15 days Hardmode but almost committed a rape. Plz help me

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by ByeForever!!, Mar 11, 2016.

  1. Ultra Zork

    Ultra Zork Fapstronaut

    Do not stay alone at all
  2. adam1992

    adam1992 Fapstronaut

    Don't worry about it bro...it's your brain wanting to convince you to fap
  3. I'll admit that I've had the thought of rape but only briefly and not seriously. Mostly after watching "brutal" porn or whatever. I've never approached a woman in a park, that's for sure. That being said, you're not a horrible person and you didn't actually rape anyone. It should be a wake-up call that you might need counseling if that kind of thing continues. Sex addiction in some can lead to rape, prostitution, or infidelity. Luckily, I am fortunate that my addiction has only been with porn. Get the help you need and for the love of God do not rape anyone or even go up to them in a park. You're better off PMOing than doing that!
    Dizzy Lotus likes this.
  4. theGECK

    theGECK Fapstronaut

    I've talked to two type of people who would have actually gotten to the point you did of actually taking action along the road to forcing somebody to have sex - the ones who think that women secretly want to be forced to have sex (the whole "dominant male" thing, normally reinforced by porn) and the ones who actually get off on having power.

    If you're the first type, I don't know of any woman who legitimately wants to be raped. There are the ones who enjoy it as a fantasy with somebody they trust, but I've never heard of anybody who truly wanted to be forced to have sex against her will.
    If you're the second type, get with a therapist or counselor and get an action plan together. You say that you don't want to do it, so you need to take steps not to let it happen.

    Nobody, regardless of gender, should be afraid to walk outside. Please don't be the type of person that makes our world that sort of place.
  5. ByeForever!!

    ByeForever!! Fapstronaut

    Thread updated :-

    Had a deep long session with my university counsellor just a while ago. Although she is very old she was very understanding to me. I told her about all my porn addiction and about NoFap .
    She told me a lot of things but a few main pointers were:

    The fact the I resisted myself from committing the act of rape (although I turned back last minute) showed that there is still some goodness lingering within me.
    This showed that I chose my inner conscious that is pure over my dopamine seeking devil of a brain. We always have this choice.
    Watching brutal and sadistic porn for all these years has resulted in me ignoring that little voice that always tell us to do the right stuff. We ignore it, we ignore the guilt too and fapped our brains out to dirty porn.
    Now that I'm on the right path I need to train myself to keep giving maximum attention to the pure inner voice.
    I've to break through those years of conditioning of being a slave of my desires. I've to learn to rewire myself. Learn to shun that devil and only listen to my pure inner voice that I'd turned a deaf ear to all these years.

    She said I'm not a beast. 15 days without any POM had surely thrown me off track as to what to expect. Every time I get any urge to do something forceful I need to call her up and talk. I need to TRAIN my mind to NOT BE IMPULSIVE.
    As an excercise from now on I've to think before every action. Get a confirmation from my inner voice and then go ahead. Even if it's as small as taking an extra serving of juice to checking my phone to anything. I need to develop that habit.
    I cannot do whatever my brain wants me to. I've to order my brain to do what my inner voice wants me to.
    I've to learn to revise consequences of every action mentally before taking any step.

    She was also extremely proud that a degraded loser like me had taken on NoFap and done 16 days hardmode which is the toughest challenge as you are trying to tame man's wildest desire according to her.
    It's easy to diet, quit smoking, ect ect but taming lust according to her is the path to the highest perfection. And I should stick with the discipline of nofap all my life.

    Other than this, she had prescribed me sedatives. Whenever I get any intense rush to do something harmful I will take half of a pill.
    She didn't gimme the whole thing as she feels I will abuse the sedatives lol.. but she gave me two. If I need more I must come to her.

    Thats it guys. It was a big thing for me to take this shit off my chest. I want to become a better person at every cost. ByeForever logging out as an improved person than what he was 3 nights ago :)
    Dizzy Lotus likes this.
  6. True-Self

    True-Self Fapstronaut

    It's great that you talked to a counselor. Thinking about rape and taking any type of steps to act on it is really scary. Please continue to work with her as needed and stay away from that violent/rape porn.
  7. Nom De Plume

    Nom De Plume Fapstronaut

    That's cool, sounds like she was really helpful. You're at 16 days already which is a great start. Keep up the good work!