Just Relapsed

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Bryce54321, Dec 17, 2015.

  1. Bryce54321

    Bryce54321 Fapstronaut

    I just relapsed after 4 days, I am very disappointed in myself, but i'm not going to give up, This is way harder than I thought, but I know I can beat this, if anyone had any tips, please share them, God Bless!
    getmylifeback91 likes this.
  2. just keep trying, you will get there, it takes time for every one of us. I know its depressing to give in to your habit when you don't want to, but dont worry you will get longer periods when you don't relapse.
    Bryce54321 likes this.
  3. taqwa

    taqwa Fapstronaut

    Head up brother!
    4 Days! Strong work! Keep this in mind: If you were to relapse every other day, you would be fapping 50% less!! You will be successful if you don't give up! Lifelong journey brother. Learn from the relapse and it will not be failure. Journal around the event. Why did it happen? What were you doing minutes before? hours before? days before? How was your diet? Were you exercising? Were you engaged in doing things you enjoy? etc. Dig deep with each relapse. It is an incredible opportunity to learn about yourself and ultimately grow stronger and become the warrior you intend to be.

    You have to read this post full of golden advice to help you on your journey. Stay strong! Win!
  4. getmylifeback91

    getmylifeback91 Fapstronaut

    Yeah the previous posts have made great points on your journey. Dont allow yourself to fail if you can bro! When you feel shitty and want to fap, spend some time thinking about what your fellow brothers are saying to encourage you to stay focused and relentless. You can win on this journey! Don't lose heart!! :)
    Bryce54321 likes this.