Would you take a pill called "FapX"?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by mv8652, Dec 19, 2015.

  1. mv8652

    mv8652 Fapstronaut

    The vast majority of humans are ticklish, but we cannot tickle ourselves. It simply doesn't work. Another person is necessary. Even Aristotle was intrigued by this paradox.

    What if sexual gratification could be similarly limited? As an exercise in thought and discussion, please suppose that there were a new herbal pill called "FapX" that would extinguish one's ability to stimulate himself sexually. Masturbation, like self-tickling, simply wouldn't work; but libido and sensitivity to stimulation by others would remain entirely unaffected.

    FapX would be safe, effective, inexpensive, and readily available in stores in monthly 31-pill blister packs. The first pill would take effect within 24 hours. Daily pills thereafter would have a cumulative effect that would persist after discontinuance for as long as they had been taken--meaning that a month of pills would make masturbation impossible for two months. Thus, the effect would be reversible, but not immediately.

    So, if FapX existed, would it succeed in the market? Would fapstronauts take it as an aid to overcoming porn addiction, masturbation, social anxiety, PIED, etc.? How long would you take it? Might you want to use it permanently? Should teens take it? What might be any unintended consequences, both personal and societal, to the introduction of FapX? Any other thoughts about it are welcome?

    Thank you.
  2. Lioness

    Lioness Fapstronaut

    I'd take it. I've spent hours searching for some sort of treatment that kills urges, and asked many health professionals to no avail.
    Mertsiyy likes this.
  3. Interesting idea, but pills are so 1950s. I'd go for a genetic modification erasing masturbation from my body's ability list.
    Mertsiyy likes this.
  4. plongeur

    plongeur Fapstronaut

    Wouldn't take it b/c I don't think that masturbation is something bad. It's just problematic if done excessively.

    Occasional masturbation is relaxing and if done the right way beneficial to one's sex drive and performance.
  5. I don´t want to to offend anyone here. But honestly don´t you feel bad for the time lost philosphizing about these questions?
  6. mv8652

    mv8652 Fapstronaut

    Fair enough. However, genetic modification would be permanent. I wanted to present a scenario in which permanence was optional. Some might want to lay off masturbation during a reboot (to overcome porn addiction, erectile dysfunction, etc.) but then regain the capability afterward. If you prefer permanence, that's great too. I wish you permanence! I prefer to say that I have given up masturbation indefinitely.
  7. adam1992

    adam1992 Fapstronaut

    I wouldn't take it. You know why?
    Because the best thing about challenges that they aren't easy
    Deleted Account, Macabre and johnwick like this.
  8. If you could eliminate AIDS or crime from the world, would you decline too so that the challenge remained?
  9. Thechosenone

    Thechosenone Fapstronaut

    i wouldn't take it. It's about my own hard work and control, I wouldn't learn anything by taking a pill. I'd be more nonchalant about things. I wouldn't care.
    adam1992 likes this.
  10. You would not have to care. I do not have to care about heroin because I am innocent of it. I don't think it would be better to have to struggle with an addiction that could kill me.
  11. Thechosenone

    Thechosenone Fapstronaut

    it's subjective dude, it depends on a lot of things, moods etc for me personally
  12. Macabre

    Macabre Fapstronaut

    It's all about the challenge. It builds character. Plus, from my experience, taking pharmaceuticals have a chance to make you dependent on them, and this sounds like a pill that would have huge repercussions if you stopped taking them. Not just physically, but mentally. I believe a huge part of Nofap is the willpower and mental resilience that you have created over time from resisting hundreds of days of urges.
    RoseTenthFan likes this.
  13. kamado86

    kamado86 Fapstronaut

    never ever ever in a million years. things like that are what damage people. compulsive behaviour yes i get can be a disease but you CAN control it with enough willpower in my opinion.

    its like antidepressants.... they mask emotions and imbalances in the body. we arent taught to deal with these we are taught to just pop a pill and ul be fine. sorry i just dont agree but then again everyone is different and my opinion is not lesser or greater than a fellow person.

  14. programer

    programer Fapstronaut

    What is it with you stupid people who have Negative attitude over someones Post who is trying to be Helpfull. Much of @mv8652 post is Solid. This is also what Gary wilson was saying. I wish there could be Such a pill. I would have taken it From my early age.

    It could have saved my life from this mess of PMO. Get out of Nofap if what you can do best is critisize other people. Thanks @ mv8652 for your post. It is people like you who motivate me.
    mv8652 likes this.
  15. @programer I don´t mean to bully anyone - but in which way is wishing and regretting or daydreaming helpful? Also calling others stupid for their opionions is uncalled for.
  16. himmelstoss

    himmelstoss Fapstronaut

    no more goddamn pills
    adam1992 likes this.
  17. recoome

    recoome Fapstronaut

    i was super allergic to cold. i'd take medicines. started with 2 then 4 then 6. the medicines made me drowsy. i started working out n now the allergy has gone.

    i'd take pills at the beginning. the times i was obsessed with porn. would watch videos after videos, read stories, the time i had 10 tabs of porn websites open on my laptop, the time my desktop image was porn.

    but eventually i'd want to get rid of it. maybe start taking pills then gradually replace them with hobbies.
  18. kamado86

    kamado86 Fapstronaut

    wait a sec. so it is ok for you to brand people stupid. There was not really a negative reaction. The OP asked for opinions and he got them. just because it goes against your thinking it diesnt make people stupid
  19. Oh there are a LOT of stupid people in the world. It is probably true you cannot recognise stupidity by a few post on an online forum.
  20. programer

    programer Fapstronaut

    I'm just having fun
    beating the angry mob
    away with a bat lol.