Basically for what reason girls expose their bodies?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by toughking, Mar 22, 2014.

  1. toughking

    toughking Fapstronaut

    So i want to know the basic idea. Okay the common answer may be 'to attract males'. So does it mean they will hook with 'any' male? Obviously no. Then? Age also matter. The actresses have no problem doing all those sexy moves that arouse sensual feeling in us. And we know that they are not accessible to us. So we guys masturbate. Ultimate harm is to us.

    I know as a student how difficult it is to concentrate on my studies with all those thoughts. The showing of half of their breasts is very very common. Why they do these? Even if we have Six packs we are not flaunting them on roads. We don't do sex moves on television. But almost all girls show their cleavage on roads, homes, schools etc. Can anyone tell me the reason behind these kind of shits?

    And no offense Please!!
  2. seth

    seth Fapstronaut

    We live in a sexualized world where women objectification is far too common. We unfortunately live in a world where women have to look "pretty" in order to be successful. They have to look pretty, appealing, but most importantly SEXUAL in order to get what they want. I'm not saying this is exactly what's happening but it's that mentality that exists. And it sucks. That's why you see half naked women on all types of adds but much less frequently do you see half naked men. There's a large movement going on trying to stop this objectification.

    But you have to hear me when I say this is hurting females much more than it's hurting males. We have to deal with our PMO addiction so that we can respond to this type of stimulus without craving. Women have to do a lot more. I do wish we lived in a more equal world.
  3. toughking

    toughking Fapstronaut

    Very true..
    I blame our hormones for this..
  4. NoFapAsian

    NoFapAsian Fapstronaut

    Seeing women exposing their bodies is only a problem if you go home and masturbate as a result of seeing that. Instead of releasing that energy on masturbation, you should transmute it into motivation for something useful, like going to the gym or studying. If you let that desire turn into masturbation every time you get aroused, you will not get very far in life. Good luck buddy.
    EvilSpider, Quiet warrior and Hitto like this.
  5. Saserman

    Saserman Fapstronaut

    I think this is a combined result of the effect of different industries towards people, like the fashion industry, perfume, all these talk shows, TV shows, porn industry, and things like that.

    The basic fact is that sex sells, and men tend to think with their dicks. I also find that the fashion industry likes to market their skimpy clothes to women as being more attractive (and perhaps it is attractive to wear skimpy clothing, much like how it is attractive to be naked), and the women nowadays have fallen far into it so much that a woman would be considered a nun if she were to wear very modest and respectful clothing. Men aren't going to discourage this kind of thing except the really moral and religious ones, because as I mentioned, men think with their dicks.

    I read somewhere that the reason why women wear skimpy clothing is that they enjoyed getting "looks" from men and that it boosts their confidence. I think I can understand that, but it just seems like a stupid excuse to wear revealing clothing, which in my opinion should not really be as acceptable as it is now.
    XPiRED likes this.
  6. I've been working out a lot lately and I'm liking how my body looks. I want to go to a nude beach, but my wife doesn't want to go because she doesn't want anyone to see her body. I guess our sex roles are kinda reversed. Men can be vain too!
  7. HiFlyerPeter

    HiFlyerPeter Fapstronaut

    I think the overall problem is that many women don't understand the difference between a man looking at them and a man being attracted to them. While it's hard for me (and probably most men) to not look at a woman walking down the street who's barely clothed, I'm also thinking that I would not be interested in an actual relationship with a woman who dresses like that. Why? Because it makes me think that she has no respect for herself.
    duha and XPiRED like this.
  8. The human body is a thing of beauty. No one should have to hide it to prove that they have self respect. You could just as well say that hiding your body is an act of shame.
    Just because a woman doesn't hide her body doesn't mean she is trying to turn you on.
  9. There is nothing at all wrong with a woman(or a man) showing her physical beauty. If you think of it as dirty, the dirtiness is in your own mind. Do not judge others because of your own perverse thoughts.
    Quiet warrior likes this.
  10. HiFlyerPeter

    HiFlyerPeter Fapstronaut

    I'm not saying women (or anyone) should "hide" their bodies. All I'm saying is that some women do dress provocatively for the purpose of attracting attention from men. They are then disappointed when the attention they get isn't the kind that they want. You can blame whoever you want for it, but I think it's an overall cultural problem that will take time to solve.

    Not trying to attack anyone here. Calling names doesn't accomplish any meaningful discussion and only proves that you missed the entire point of my post and this thread.
    TARS and XPiRED like this.
  11. need2bchaste

    need2bchaste Fapstronaut

    Since I'm a woman, please allow me to add my two cents. Avoiding repeating what others have said, I will say that we women DO notice how the prettier ones attract more attention, but especially the kindness of men. If a woman is pretty, a man will be more likely to smile at her, hold the door open for her, thank her, or speak kindly to her. He'll look her in the eye and smile, and be willing to give her the time if she asks. If a woman is not dressed well, is not so good looking, doesn't look well-kempt, etc., she's treated like crap from most men. She can hold the door open for a guy and he'll ignore her or barely thank her and not look at her at all. If she bumps into a man by accident, he's more likely to be rude to her and swear under his breath. Chances are the only men who will pay attention to her when she's not well dressed are perverts and really gross men. So for us, a short trip to the store or bank could be made easier if we wore makeup, did our hair, and dressed nicely/attractively.

    I've also had older women tell me that once women hit a certain age, they are invisible to EVERYONE, including younger women, unless they look like they have a lot of money or are still good-looking for their age. Even then, there is no guarantee they'll get attention from anyone.

    So we women feel pressured to show off (and not just our flesh) just so we can get some decency out of men but also to avoid certain sleazy men who look for women who look like they have little self-confidence. This is much harder for girls and women who are unfortunate-looking.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2014
    Saskia Simone and pezzer like this.
  12. When I stopped using porn and started working out over a year ago, my shape and posture improved and my body language became more confident. I can say from experience that women treat men differently based on superficial appearance as well. Women used to think I was creepy. Now they flirt with me.
    Deleted Account and XPiRED like this.
  13. HiFlyerPeter

    HiFlyerPeter Fapstronaut

    Since I'm a man, I can't speak to the experiences of women but I can speak to my own experiences and I think the problem here is that we are confusing "pretty" or "attractive" with "provocative." I agree that most women wouldn't get much attention if they went to the store in sweats with their hair messed up. Guess what? Most men wouldn't get much attention either if they went out like that. My point is that there is nothing wrong with grooming oneself and dressing attractively, but these things can be done without being immodest.

    Cleavage will get men to look at you, and it might even get them to be nice to you, but it won't get them to respect you.
    Clerk373, TARS and XPiRED like this.
  14. You are absolutely right that we got a little off track and that there is a difference between dressing sexy and dressing respectably. But... different men have different reactions and what is tacky to one man is tasteful to another. Sexiness can be a power. Sexy clothing is not a sign of weakness if it is well done and worn with confidence. I do admit that it can look ridiculous if it isn't done well.
  15. need2bchaste

    need2bchaste Fapstronaut

    You are right; grooming oneself is important, and one can still look clean and well-kempt despite dressing casually. Wearing sweatpants and pajama pants in public should never be considered acceptable. It's worse than wearing leggings as pants.

    You are also right in saying there is a confusion between "pretty/attractive" and "provocative". Sadly, the message shoved down women's (but especially girls') throats is that in order to be pretty, we must be provocative. And it's often done in very subtle ways, and not just by men. Women push it upon each other, and we sometimes feel we women have to compete with each other over looks, or try to look like the next hot girl in order to be liked by both men and women. Sometimes it's downright funny how you can be around a group of young women and without fail they ALL have the same: hairstyle (usually long and straight, or in the same ponytail), brand(s) of clothes, shoes/boots, jewelry, makeup, and so on. No wonder I stuck out like a sore thumb in college!

    I dress modestly, or at least as best I can. Women's fashion is not nice to us; it's not very comfortable, and not very warm (or cool in the summertime)...and very often not very modest unless we wear layers - which is sometimes nearly impossible in certain types of weather and climates. And that all goes out the window if we're not a specific size and body shape.

    Anyways, it's nice to see guys who aren't encouraging provocative and immodest wear for women.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2014
  16. No Name

    No Name Fapstronaut

    Go to your nearest college for the best observance of this phenomena.

    You know I think this provocative dressing by women will be one of the key stimuli for a positive change in human perspective within 3 decades or so. I have seen and been around so many attractive girls that I am completely desensitized to it. Actually when I see all the girls with their makeup and designer clothes trying to hide insecurities my heart vomits a little at how carnal/material our society has become that this is the norm. I think we will soon see a shift in male perspective past these one dimensional attractions to place a higher valuation on character and integrity. Mark my words, those that dress in the semblance of prostitutes display an element of character that many men internally know they should avoid like a toxin or parasite.

    And oh boy. When their makeup comes off, 90% of women look almost repulsive. I am not saying they are, but their covering has "programmed" our male target oriented minds to believe so because it is not what we are use to seeing.
  17. HiFlyerPeter

    HiFlyerPeter Fapstronaut

    I think you hit the nail on the head. I'm not sure if you have any daughters, but if you do I hope you teach/taught them a better lesson than the media is trying to teach us.
  18. I can see I'm in the minority here. People should dress as they please. If people want to wear leggings as pants, they should wear leggings as pants. If people want to wear sweatpants, they should do so too. If people want to wear makeup, they should, if they don't, they shouldn't.
    You have the freedom to dress as you like. Enjoy your freedom. Wear what you choose, wear it with confidence, and don't worry about what others think. In return, stop judging others for wearing what they choose.
    It is possible to stop masturbating without becoming a puritan.
  19. HiFlyerPeter

    HiFlyerPeter Fapstronaut

    I have to respectfully disagree on this one. I'm not saying that a little bit of makeup here and there doesn't help, but in my opinion 90% of women look better with no makeup at all than they do the way they wear it. It's not that a little bit can't be helpful, but most women simply wear too much for reasons already stated in previous posts. I think it is up to both men and women to break our society of this attitude.
    recon117 and Deleted Account like this.
  20. hurting_wife

    hurting_wife Fapstronaut

    I'll chime in as a female here :) I think there are a LOT of reasons, many have been mentioned. One thing that highly interests me now is the psyche of people. Ever since I found out about my husbands addiction, and I've been on different forums, talked to different people, sometimes its almost like the more you know, the more confused you are lol. There is such a BIG picture with all of this. Everything from sex sells, to emotional trauma from childhood. sorry if this doesn't make sense, I have a million thoughts running thru my head, like everything connecting and making sense in my own head, but to convey it all, it's just such a massive thought I don't know where to begin! Just going to ramble here a few ideas. Ok, I don't think all women do it for the same reasons number one. I am a 35 year old wife and mother, I am aparently pretty attractive, soliciting looks every time I go out, being hit on, and my husband can't take his hands off me lol. And I definitly no supermodel, but yeah I can hold my own I guess. I don't dress provactively, I don't think that a sexy, classy women should, just my opinion. But I do like to FEEL sexy. I want to feel like my husband looks at me and thinks "damn, I'm a lucky guy", I want to feel like I am sexy to HIM. I honestly don't care what any other man in the world thinks of me. He can think I am a goddess or a freak, it doesn't matter to me. What matters is that MY man thinks I am a goddess. Maybe that sounds ridiculous, idk. But when I feel like that's how he sees me, I feel sexy. When it seems like I can't turn MY man on (because of this whole porn thing), I feel real shitty about myself. And yes, I know that's MY own problem, you can't depend on someone else to make you feel , you should have enough value in yourself and all that crap. But I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to know that your other half is still madly in love with you body, mind and spirit.

    Then I'm sure in some cases, childhood traumas can play a part. I'm finding from talking so openly with the people on these sites how much this can be an issue for people. Well of course.. why does so and so react in a certain way to a certain curcumstance? because that's what they grew up knowing. Maybe some girls didn't have a father figure, or maybe their father never gave them much positive male attention so they adapt a certain behavior because they find it gets them attention, albeit negative attention. Maybe its the only way they know how to get a mans attention.

    Of course I think you also have the women who like to use their bodies to get what they want. They found somewhere along the way that their boobs could get what they wanted. This is one of the worst, imo. I guess only because I have little respect for anybody who tries to use other people, try to get something for free, use the system, etc etc... but I guess it all goes back to the same thing anyhow, a learned behavior.... they learned along the way that if they showed some T&A they could get what they want.
    sevenwekay and recon117 like this.