become heaven all of a sudden, there is and will continue to be trials and tribulation in life, just because that is the nature of life. However removing PMO from my life, by the help of God, indeed has brought more light, hope, strength, courage, optimism and enthusiasm in my life, simply because PMO weighed me down very heavily. And thus by removing that weight off my self, I can finally breathe and make life easier to live. To be free, enjoy the beauties of life, enjoy the nature, have aspiring goals, and take life easy.

    So yes removing PMO from your life will be like removing a heavy burden from life, an obstacle from your path. So go for it and believe in your self and never ever give up. Stay strong and stay motivated. You might experience doubts, hardships, loneliness but that is the nature of success. You'll have to overcome them. The fact that I've been able to overcome this, and many other fapstronauts on this forum and other people that have put their success stories on youtube, is a clear proof that it is possible and that you can do it too. Watch those videos on youtube, read a couple of success stories every now and then to keep you motivated and instil that courage and belief within you.

    I hope you've benefited and been motivated by my story. Stay strong and lets Conquer this!
  2. conqueror

    conqueror Fapstronaut

    Just wanted to add something important.

    It is important to love yourself and appreciate yourself when fighting this addiction. Hating oneself is not the solution. And it certainly will decrease our self belief specially after we lose battles during relapses. The key is to understand the addiction and recognise that it is harmful, that many people are struggling with it and that many have quit this. Then it will be easier for you to believe that you can and should overcome this too.

    To all those religious folks out there, don't judge yourself harshly. Human beings are fallible and they will never be perfect. Our purpose here is to improve ourself. God does not hate you for this sin, if you are struggling in quitting it. In fact, he rewards you for your struggle and understands you and loves you because he knows our nature, that we are weak and fallible. You need to understand that. So if you are struggling through this know that God is with you and know that when he is with you, you will be able to overcome this.

    Wish you all the best :)
  3. haha could not have described it better myself :)
    conqueror likes this.
  4. Anonymous333

    Anonymous333 Fapstronaut

    Many congratulations on your acheivement! We can do this :)!
    conqueror likes this.
  5. seba5116

    seba5116 Fapstronaut

    congrats! :)

    Also taking cold showers help imo :) for willpower obviously
    adam1992, 10MARCH2016 and conqueror like this.
  6. adam1992

    adam1992 Fapstronaut

    Great job bro!
    conqueror likes this.
  7. Good work
    conqueror likes this.
  8. Nom De Plume

    Nom De Plume Fapstronaut

    That's awesome, thanks for showing it can be done!
    conqueror likes this.
  9. Damon

    Damon Guest

    Well done, thats something we can all look up to
    conqueror likes this.
  10. Never_Return_There

    Never_Return_There Fapstronaut

    Well done !!! Feels nice, doesn't it ? :D
    conqueror likes this.
  11. Gladiatori

    Gladiatori Fapstronaut

    @conqueror Hey my friend. Well done. I salute you. Keep going man. After hitting 90 days now It's good to hear from guys like you the next steps to climb. Take it easy, dont be sleezy :D.
  12. conqueror

    conqueror Fapstronaut

    Well, congrats on you, cause first 90 is the hardest. Then from 90 onwards it gets less harder, till like 200-300 days where it is gone completely.
  13. programer

    programer Fapstronaut

    300 days is a great achievement. keep going on.
  14. tyobes7

    tyobes7 Fapstronaut

    Hey @conqueror and congrats for your succes , but I want to know is 300 days also without Masturbating ? without edging ?
  15. nevergoodenough

    nevergoodenough Fapstronaut

    Can I ask for some advice, as the girlfriend of an addict?

    I keep getting angry with him and so upset for his relapses. I know depend own that guilting him isn't going to help matters. Trying to control his movements won't help (I've banned him from taking his phone to the toilet, I check his phone all the time etc etc) but what else can I do? He is breaking my heart, and I want him to stop. He wants to stop. What is the best way for me to help him stop? I can't just stand by and watch it continue though, it's killing me.
  16. iLoveHer

    iLoveHer Fapstronaut

    Wow 300 days.
    Good. Job.
    Keep going for bigger streaks.