Can a Navy Veteran kick the habit?

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by snazzy, Nov 3, 2015.

  1. snazzy

    snazzy Fapstronaut

    Hello NoFap community,

    I found this community as a reference on wikipedia and was intrigued. Delving more into the matter at hand, I found that this may be the key to saving my current relationship with my girlfriend of 18 months. So far I'm on day 9 without PMO and feel the surge of extra energy.

    2 Nights ago I had a wet dream. After a little research, I found that this was common. Whew! Today was the hardest, no pun intended, to do without PMO. However, I envision the end product of sex with my gf and keep on trucking!

    Currently, my girlfriend and I are in therapy. I have an issue of finishing when I have sex with her. It's been like that our entire relationship and it's also been like that with every other girl I have had sex with in the past 10 years.

    I am currently 38 years old and have been addicted to pornography my whole life. I have a picture of me as a 5 year old holding an open Playboy magazine. During therapy I asked, "How does one reverse a lifetime of exposure and addiction?"

    I was raised in a military household and joined the service myself. In my lifetime I have had over 30 sexual partners of different races and religions. When I was younger I couldn't get enough of it. Now I find it difficult to finish without porn.

    Considering that I am in graduate school, pursuing a degree in Counseling, I have taken it upon myself to yet again fight with addiction. Before it was cigarettes, now its the one thing that has turned me on my whole life. I'm ready for a change. Especially since the girl I am now with is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.

    So hello to everyone here. That's my story. Day 9 and counting!

    Ron B, zero01 and Foxtrot12 like this.
  2. Handzfree

    Handzfree Distinguished Fapstronaut

    In answer to your question... yeah, Vets can kick it too. Congrats on the 9 days, Congrats on the counseling too - keep going forward. Get your life, go to graduate school, love your partner.

    Best Wishes - HF
    snazzy likes this.
  3. tallpaul

    tallpaul Fapstronaut

    Hi Snazzy,
    I'm new here as well, so don't feel too qualified to dish out the advice.
    However, taking the step to bring yourself to this community, share your story & your commitment is - I believe - a bigger step than you may realise.
    I wish you well.
    snazzy likes this.
  4. ImDaniel

    ImDaniel Fapstronaut

    Good luck bro! It's all about motivation, if you want to achieve it, you surely can do it!
    snazzy likes this.
  5. snazzy

    snazzy Fapstronaut

    Thank you to all for your words of encouragement. These last two days have been rough for some reason. When I'm with my girlfriend though, I am already starting to fall more in love with her. When she touches me it is electric and I can't wait for my 90 days. ONWARD!

  6. snazzy

    snazzy Fapstronaut

    this really is HARD mode. So I've adjusted. Porn Blocker extension added to my chrome browser. However I received an email from GQ with a link to best models of the year. Damn, even the soft stuff is hard to get away from!

    On a better note, I saw my girlfriend today and her touch was the best! I'm still abstaining though. Thank you for your support.

    zero01 likes this.
  7. snazzy

    snazzy Fapstronaut

    oh and the superpowers are real. I was with my gf at a deli and one of the waitresses gave me a wicked smile and come fuck me eyes when my gf wasn't watching. Damn heathen!

    zero01 likes this.
  8. snazzy

    snazzy Fapstronaut

    Its day 15 and I still think about P channels that I watched. I still fantasize about turning on my television and beaming some high definition visual/audio eye candy. I hope that this will go away over time, however I am going to remain strong and just ignore the urge, even though I think about it during my waking hours everyday.

    I should be thinking about my gf. On the bright side, when I kiss her it is electric and very sensual. I feel like i need a release but I'm just going to keep moving forward. I really don't know if my mindset will change. I will stick it out for 90 days but I'm very doubtful about the effects right now.

    zero01 likes this.
  9. tallpaul

    tallpaul Fapstronaut

    Hey Snazzy. Keep strong my friend. I can't vouch for the effect of 90-days, never got there myself. But there's only one way to know & you're well down that path. You just got to outwit that part of yourself that reverts to old habits & triggers old desires. Easily said I know !
    Also, just because people don't always reply to your messages, doesn't mean we aren't watching & wishing you well.
    Hang in there. TP
  10. snazzy

    snazzy Fapstronaut

    I keep eliminating instances of pictures from accounts I follow on Instagram as well as certain friends on Snapchat. My drive to eliminate all triggers is an ongoing process. Is it possible to live entirely free of skin free images? Probably not. However, I continue on my journey with a level head right now.

    On a side note, I spoke with my PCP today and asked him if testosterone goes down when I ejaculate. His short answer was No. He said that the Pituitary gland regulates testosterone. Thoughts?

    Also, Playboy is getting rid of nudity with their magazine. A small victory for NoFappers?!?!?
    zero01 likes this.
  11. snazzy

    snazzy Fapstronaut

    Day 18. I've been busy all day long. I have several research papers due this month so I'm working on those. I currently sit in my bed, very content with myself with no urges. I started going to the gym last week and am trying to make it a 3 day a week routine. It's very motivational for me to reprogram myself.
    Since I go to the gym at school, there is plenty of eye candy, however I try my best to keep my eye contact with others above neck level. It is very difficult for me to not check a girl out on campus. I slip up on the eliptical but am reducing my pervy glances as the days go by.

    I want to not objectify women anymore. I am already seeing other women make eye contact with me and smile. This is a wonderful thing and my confidence is peaking more and more everyday.

    Ultimately I want to make love with my gf like we did when we first met. This is my end goal

    zero01 likes this.
  12. snazzy

    snazzy Fapstronaut

    So my gf is a psychologist. She is my world and she makes me a better man. Tonight she is going to come over and we are going to chill. I am going to tell her about the novelty P that used to get me off. My gf has an extensive background in studying P and sexuality. I am a little nervous because I have never told her before, but we have acted out a fantasy of hers in the past. I will keep yall updated on her reaction as well as my current seemingly period of flatlining 2 1/2 weeks in.

    Stay thirsty.....i mean....stay strong my friends.

  13. snazzy

    snazzy Fapstronaut

    Day 22. Another wet dream last night, my 2nd during this 90 day challenge. I want to have sex with my gf but am in the mindset that I must abstain from sexual intercourse as well to reset my brain away from P so I am not thinking about P while having intercourse with her.
  14. snazzy

    snazzy Fapstronaut

    3 1/2 weeks in. I am starting to wonder if I can ever get an erection again. This flatlining thing is kinda weird. I read other nofappers success stories and am inspired to continue my 90 day challenge. I was very tempted to watch p yesterday and even went to the extent of typing in websites even though i know they will be blocked by my add on. Just the act of searching seems like a cheat.

    Rough day in therapy 2 days ago with my gf. We had to face a demon that appeared last year and apparently wont go away. I am directly and indirectly taking steps to thwart it. Part of me wonders if that thought/comment will ever go away. This thought/comment was related to her appearance that is something no guy should say to a woman. Taboo. Another reason for nofap.

    I'm trying really hard to change myself and my way of thinking but am still wondering if this can be done. I don't even think CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) could change my frame of mind.

    I'm just gonna keep on keeping on.

  15. snazzy

    snazzy Fapstronaut

  16. Hey snazzy !
    I'm sure you can kick this habit, given how disciplined you once were, when in the army.
    Stay strong !
  17. Barnabas

    Barnabas Fapstronaut

    Hey, good luck. I would tell you that pornography teaches the mind to expect immediate results. Realize that you have conquered a major aspect of that mindset already by deciding to fight - that decision is nearly unthinkable, and you have made it. The rest will be repetition of saying no as the habit diminishes, and having been in the military, I'm sure you already know about repetition. So enjoy fighting, because fighting itself is winning.

    I invite you to consider that perhaps everything else in your life has gone well in spite of this one problem, and since it didn't sabotage career, school, or finding the right woman, it is one puzzle piece to put in place rather than a whole puzzle. I'm sure you have what it takes to dedicate to a healthy life whatever kind of energy you put into your habit. best of luck to you.
    snazzy likes this.
  18. snazzy

    snazzy Fapstronaut

    So ive Oed with my gf 3 times during the past 3 lovemaking sessions. Success! The Orgasm i had last night was the best i have ever had in recent memory. PMOing is just empty and unfullfilling. The only reason i have PMOed twice since i started fhis journey was because i wanted sex with my gf but she turned me down. Its not her fault though. It was all mine. However i feel like PMOing during that time taught me an important lesson. That doing so really does make you less of a man. Why fantasize and masterbate to women through a screen? This really is the act of having sex with a machine. Opt for human contact! Put down the penis and clean your house!
